Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

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This is a list of all the Thomas & Friends DVDs and Blu-rays released in Australia. Many of them were also released in New Zealand.

Mainstream Releases

Thomas & Friends

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
Thomas and the Jet Engine Thomas the Jet Engine
Percy's Chocolate Crunch
No Sleep for Cranky
Harvey to the Rescue
A Bad Day for Harold the Helicopter
Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry
Jack Jumps In
A Friend in Need
The World's Strongest Engine
7 April 2003 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's a peep peep and a chuff chuff for all the Thomas the Tank Engine fans with nine exciting all NEW adventures to enjoy!
Twin Trouble Twin Trouble
Salty's Secret
The Fogman
Jack Frost
Scaredy Engines
Percy and the Haunted Mine
Middle Engine
James and the Red Balloon
1 October 2003 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends for eight new fun adventures.
Thomas and the Magic Railroad Thomas and the Magic Railroad 10 March 2004 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC Films
Join Thomas the Tank Engine and meet lots of new friends in this enchanting family adventure movie, Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
Thomas and his friends live on the Island of Sodor, the land of talking trains which has been a realm of magic and innocence, but Diesel 10 and his sidekicks Splatter and Dodge have arrived to cause trouble. Even magical Mr. Conductor, who travels between the train world and human world of Shining Time, is losing his sparkle. Lily, a resourceful young girl meets him on the way to visit her grandfather and along with Thomas and friends, embarks on an adventure to save the Magic Railroad. Thomas reminds them all that "even little engines can do big things".
Combining live action and innovative animation, packed with songs and adventure and whistles and steam, Thomas and the Magic Railroad is a wonderful journey that can be enjoyed by anyone who is young at heart.
The Very Best of Thomas & Friends List of episodes 10 June 2004 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Enjoy this super collection of favourite stories starring Thomas, the friendly tank engine.
All aboard for loads of fun and mischief with Thomas and his friends on the Island of Sodor in this amazing collection of sixteen favourite episodes.
It stars all your favourite characters; Thomas, Gordon, James, The Coaches, Cranky, Percy, Duncan, Diesel, Peter Sam, Toby, Bertie, Duck, Henry and of course The Fat Controller!
Engines to the Rescue Gordon and Spencer
Harold and the Flying Horse
The Grand Opening
It's Only Snow
The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop
Trusty Rusty
Salty's Stormy Tale
Something Fishy
9 September 2004 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas and Friends are back with 8 exciting new episodes never seen before on DVD. Join Thomas, Gordon, Harold, Spencer, Skarloey, Peter Sam, Arthur, Percy and the Fat Controller for more rescue-packed adventures on the Island of Sodor.
All Aboard with the Steam Team Thomas to the Rescue
Henry and the Wishing Tree
♪ Sounds ♪
Thomas and the Tuba
Squeak, Rattle and Roll
Percy's New Whistle
Thomas and the Firework Display
7 April 2005 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas & Friends are back with over 50 minutes of non-stop new stories! Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful Island of Sodor.
New to DVD, All Aboard with the Steam Team, includes superb interactive sections such as 'Listen to the different sounds of the engines' and 'Guess which engines are being described' as well as two fun and interactive sing-along songs.
Peep! Peep! Hurray! Three Cheers for Thomas Thomas Saves the Day
Don't Tell Thomas
♪ Surprises ♪
Spic and Span
Chickens to School
Thomas and the Circus
7 July 2005 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas & Friends are back with over 55 minutes of non-stop new stories and fun on the beautiful island of Sodor. Brand new to DVD, Peep Peep Hurray! includes 7 exciting stories plus interactive sections such as 'Percy Pulls Out Of The Station' and the "Surprises" song to sing along to!
Truckloads of Fun! List of episodes and songs 3 August 2005 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
A BUMPER LENGTH DVD with Thomas and all his friends having truckloads of fun! Come and play and sing along with 13 stories and songs.
Calling All Engines! Calling All Engines! 1 October 2005 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Calling All Engines is Thomas' biggest adventure yet! It's a fantastic, never-seen-on TV, feature-length Special, starring Thomas the Tank Engine, Diesel 10, Emily, James, Toby… and all their friends! When Sir Topham Hatt announces the building of a new airport on Sodor, old rivalries between steam engines and diesels rapidly resurface. A trick by Thomas backfires badly and soon the future of the island and Sir Topham Hatt's railway is in jeopardy. Can Thomas persuade the diesels and steam engines to settle their differences and save their island and their home?
TheCompleteFirstSeriesAustralianDVDcover Series One List of episodes 6 April 2006 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this classic collection of original Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends stories. Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby, and of course The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun-packed classic collection of 26 episodes. Find out how Thomas earns his own branch railway line and how James has trouble with the trucks. You can join them all in over 2 hours of frantic fun and frolics!
SeriesTwoAustralianDVD Series Two List of episodes 6 April 2006 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's full steam ahead for Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends in this classic collection of the whole second series. In this fantastic selection of 26 episodes, the little blue engine manages to create more than his fair share of mischief. He crashes through the wall of the Stationmaster's house, goes missing and manages to be spooked by Percy. Watch out because it's not only Thomas who is up to tricks as we join his friends Donald, Douglas, Henry, Percy, Gordon, James and of course The Fat Controller, in this bumper-sized DVD.
TheCompleteSeriesThreeAustralianDVD Series Three List of episodes 6 July 2006 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard! Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun-packed classic collection.
