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"You may find this hard to believe, Thomas, but I'm actually... a bit scared of animals."
― Ace

Ace's Brave Jump is the tenth episode of the twenty-fourth series.


Thomas is in Australia when he sees Ace jumping over a ramp. But then, Ace spots a kangaroo, and when he lands on the ground, he goes as fast as he can to avoid it. Thomas is surprised but happy to meet Ace again, and Ace feels the same for Thomas.

Ace tells Thomas that he is going to compete in the Super Stunt Rally and has been practicing. The kangaroo comes again, and Ace, while trying to get away from it, scares it away. Ace confides in Thomas that he is scared of animals.

Thomas wants to help Ace in order to help him get a record-breaking jump of 25 double-decker buses, so he invites Ace along with his job in order to help show him that animals are not scary. At first, Ace is nervous, but as he sees more and more animals, he stops being scared of them and grows to like them.

The next day, Thomas is ready to watch Ace do his jump, but he realises that none of the buses have shown up, likely because they were scared of being jumped over. Thomas, Tamika, Shane, Aubrey and Aiden decide to position themselves on the track so that Ace can jump over them, and the Super Stunt Rally is a success.






  • Joseph May as Thomas
  • Shane Jacobson as Shane
  • Rose Robinson as Tamika and the Crowd
  • Genevieve McCarthy as Aubrey
  • Tim Bain as Aiden, an Australian Bus and the Crowd
  • Peter Andre as Ace
  • Rob Rackstraw as the Announcer


  • This episode marks the last with a few things:
    • Shane, Tamika, Aubrey, Aiden and Ace's last appearances, as well as the only time Tamika is seen after her debut, not counting her mentioned appearance in the twenty-third series episode, Laid Back Shane.
    • The last time (as well as the only episode in which) Peter Andre is part of the voice cast.
  • This marks the only with a few things:
  • Thomas quotes Tamika from the twenty-second series episode, Banjo and the Bushfire when he says "Animals need to be protected and respected".
  • This episode was never aired in Germany and South Korea.
  • In the Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Baltic Russian dubs, the UK dub can be heard in the background as a dubbing track was not used.


  • Ace's driver is missing in multiple instances.


Home Media Releases


In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese O Salto Corajoso do Ace
Czech Aceův odvážný skok
Dutch Ace's Stoere Stunt
Estonian Ässa Julge Hüpe
Hebrew הקפיצה האמיצה של אייס
Italian Il Coraggioso Salto di Ace
Japanese エースのだいジャンプ
Latvian Eisa Drosmīgais Iēciens
Lithuanian Drąsus Ac'o šuolis
Polish Wielki Skok Asa
Russian Отважный прыжок Эйса
Spanish El valiente salto de Ace
Turkish Ace'in Cesur Atlayışı

External Links
