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Arlesburgh Harbour is a large harbour in Arlesburgh, which is served by the North Western Railway, via the Little Western.


The line running through the harbour was extended to run up to Harwick. After Thomas discovered a pirate ship in a cavern, the ship was restored and taken to Arlesburgh Harbour, where it would be put on display to the public. Thomas also managed to stop Sailor John from escaping with the treasure here, and when the Harwick Branch Line was officially opened, the engines went through the harbour while the treasure was recovered from the bottom of the sea.



Official Description

From Official Website:[1]

On the west coast of the Island of Sodor lies the seaside town of Arlesburgh West. The town is served by the North Western Railway and the Arlesdale Railway. Arlesburgh West boasts a deep-water harbour complete with a lighthouse. Arlesburgh Harbour is rich with history and discovered treasures, which can be found in the Maritime Museum located there. When Thomas discovered a pirate ship in a cavern, the ship was restored and taken to Arlesburgh Harbour, where it was displayed to the public. The harbour is also home to Skiff's Railboat Tours.

--- Dropped | * 1991-1994 maps only | ** 2014 map only

* David Mitton map only | ** Sam Wilkinson map only