Series Four List of episodes 7 September 2006 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special edition of Thomas & Friends that brings together all the episodes from series four. Join Thomas and his friends Percy, Toby, Rusty, Duncan, Duke, Peter Sam, Stepney and of course The Fat Controller for more fun and mischief on the Island of Sodor. Find out how Duke won the name Granpuff and how Sir Handel gets in trouble with The Fat Controller. Watch what happens when the circus comes to town and leaves behind a very big, but unexpected surprise. You can also get excited with the engines when The Queen comes to visit.
26 classic episodes not to be missed!
SeriesFiveAustralianDVD Series Five List of episodes 7 September 2006 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special edition classic collection of Thomas & Friends stories. Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun packed classic collection.
26 classic episodes not to be missed!
HappyHolidaysAustralianDVD Happy Holidays Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday
Make Someone Happy
Stepney Gets Lost
Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach
Oliver's Find
Busy Going Backwards
5 October 2006 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's a peep peep and a chuff chuff for all the Thomas the Tank Engine fans out there with 6 more adventures with Thomas and his friends plus 3 special holiday songs for you to learn!
RustySavestheDay(AustralianDVD) Rusty Saves the Day Jack Jumps In
It's Only Snow
Gordon Takes a Tumble
Buffer Bother
Toby Had a Little Lamb
Thomas, Percy and the Squeak
Edward the Very Useful Engine
Dunkin Duncan
Rusty Saves the Day
Faulty Whistles
Emily's New Coaches
Percy Gets it Right
7 March 2007 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
LittleEngines,BigDaysOutAustralianDVD Little Engines Big Days Out Thomas and the Birthday Picnic
Flour Power
The Magic Lamp
♪ Every Day's a Special Day on Sodor ♪
Keeping Up with James
Tuneful Toots
Thomas Tries His Best
1 August 2007 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's a fun day out with Thomas & Friends. With over 50 minutes of brand new stories from famous Sodor sights.
Thomas'TrustyFriendsAustralianDVDcover Thomas' Trusty Friends A Tale for Thomas
Thomas and the Moles
Kelly's Windy Day
Percy Helps Out
The Tortoise and the Hare
Thomas' Trusty Friends
On Site with Thomas
Alfie Has Kittens
A Happy Day for Percy
A Visit from Thomas
Mud, Glorious Mud
3 October 2007 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Meet Thomas and his trusty NEW friends at the Sodor Construction Company for lots of action packed new adventures! Join Jack the Digger, Alfie the Excavator, Kelly the Crane and loads of other great new characters as they work hard and play hard under the watchful eye of Miss Jenny who’s always there to make sure her machines do a job “spot on”!
TogetherontheTracksAustralianDVDcover Together on the Tracks Molly's Special Special
Respect for Gordon
Emily Knows Best
♪ Buffer Up and Share ♪
Saving Edward
Rheneas and the Dinosaur
Thomas and the Golden Eagle
6 February 2008 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas & Friends return with six brand new adventures which feature everyone's favourite engines as they go about their work on the Island of Sodor.
The Great Discovery The Great Discovery 6 November 2008 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas puffs into new and uncharted territory in his biggest adventure yet!
When Thomas discovers the long-lost town of Great Waterton, The Fat Controller declares that the newly discovered town will be restored to mark Sodor Day.
New engine Stanley arrives to help with the restoration. Being a stronger and bigger engine, Thomas feels his position as Sodor's Number 1 is under threat and plays a trick on him. When the plan backfires, Thomas finds himself lost and alone with the whole island hunting for him.
With a mine shaft, a raging river and a giant leap over a mountain gorge to overcome, will Thomas be found and make it back to restore Great Waterton in time for Sodor Day?
Find out in Thomas & Friends: The Great Discovery!
TheCompleteSixthSeriesAustralianDVDcover Series Six List of episodes 2 January 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special edition of the Complete 6th Series of Thomas & Friends™. Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun packed classic collection.
Carnival Capers Thomas and the Jet Plane
Percy and the Funfair
Thomas' Tricky Tree
Toby's Afternoon Off
Emily and the Special Coaches
Seeing the Sights
Thomas and the Shooting Star
2 April 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas and Friends as a carnival comes to the Island of Sodor! Also, meet new friends, Rocky and Rosie, and follow them as they explore their new surroundings and learn to work as a team with the other engines.
TheCompleteSeriesSevenAustralianDVD Series Seven List of episodes 4 June 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special edition of the Complete 7th Series of Thomas & Friends™. Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun packed classic collection.
26 classic episodes not to be missed!
Series Eight List of episodes 4 June 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special edition of the Complete 8th Series of Thomas & Friends™. Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun packed classic collection.
26 classic episodes not to be missed!
TheBestofThomasandFriends-Volume1 The Best of Thomas & Friends Volume 1 List of episodes 30 July 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for trainloads of fun with 26 of your favourite Thomas & Friends episodes.
Join Thomas and his friends as they take you on adventures with ghost stories, dragon encounters, train rescues and a lot of mischievous engine behaviour!
The Best of Thomas & Friends stars all your favourite characters including Thomas, Gordon, James, Edward, Bertie, Percy, Diesel, Duck, Duke, Stepney, Harold the Helicopter and of course The Fat Controller!
