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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the Pictureback book, the Step into Reading book or the Philippine DVD.
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“What a boring view! Important engines like me should have a panoramic view, where I can see people and people can see me!”
― Gordon complaining about Kirk Ronan

A Better View for Gordon, shortened to Better View for Gordon on one North American release, is the third episode of the fifth series. In the United States, it aired with Gordon and the Gremlin in an episode of Storytime with Thomas.


One morning, Gordon is feeling grumpy. This ends up making James cross as he is growing tired of such behaviour; thus he asks why the blue express engine complains all the time. Gordon replies that he is a big blue engine that knows everything and shall complain whenever he wants, while James is just a small red engine with ideas above his station. Percy is confused about the "ideas above the station" phrase and says that the sky is empty; James compares it to Percy's smokebox, much to the little green locomotive's dismay. Gordon is still grumpy and also states that one day he will show just what a big engine can really do, and when Percy asks what can a big engine really do, Gordon answers by saying not speaking to little green engines for a start, then he chugs away.

Later, Gordon is ordered by the Fat Controller to pull an empty express train to Kirk Ronan for a dress rehearsal to test the new station building. He is reluctant at first, and asks why can't Henry do it instead since Henry likes idiling in stations, but the Fat Controller does not care; he sternly tells Gordon to do as he is told, so Gordon readily accepts; but while along the way, he begins to feel sick. His fireman tells him that he should go to the Works as his pipes are clogged. Gordon soon arrives at the new station. He is impressed at first, but is disappointed when in front of him stands a blank wall and a huge set of buffers. Gordon remarks the "view" to be very boring and says that important engines should have a panoramic view so that people can see him. He is relieved when it is time for his return journey.

On the return journey, Gordon tries to build up speed, but he breaks down and comes to a complete stop in a siding. His fireman tells him that something inside of him is broken and that he is in dire need of repairs at the Works. When James arrives to collect his coaches, he remarks to Gordon that he was too puffed up in his smokebox and it serves him right.


"Well, Gordon, I knew you wanted a panoramic view, but this is not the way to achieve it!"

When Gordon is repaired a few days later, he is still boasting and claims he is the finest engine on the Island of Sodor, and probably the world. He then leaves for the official opening of Kirk Ronan station with the Fat Controller riding in the cab with his crew. When he approaches the station, however, there is trouble; his crew are unable to apply his brakes due to an unknown jam. His driver reduces steam, but Gordon is still going too fast to stop in the nick of time and, as a result, crashes through the back of the station, completely destroying the wall and suffering damage to his buffers and front undercarriage in the process. His fireman and the Fat Controller are also injured from the impact, receiving a broken arm and black eye respectively. The Fat Controller and Gordon's crew arrive on board a scissor lift. Despite the fact that a mechanical jam caused the crash in the first place, the Fat Controller tells Gordon that he knew he wanted a panoramic view, but that breaking through the wall is the wrong way to achieve it. Gordon understands, and naturally apologises for his predicament.

Upon his second return from the Works, Gordon returns to the station for its second official opening and this time arrives safely. Gordon is delighted to discover the broken wall has been turned into a panoramic window, affectionately named, "Gordon's View". The Fat Controller tells him that it is here to stay, and he trusts that he will always see through it from the safety of his own rails. Gordon heartily agrees.




  • According to the film slates:
    • The close-up shots of the Fat Controller at Tidmouth Sheds were filmed on 15 September 1997.
    • The scenes of Gordon at Kirk Ronan were filmed on 10, 13 and 14 October 1997.
    • The close-up shots of the Fat Controller and the passengers at Kirk Ronan were filmed on 16 October 1997.
    • A deleted close-up shot of Gordon's crew and the Fat Controller lying down on the floor of his cab, as well as the close-up shot of Gordon's driver on his cab at Kirk Ronan were filmed on 17 October 1997.
    • The close-up shot of the guard at Kirk Ronan waving his green flag was filmed on 20 October 1997.
    • The scene of Gordon at Wellsworth was filmed on 20 October 1997.
    • The close-up shots of the Fat Controller and Gordon's crew inside his cab trying to stop him before reaching Kirk Ronan were filmed on 28 and 29 October 1997.
    • The close-up shot of Gordon's fireman on his cab telling Gordon that his pipes were clogged was filmed on 27 November 1997.
    • This episode was originally meant to be the fourteenth episode of the fifth series.
    • In an outtake, when Gordon approaches the new station, his classic shocked face is used.
  • A pre-filmed deleted scene from Thomas and the Rumours is used.
  • Gordon's crash at Kirk Ronan was inspired by the Gare Montparnasse derailment in Paris, France. On 22 October 1895, the Granville-Paris Express ran through the buffer stop, across the station concourse, and crashed through the station wall, landing in the Place de Rennes below. This event was also depicted in the 2007 novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret and its 2011 film adaptation Hugo. The team were inspired by the disaster after David Maidment showed the production team a poster depicting it. A small picture of the real-life incident can be seen in the Thomas & Friends Exhibition at Drayton Manor, located at Bluff's Cove in the waiting room.
  • In the shot of Kirk Ronan before Gordon crashes, a fake wall is used for Gordon to crash through.
  • The barrel that the Fat Controller is standing on when he is talking to Gordon near the beginning is the "Best Quality Diesel Oil" barrel from the fourth series episode, Bowled Out.
  • This episode aired on television in the US exactly one year after airing on television in the UK.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of Gordon's sulky face since the first series episode, Whistles and Sneezes, not counting two deleted scene appearances.
  • The puffing sound when Gordon is about to crash into Kirk Ronan is barely audible in the US and international dubs. Also, the sound when the driver reduces steam is absent in said dubs.
  • This episode marks the first of several things:
    • The first appearance of Kirk Ronan station in the television series, replacing Knapford for the fifth series.
    • The first and only time to have human characters sustain injuries during a locomotive crash, with Gordon's fireman breaking his arm and the Fat Controller getting a black eye. This is also the second episode to have human injuries in a crash, the first being Horrid Lorry.
    • The first appearance of Gordon's unused second series astonished face.
    • The first appearance of Gordon's wincing face.


