Anniversary is a Norwegian VHS/DVD featuring two first series episodes, four second series episodes, eight third series episodes, and four fourth series episodes narrated by Trine Lossius Borg, and a song.
- Granpuff
- Sleeping Beauty
- The Bulldog (Bulldog)
- Four Little Engines
- James and the Express
- Percy Runs Away
- Saved from the Scrapyard (Saved from Scrap)
- Percy Goes Into the Water (Percy Takes the Plunge)
- Edward's Great Exploit (Edward's Exploit)
- Thomas Gets Hooked Off (Thomas Gets Bumped)
- Now There'll be Trouble (Time for Trouble)
- The Twin Engines (The Diseasel)
- Mavis
- Donald's Duck
- Diesel Does it Again
- James and the Bees (Buzz, Buzz)
- Oliver Gets Wiser (Oliver Owns Up)
- The Big Escape (Escape)
- Thomas, We Love You (DVD only)
- The back cover and episode selection menu say that The Diseasel is called "The Twin-Engines" and that Donald's Duck is called "Donald and Duck".
- On the DVD version, the colour contrast are very dark.
- The main menu of the DVD uses an edited image from Edward's Exploit.
- Both the VHS and the DVD have the episodes listed in the wrong order on the back cover. This order is also the one used on the DVD.