MyFirstThomaswithThomas My First Thomas with Thomas Thomas and Gordon
Thomas' Train
Thomas and the Guard
Thomas Goes Fishing
Thomas, Terence and the Snow
Thomas and Bertie
Bertie's Chase
Thomas Comes to Breakfast
3 September 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on one key character from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
MyFirstThomaswithPercy My First Thomas with Percy Trouble in the Shed
Percy Runs Away
Percy and the Signal
Percy and Harold
Woolly Bear
Percy's Promise
Thomas, Percy and the Dragon
Put Upon Percy
3 September 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on one key character from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
MyFirstThomaswithJames My First Thomas with James Thomas and the Breakdown Train
James and the Coaches
Troublesome Trucks
James and the Express
Tenders and Turntables
Old Iron
Buzz, Buzz
James and the Red Balloon
3 September 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on one key character from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
HerooftheRailsAustralianDVD Hero of the Rails Hero of the Rails 1 October 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
See and Hear Thomas and His Friends Brought to Life Like Never Before!
In a daring race with the boastful Spencer, Thomas discovers an abandoned engine called Hiro who comes from a far off place. Fearing he'll be scrapped, Thomas enlists his trusty friends to help rescue him. But will sneaky Spencer foil their plans?
Jump on board for adventure and excitement in Thomas' greatest adventure yet 'Hero of the Rails!'
EnginesandEscapadesAustralianDVD Engines and Escapades Duncan Does It All
Sir Handel in Charge
Cool Truckings
♪ The Narrow Gauge Engines ♪
Skarloey Storms Through
Wash Behind Your Buffers
7 January 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Six brand new Thomas & Friends episodes never seen on TV before!
Enter the exciting world of the narrow gauge railway and travel high up to the hills of Sodor where the intrepid little narrow gauge engines have many amazing adventures in some exhilarating and epic environments!
The narrow gauge engines include such favourites as the wise Sir Handel, the brash and boisterous Duncan and the mischief-making & fun-loving duo Rheneas and Skarloey.
Series Nine List of episodes 4 March 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special edition of the Complete 9th Series of Thomas & Friends™. Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun packed classic collection.
TheBestofThomasandFriends-Volume2 The Best of Thomas & Friends Volume 2 List of episodes 1 April 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
With 13 of your favourite Thomas & Friends episodes - the best from Series 8-11, you're right on track for loads of fun!
It's full steam ahead with Thomas and his friends as they have fun adventures, learn excellent lessons and get themselves out of some tricky situations!
All of your best-loved characters are along for the ride including Thomas, Percy, Henry, James, Skarloey, Annie, Gordon, Jeremy the Jet Plane, Clarabel and The Fat Controller.
Series Ten List of episodes 3 June 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Everything is chugging along nicely in this special edition of the Complete 10th Series of Thomas & Friends™. Step aboard and have fun with all your well-loved friends from the beautiful Island of Sodor; Thomas, Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller.
28 classic episodes not to be missed!
HeaveHo!Australiancover Heave Ho! Thomas and the Billboard
Steady Eddie
Rosie's Funfair Special
Mountain Marvel
Henry Gets it Wrong
Heave Ho Thomas!
Toby's Special Surprise
1 July 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Wrong directions, bumpy lines, trucks coming loose, storytelling and more in these action packed stories. Come along for the ride and join Thomas and all of his friends as they heave their loads and work together to make sure everything gets delivered on time!
Watch this and other Thomas & Friends episodes on this great DVD!
MyFirstThomaswithHenryandGordon My First Thomas with Henry and Gordon The Sad Story of Henry
Edward, Gordon and Henry
Off the Rails
Gordon and the Famous Visitor
Henry's Forest
Henry and the Elephant
A Better View for Gordon
Gordon and Spencer
5 August 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on key characters from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
MyFirstThomaswithTobyandEdward My First Thomas with Toby and Edward Edward and Gordon
Toby and the Stout Gentleman
Thomas in Trouble
Saved from Scrap
Edward's Exploit
Toby's Tightrope
Toby Had a Little Lamb
Edward the Very Useful Engine
5 August 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on key characters from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
MyFirstThomaswithBertieandHarold My First Thomas with Bertie and Harold The Runaway
Better Late than Never
Thomas Gets Bumped
Thomas, Percy and the Post Train
Trust Thomas
Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party
A Bad Day for Harold the Helicopter
Harold and the Flying Horse
5 August 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on key characters from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
Misty Island Rescue Misty Island Rescue 7 October 2010 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The engines are hard at work to build the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre. When Thomas helps a friend in need, he is rewarded with an exciting trip to the Mainland. Along the way, he gets lost at sea and finds himself on the mysterious Misty Island where he meets friends Bash, Dash and Ferdinand. Together they will try to help Thomas find his way home. Will Sir Topham Hatt's search party ever find Thomas? Find out in this action-packed movie adventure the whole family will enjoy!
SongsFromSodorAustralianDVD Songs from Sodor List of songs 6 January 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas and his friends for Karaoke fun in this collection of fantastic songs from Sodor.
Sing along to 18 of your favourite Thomas tracks and enjoy the special bonus Roll Call Rap!