  • The title card of the Norwegian dub reads "Let's Have a Race by Mike O'Donnell and Junior Campbell."
  • When James is talking to Gordon at the siding, James' dome is scratched.
  • When Gordon passes Wellsworth, the Footbridge is in the wrong place.
  • Throughout the episode, Gordon's buffers are cracked.
  • When Gordon arrives at Kirk Ronan for the first time, studio equipment can be seen in the upper left-hand corner and his brake coach is leaning to its right side.
  • When Gordon was boasting on the turntable, his left buffer is crooked and Duck's eyes were misaligned.
  • When Gordon's crew attempts to apply his brakes, a wire can be seen out the cab window.
  • Just before Gordon crashes into the wall, his tender buffers are crooked.
  • The Hindi dub of this episode credits Michael Angelis as the narrator.
  • In the Czech dub, the line, "He likes idling in stations," is said by the Fat Controller instead of Gordon.
  • In a close-up of James, his whistle is crooked.
  • When James arrives to collect Gordon's coaches, he is leaning to his right side.
  • During the first few scenes of Gordon at the sheds, his bufferbeam has a scratch on it
  • When the crew are trying to put on the brakes and reduce the steam, the fireman has blond hair, and the driver has brown hair. But when they and the Fat Controller come to see Gordon on an elevator, both of them have brown hair. The error also occurs with James' crew in the first series episode, James and the Coaches.
  • The studio is reflected on Gordon's paintwork when he approaches Kirk Ronan for its second official opening.
  • The Korean television airing of this episode featured a glitch, when Gordon arrives at Kirk Ronan, a black screen appeared, the VHS and DVD releases showed the scene with no glitch, however.
  • In the US dub, Alec Baldwin erroneously does not do his impression of Sir Topham Hatt when saying the line "Come on Gordon, we're going to the grand opening of the new station," even though it was meant to be a line spoken by him.
  • During the crash, the time on the clock changes.
  • When the Fat Controller speaks for the first time, the camera shakes.


Narrator: Gordon was feeling grumpy, this was making James cross.
James: Why are you complaining all the time?
Gordon: Because I'm a big blue engine and I know everything. I shall complain whenever I want! You're just a small red engine with ideas above your station!
Percy: I can't see any, where are they?
Gordon: Any what?
Percy: "Ideas above the station", the sky is empty!
James: Like your smoke box, Percy!
Narrator: But Gordon was still grumpy.
Gordon: One day I'll show you just what a big engine can really do!
Percy: So what can a big engine really do?
Gordon: Not speak to silly little green engines for a start.
Narrator: Then, he puffed away.

The Fat Controller: Gordon, you'll be making one stop today with an empty express to test our new station. You can make up time afterwards.
Gordon: Why can't Henry do it? He likes idling at stations.
The Fat Controller: You will do as you are told.
Narrator: So Gordon did. But he was still unhappy, and he grew sick, too.

Gordon: (about his speed) Come on! Come on! I can go faster than this! Sick, me?! Never!

James: (after Gordon breaks down) Well, well, well, so much for knowing about everything! You got too puffed-up in the boiler, so it serves you right!

[after the crash]
Gordon: Help me, please!
[later, his crew and the Fat Controller arrive on a scissor lift]
The Fat Controller: Well, Gordon, I know you wanted a panoramic view, but this is not the way to achieve it.
Gordon: Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.

[last lines]
The Fat Controller: Your panoramic view is here to stay. I trust you will always see through it, from the safety of your own rails.
Narrator: Gordon heartily agreed.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Një Pamje e Mirë për Gordonin
Brazilian Portuguese Uma visão melhor para Gordon
Chinese Mandarin 更清楚地了解高登
Czech Panoráma pro Gordona
Danish En Bedre Udsigt for Gordon
Dutch Een Beter Uitzicht voor Gordon
Finnish Näköala Jorille
French Une Meilleure Vue pour Gordon
German Schöne Aussicht für Gordon
Greek Ο Τζόνι και η πανοραμική θέα
Hungarian Jobb Kilátás Gordonnak
Italian Aria di Guai
Japanese ゴードンのまど
Korean 잘난 척 대장, 고든
Latin American Spanish Mejoras para Gordon
Norwegian Et Bedre Syn for Gordon
Polish Lepszy Widok dla Gordona (TVP3)
Lepszy Widok dla Gabrysia (JimJam)
Romanian O Viziune mai Bună pentru Gordon
Russian Гордону лучше видно
Slovenian Lepši razgled za Gorazda
Swedish Bättre Utsikt för Gordon

Home Video Releases


DVD Boxsets



  • Cranky Bugs and Other Thomas Stories
  • Best of Gordon

DVD Boxsets


DVD Packs


  • Happy Ever After (VHS)








  • Songs and Tales






DVD Boxsets