MyFirstThomaswithTheTwinEngines My First Thomas with the Twin Engines Break Van
The Deputation
The Diseasel
Donald's Duck
One Good Turn
Buffer Bother
Bad Day at Castle Loch
3 February 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on key characters from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
MyFirstThomaswithDiesel My First Thomas with Diesel Pop Goes the Diesel
Dirty Work
Diesel Does It Again
The World's Strongest Engine
Thomas to the Rescue
Bold and Brave
Flour Power
Emily and the Special Coaches
3 February 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on key characters from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
MyFirstThomaswithTheFatController My First Thomas with the Fat Controller James and the Coaches
Trouble in the Shed
Toby and the Stout Gentleman
A Better View for Gordon
Lady Hatt's Birthday Party
Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday
Thomas and the Birthday Picnic
The Green Controller
3 February 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on key characters from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
ThePartySurprise(DVD) The Party Surprise The Party Surprise
Excellent Emily
Saved You!
Duncan and the Hot Air Balloon
James Works it Out
Tram Trouble
Don't Go Back
3 March 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas and his friends in these 6 great adventures in all new animation. Poor Colin the Crane can’t attend Mr. Percival’s winter party, so Freddie decides to bring the party to Colin instead.
In other adventures, Diesel challenges Thomas to a race, James gets into trouble when he ignores some good advice, and Thomas is worried for Toby when a new tram comes to Sodor.
Series Eleven List of episodes 2 June 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Everything is puffing along nicely in this special edition of the Complete 11th Series of Thomas & Friends™. Step aboard and have fun with all your well-loved friends, as well as a few new ones, on the beautiful Island of Sodor.
Splish,Splash,Splosh!(AustralianDVD) Splish, Splash, Splosh! Splish Splash Splosh
Slippy Sodor
Snow Tracks
Play Time
Toby's New Whistle
The Biggest Present of All
30 June 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Even when it is wet outside you can still have plenty of fun, especially when you share your adventures with Thomas and his friends! Grab your gumboots and join the team as they prepare for rainy-day visits soapy spills, and then get unstuck from a snowy situation in this collection of stories from the Island of Sodor.
Day of the Diesels Day of the Diesels 1 September 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The Steamies and Diesels face off in this action-packed movie adventure! There's a fire on Sodor and two new firefighting engines - Flynn and Belle - arrive to help Thomas and Percy save the day! When Thomas starts spending all his time with Sodor's newest heroes, Percy is drawn to the Dieselworks, where he is made to feel special by the master of mischief himself, Diesel 10! But Percy doesn't know he is part of Diesel 10's master plan to take over the Steamworks. The Steam Team rallies for sure-fire excitement in this unforgettable movie from Thomas and Friends™!
MerryWinterWishAustralianDVD Merry Winter Wish Merry Winter Wish
Thomas and the Snowman Party
Henry's Magic Box
Merry Misty Island
The Early Bird
Steamy Sodor
3 November 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas has a special delivery for the season - the Star of Knapford, a festive light that makes wishes come true! Celebrate the holiday season with Thomas - from building snowmen, preparing holiday surprises, and celebrating a Misty Island Christmas party. The more friends the merrier, so join the fun and see that winter wishes do come true with Thomas & Friends™!
TheLionofSodorAustralianDVD The Lion of Sodor The Lion of Sodor
Thomas and the Pigs
Time for a Story
Hiro Helps Out
Thomas and the Runaway Kite
Buzzy Bees
5 January 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas as he roars down the tracks with his most special delivery yet, The Lion of Sodor. Thomas thinks that it is a real lion and when the other trains try to tell him that it is actually a statue, he is too excited to listen. Hop on board with Thomas as he learns the importance of listening to others in this lionhearted collection of tales from the tracks.
The Complete Series 12 List of episodes 1 March 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
See Thomas and his friends return in Series 12 with all new animated effects. Now for the first time ever all 20 episodes of these thrilling railway adventures are available on one DVD!
Join Thomas and his friends for carnivals, surprise parties, heroes and hot air balloons. Thomas learns that no special job is more important than friendship and there are 'Peeps' and whistles a plenty!
Wobbly Wheels and Whistles Toby and the Whistling Woods
Victor Says Yes
Jumping Jobi Wood!
Thomas and Scruff
Creaky Cranky
Tickled Pink
21 June 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Come along with Thomas for a wonderfully wobbly and wheel-spinning good time! Your favorite friend has bridges to cross and tracks to uncover in these exciting adventures. When Victor gets overloaded with too many tasks, can Thomas help him let out steam? While trying to get Scruff as clean as a whistle, will Thomas have to get his own wheels dirty? Just when things seem to be rolling along, will Ol' Wheezy make a wobbly mess of Thomas' special delivery? Hold on for exciting surprises waiting to be delivered just for you!
BlueMountainMysteryAustralianDVD Blue Mountain Mystery Blue Mountain Mystery 19 September 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
When trouble strikes at the Blue Mountain Quarry, Thomas is sent to help his narrow gauge engine friends. While shunting and hauling, he discovers a little green engine hiding in the tunnels. Thomas is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery but discovering the truth is harder than he imagined! Will Thomas be able to help his new friend? Or will the little engine be sent away from Sodor forever? Find out in Thomas' greatest adventure yet!
Curious Cargo Thomas' Tall Friend
Pop Goes Thomas
Pingy Pongy Pick Up
Toby and Bash
Percy's New Friends
Big Belle
7 November 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for a wild ride ...on the Island of Sodor as Thomas and his engine friends deliver some curious cargo - from giraffes and cows to birds and bunnies and more!
Thomas meets a tall challenge while taking a giraffe to the animal park, Percy learns to be gentle with the animals of Sodor, and Belle and Toby discover the importance of listening to others.
GoGoThomas!AustralianDVD Go Go Thomas! Race to the Rescue
Express Coming Through
Flash Bang Wallop!
Welcome Stafford
Kevin the Steamie
Wonky Whistle
6 March 2013 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas and his friends are charged up and ready to Go, Go!
Thomas shows Gordon that being quick is as useful as being strong, while Flynn the fire engine learns to put his pride aside and race to the rescue. Thomas causes some trouble on the tracks, trying to be a model engine for a new photographer, while Spencer's on the move, ignoring warnings about electric engine Stafford's battery.
Rescue on the Rails Edward the Hero
James to the Rescue
Stop that Bus!
Fiery Flynn
Emily and Dash
Up, Up and Away!
19 June 2013 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Ready to Rescue! The Sodor Search and Rescue Team is racing to the rescue -- Bertie's stuck on Shake Shake Bridge, Gordon's derailed, and Thomas' firebox is on fire! In these exciting episodes, your favorite engines brave the rails to rescue their friends. Discover that being heroic is more than having speed and strength; it's about teamwork and a big heart – which puts every Really Useful Engine on the right track.
KingoftheRailwayAustralianDVD King of the Railway King of the Railway 2 October 2013 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas and Friends™ as they embark on a legendary movie adventure! The steam team's quest begins when a special guest arrives on Sodor with a big surprise and important jobs for Thomas, Percy and James. The engines meet new friends and discover suits of armor; coats of arms and legends of long-ago heroes. Then their bravery is put to the test when their new friend Stephen goes missing. Will Thomas find him in time? Will the engines discover the truth about the Island of Sodor's biggest mystery? It's a crusade of knightly proportions for Thomas & Friends in this epic movie!
StickySituations(AustralianDVD) Sticky Situations Stuck on You
Spencer the Grand
Gordon and Ferdinand
Charlie and Eddie
Henry's Health and Safety
Diesel's Special Delivery
4 December 2013 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Uh oh… The engines on the Island of Sodor sometimes find themselves in some sticky situations! Thomas and Butch find themselves stuck when they don't listen to directions. Spencer gets lost in the fog but learns he can actually be 'Spencer the Helpful'. Gordon must swallow his pride after dropping the Lion of Sodor in the mucky, muddy river, and Edward shows Charlie there is a time to be Really Fun, and a time to be Really Useful! All aboard for fun-filled tales as friends help each other through all kinds of sticky situations!
Spills and Thrills The Smelly Kipper
The Afternoon Tea Express
Away From the Sea
No More Mr. Nice Engine
Gone Fishing
Jitters and Japes
5 March 2014 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The Island of Sodor is always bustling with activity, yet when the engines try to be "Really Useful" they often find themselves in some messy muddles!
James tries to prove he's not afraid of the dark, or too vain to haul smelly fish, but when he pulls the nighttime Kipper Express he gets more than he bargained for!
Stephen's need for speed, and Salty's need to impress sends them both into some sticky, slippery situations. Hiro shows Diesel that nice engines do finish first and Sir Topham Hatt shows you can't cry over spilled milk... twice!
It's full steam ahead for Spills & Thrills on Sodor!
Thomas in Charge! A Blooming Mess
Henry's Good Deeds
Thomas in Charge
O the Indignity
Double Trouble
Percy's Parcel
11 June 2014 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas is back in exciting engine-packed adventures! Thomas and his friends are preparing for the Railway Inspector's visit to Knapford Station. But when the coal trucks crash, covering Gordon in soot, can Thomas take charge and help straighten out the mess? Find out as Thomas charges full steam ahead into fun!
Tale of the Brave Tale of the Brave 1 October 2014 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC DVD
Thomas and his friends face their fears in their boldest adventure yet!
After a monstrous storm on the Island of Sodor, a landslide unearths some very unusual footprints.
Thomas and Percy are eager to find out what could have made these marks, but obstacles and danger seem to appear around every bend in the track. With the help of new friends, some digging, and a heap of courage, they discover the surprising answer and, along the way, uncover the true meaning of bravery.
Join Thomas & Friends™ in this exciting and inspiring movie adventure.
Santa'sLittleEngine(AUSDVD) Santa's Little Engine Santa's Little Engine
No Snow for Thomas
The Frozen Turntable
The Missing Christmas Decorations
Too Many Fire Engines
Henry's Hero
The Phantom Express
19 November 2014 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Ho Ho Ho! Thomas is full steam ahead as a Really Useful Reindeer, saving the day by guiding Santa's sleigh straight to the Sodor Christmas celebration! When snowfall transforms the Island of Sodor into a winter wonderland, Thomas discovers that being safe is the best route to Christmas fun. Percy makes everyone's Christmas wishes come true and Gordon discovers his friends' special skills are the gifts that keep on giving, all year long! Thomas delivers the true spirit of Christmas as Santa's Little Engine!
Dinos and Discoveries Marion and the Dinosaurs
Millie and the Volcano
Timothy and the Rainbow Truck
Samson at Your Service
Emily Saves the World
Samson Sent for Scrap
4 March 2015 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for a roaring good time with Thomas and his friends! The engines are filled with wonder at the fantastical new sights and sounds on Sodor. Volcanoes sizzle and dinosaurs roar as the engines help the Earl with a special surprise. Marion experiences some dino daydreams, as Bill and Ben send Timothy on an expedition for a rainbow-coloured truck. Samson discovers his slip-ups cause confusion and delay, while Emily marvels at her giant and worldly Special. It's time for big adventure and dino-sized fun with Thomas & Friends™!
Trouble on the Tracks Thomas the Quarry Engine
Not So Slow Coaches
Flatbeds of Fear
Disappearing Diesels
Toad's Adventure
Duck and the Slip Coaches
Missing Gator
3 June 2015 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Cinders and ashes... there's trouble on the tracks for Thomas and his friends! The Troublesome Trucks delight in causing chaos for Thomas, as Annie, Clarabel and Toad encounter unexpected high-speed adventures. James runs into trouble with some slip coaches and Percy ends up in an old mine. All aboard for fun and exciting escapades with Thomas & Friends™!
Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure 23 September 2015 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Shiver me timbers! Surprises await Thomas and his friends as they dig up their most daring adventure yet.
Unearthing an old pirate ship, Thomas is on the hunt for Sodor's lost treasure. When Thomas rocks the boat with some new friends, trouble soon rushes in.
Will Thomas track down the treasure in time or will Sailor John set sail with it? Join Thomas & Friends™ in this explosive movie adventure!
TheAdventureBeginsAUSDVDCover The Adventure Begins The Adventure Begins
Old Reliable Edward
4 November 2015 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for Thomas' very first adventure! Based on the first two books of the Reverend W Awdry's classic railway series, The Adventure Begins tells the story of Thomas' arrival on the Island of Sodor. Escapades abound as Thomas explores his new home and meets some Really Useful new friends. Finding the true meaning of hard work and friendship, Thomas transforms into the Number 1 engine!
Start Your Engines! Two Wheels Good
Reds vs. Blues
Slow Stephen
The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead
Best Engine Ever
Philip to the Rescue
2 March 2016 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The clock is ticking for Thomas, Bertie and Spencer to get to the castle on time. As Philip shows Gordon how fast he can go, slow Stephen proves he can save the day. Race down the tracks with Thomas and his friends!
Railway Mischief Gordon Runs Dry
Kevin's Cranky Friend
Scruff's Makeover
Wayward Winston
Steamie Stafford
Not Now, Charlie!
Bill or Ben?
1 June 2016 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
There's trouble on the tracks for Thomas and his friends. Gordon and Cranky don't want to listen to Really Useful advice. Scruff, Winston and Stafford lose track of themselves, causing confusion and delay. Bill, or is it Ben, plays a trick on the speedy Connor and no one believes cheeky Charlie when he sees an elephant on the tracks! Sometimes engines need a little help from their friends to chuff and puff Full Steam Ahead!
TheGreatRaceAUSDVDCover The Great Race The Great Race 7 September 2016 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Get ready, get set, GO! When the best engines from around the world gather to compete in The Great Railway Show, Thomas is determined to find a way to represent Sodor. But he's left disappointed as Gordon is chosen to be the new "Shooting Star" for The Great Race. With Gordon and the other engines making the journey to compete, something suddenly goes terribly wrong... and Gordon is in danger! Will Thomas get to the mainland in time to help him and save the day? Join Thomas and his new international friends in this high-speed musical adventure where friendship always wins!
TheChristmasEnginesAUSDVDCover The Christmas Engines Last Train for Christmas
Long Lost Friend
Duncan the Humbug
Duck in the Water
The Perfect Gift
2 November 2016 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas and his friends are in holly, jolly Christmas spirits, ready to be Santa's engine helpers!
Percy brings holiday fun to Reg at the scrapyard, while Duncan tries to overcome his bah humbug attitude. Thomas clears the snowy tracks so Connor can race passengers home in time for Christmas. James causes confusion and delay helping Duck get unstuck, as an old friend returns to Sodor bringing Percy the perfect gift.
Signals Crossed Signals Crossed
Marion and the Pipe
Duncan and the Grumpy Passenger
No Steam Without Coal
Thomas and the Emergency Cable
Spencer's VIP
Toad's Bright Idea
1 February 2017 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Rumbling Rails! Thomas & Friends™ deliver mix-ups and mischief as signals get crossed on the Island of Sodor. Thomas digs Marion out of a deep hole, while Timothy helps Bill and Ben with coal trouble, and Duncan blows steam dealing with a grumpy passenger. Join Thomas and his friends as they send out signals for fun and adventure!
Whale of a Tale and Other Sodor Adventures Toad and the Whale
Who's Geoffrey?
The Truth About Toby
Lost Property
Henry Spots Trouble
Salty All at Sea
7 June 2017 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas and his friends have tall tales to tell. A rumour about Toby spreads across the island, as Henry believes he has the chickenpox. Thomas blames his blunders on an imaginary engine, and when Toad spots a stranded whale it really is a whale of a tale!
JourneyBeyondSodor(AUSDVD) Journey Beyond Sodor Journey Beyond Sodor 4 October 2017 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Determined to prove his importance on Sodor, Thomas takes James' trucks and sets off on a big adventure to the Mainland. On the way he makes friends with the cheerful and helpful "Experimental Engines," but, after a wrong turn, finds himself lost in the steelworks. There, Thomas encounters two mysterious engines who instantly make him feel welcome, but who aren't what they first seem...
After Thomas fails to return, James sets off to the Mainland, but runs into trouble himself, and so it is up to Thomas and the Experimental Engines to save the day.
Join Thomas in a tale of daring escapes, heroic rescues and discovery that true friendship comes in all shapes and sizes!
Thomas'Christmas CarolAustralianDVD Thomas' Christmas Carol Diesel's Ghostly Christmas, Part 1
Diesel's Ghostly Christmas, Part 2
Snow Place Like Home
A Cranky Christmas
The Beast of Sodor
Letters to Santa
The Railcar and the Coaches
Love Me Tender
1 November 2017 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's a winter wonderland on Sodor! Diesel gets a visit from some 'ghostly' Christmas engines, while Kevin enjoys playing in the snow until he's snowed under.
Thomas and Cranky drop an important Christmas package and Henry faces off against an abominable snowman.
Dash through the snow with Thomas and his friends as they deliver a jolly good time!
Extraordinary Engines Engine of the Future
Henry in the Dark
The Missing Breakdown Train
Hugo and the Airship
Three Steam Engines Gruff
Skiff and the Mermaid
7 March 2018 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Excitement spreads across Sodor with the arrival of a new and unusual engine. Worrying they’ll be replaced by the fast and modern Hugo; the engines fail to be good friends by not making him feel welcome. When they stop to listen, they realise that Hugo is a very special engine who truly belongs on the rails. Discover the wonders of dreaming big and join Thomas & Friends™ in 6 unique adventures!
TeamUpWithThomasAUSDVD Team Up with Thomas Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks
Mucking About
Blown Away
Ryan and Daisy
Pouty James
The Way She Does It
Useful Railway
Mike's Whistle
6 June 2018 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's the hottest day of the year on Sodor and the blistering heat is causing the tracks to buckle and bend. Flynn and Belle Team Up to put out a fire caused by a glass bottle and Thomas has an idea to stop the tracks buckling. Meanwhile, James' passengers prove that no one likes a show off, strong-willed Daisy becomes star of the show and Connor slows right down. Danger blows in for Skiff during a terrible storm, the Miniature Engines get their chance to prove how "woolly" useful they are and, at the building site, there's much mucking about with Max and Monty!
BigWorld!BigAdventures!(AUSDVD) Big World! Big Adventures! Big World! Big Adventures! 5 September 2018 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
When a mischievous little racing car called Ace passes through Sodor on his way around the world, Thomas is inspired to embark on his own ambitious trip. Traveling full steam ahead across five continents, Thomas discovers magnificent new sights and experiences exciting places and cultures. Along the way, he makes friends with an inspiring and fun Kenyan engine called Nia. With so much for Thomas to learn about the world, will Nia be successful in teaching him a lesson about the true meaning of friendship? Featuring a world of wonder, curiosity and amazing animal friends, join Thomas on an epic adventure, fulfilling his dream of seeing the world!
ChristmasonSodor(AUSDVD) Christmas on Sodor Terence Breaks the Ice
Daisy's Perfect Christmas
Confused Coaches
Emily in the Middle
The Big Freeze
Cautious Connor
All in Vain
Tit for Tat
31 October 2018 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Enjoy a true-blue Christmas with Thomas & Friends™! Terence takes a shortcut across a frozen lake while collecting trees for the Christmas market. Disaster strikes as the ice begins to crack, leaving Terence nervously waiting to be rescued! Meanwhile, Daisy is sad when Christmas doesn't go as planned, and Spencer and Gordon upset their passengers when their competitive behaviour gets out of hand. Poor Emily gets stuck in the middle while helping bickering brothers Donald and Douglas, and when a big freeze hits Sodor, Diesel finally proves himself to be a hero. Warm up this Christmas with Thomas and his friends!
HereComestheSteamTeam!(AUSDVD) Here Comes the Steam Team Confusion Without Delay
What Rebecca Does
Number One Engine
Trusty Trunky
Forever and Ever
Outback Thomas
The Case of the Puzzling Parts
Runaway Truck
Kangaroo Christmas
27 March 2019 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas and the new steam team as they embark on ALL-NEW adventures! Rebecca is the newest rookie on the rails, learning that you don't need to be the strongest or the fastest to be the most useful! Thomas is in China racing Hong-Mei in a bid to become the No.1 Engine, whilst Special Agent Sidney sets out to solve "The Case of the Puzzling Parts". Thomas' tales get him lost in the outback, before he learns that elephants in India really can shunt trucks! With all the changes, Gordon is feeling a little blue. Luckily his new friend Nia is there to show him that not all change is bad.
MonkeyTrouble!(AUSDVD) Monkey Trouble! Thomas and the Monkey Palace
School of Duck
Seeing is Believing
Cyclone Thomas
Banjo and the Bushfire
Rosie is Red
Apology Impossible
Samson and the Fireworks
Thomas' Animal Ark
19 June 2019 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Things go a little coco-NUTS when Thomas’ truck invites the attention of some troublesome monkeys! Courage saves the day when Thomas helps in a cyclone, before rescuing koalas from a bushfire, and Samson overcomes his fear of fireworks. Meanwhile, Duck discovers that Dexter isn’t just rusty… he’s Really Useful, and Rosie is left feeling a little red. Percy is sent on a wild goose chase looking for an invisible engine and Philip proves that you don’t need to be big to be mighty!
Digs&DiscoveriesAUSDVDCover Digs and Discoveries All Tracks Lead to Rome
Mines of Mystery
Lorenzo's Solo
Too Loud, Thomas!
First Day on Sodor!
Deep Trouble
Out of Site
30 October 2019 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Thomas travels to Italy, where he's introduced to the country's rich, ancient history. While working on the Italian railway, Thomas meets Stefano the Super Cruiser and runs into his old friend Gina, just in time for her to come to his rescue after his curiosity leads to trouble. Determined to make an amazing discovery, Thomas finds himself lost down an old mine where he uncovers the legendary Lost Engine, Lorenzo! Inspired by Lorenzo's opera singing, Thomas tries to make glorious music too but loses his voice just when he has a very important message to deliver! Join Thomas and his friends for a grande Italian adventure!
SteamTeamtotheRescue(AUSDVD) Steam Team to the Rescue Steam Team to the Rescue
Free the Roads
Chucklesome Trucks
Gordon Gets the Giggles
Thomas Makes a Mistake
Laid Back Shane
Wish You Were Here
11 March 2020 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas and The Steam Team in an all-new extended adventure! After a series of mishaps puts the diesel engines out of action, the steam engines have to work doubly hard to avoid confusion and delay! Whilst at Brendam Docks, Thomas sees an overwhelmed Percy struggling to keep up with his workload. When Thomas witnesses his best friend have yet another accident, he turns from helper to determined hero. Encouraging all the tired engines to pull together, Thomas rallies the Steam Team together to help Percy and save the day - Steam Team to the Rescue!
TheRoyalEngine(AUSDVD) The Royal Engine Thomas and the Royal Engine
Heart of Gold
Crowning Around
Diesel Glows Away
Emily to the Rescue
10 June 2020 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The Queen has invited The Fat Controller to London to receive an award and Thomas is selected to take him there! But Thomas has never been to London before and, with no knowledge of how to get there, their journey is soon filled with confusion and delay. During the journey, Thomas befriends a very important looking engine, who has broken down just outside of London. Despite being pressed for time, Thomas helps her to the station. But little does he know just how important she is!
AColourfulWorld(AUSDVD) A Colourful World An Engine of Many Colours
Tiger Trouble
The Water Wheel
Thomas Goes to Bollywood
Counting on Nia
Thomas and the Dragon
Hunt the Truck
Thomas in the Wild
4 November 2020 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Get ready for a colourful adventure! Whilst waiting to be repainted, James' imagination gets him in a multi-coloured muddle. Bill and Ben are up to mischief again and Nia’s friends teach her something new. Thomas’ travels continue to India where he encounters some tiger trouble and his bravery wins him a part in a Bollywood movie! In China, Thomas is excited to see giant pandas, learns that dragons aren't scary… but spectacular and lands himself in a little bamboo bother! Join Thomas on his travels as he learns that it really is A Colourful World.
TheSuperEngine(AUSDVD) The Super Engine James the Super Engine
Shankar's Makeover
Ace's Brave Jump
Thomas and the Inventor's Workshop
The Inventor's Spectacular Bridge
Nia's Bright Idea
Cleo's First Snow
7 April 2021 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
When Rebecca tells James, he could be a comic-book super-engine, he takes her seriously, and Rail Rocket is born! Thomas helps Ace to overcome his fear of animals and joins Shankar for a fancy dress contest. Meanwhile, Ruth turns an old windmill into an energy-efficient workshop and invents a walking bridge! Cleo's on a mission to save the snow, and Nia's bright idea guides Harold through a storm.
AnimalAdventures(AUSDVD) Animal Adventures Thomas' Animal Friends
Emily's Best Friend
Thomas' Fuzzy Friend
The Great Little Railway Show
Nia and the Unfriendly Elephant
Thomas' Not-So-Lucky Day
Yong Bao and the Tiger
Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through!
Cleo the Road Engine
3 November 2021 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
When Thomas is asked to help at the animal park, he soon realises there's more to the job than he first thought. Nia welcomes an unfriendly elephant to Sodor, and Thomas tries to get back on track after a run of bad luck. Yong Bao tells Thomas how he came to have his magnificent tiger emblem, and Percy sees his chance to shine at the little engines' Railway Show. Rebecca tries to be more like Gordon, but it doesn't go well for Gordon! Cleo takes to the rails to race Thomas but discovers why she's designed to stick to the roads. And, when other engines help Emily out of a tricky situation, she remembers just how lucky she is to be surrounded by best friends.
MarvellousMachinery(AUSDVD) Marvellous Machinery A New Arrival
World of Tomorrow
Sonny's Second Chance
Kenji on the Rails Again
1 June 2022 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
When the Earl and his inventor friend Ruth host a Technology Fair at the castle, all sorts of amazing inventions find their way to Sodor, including Kenji – a brand-new electric engine said to be the fastest in the world! But as Thomas worries about the effect technology might have on his future, two sneaky thieves and their engine, Sonny – look to secure their own fortunes by making off with one of the marvellous inventions. It will be up to Thomas, Ruth, and the Steam Team to stop the thieves in their tracks!

Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
RaceForTheSodorCup(AUSDVD) Race for the Sodor Cup Race for the Sodor Cup 6 April 2022 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC
Super-fast Kana is convinced that her speed is all she needs to win the Race for the Sodor Cup, a competition that draws engines from all over the world. However, when a racing practice gone wrong causes her partner, Kenji, to get hurt, Kana ends up paired with Thomas. Kana and Thomas will discover that it takes teamwork to become the best racers they can be, but is it enough to defeat the international champions and win the Sodor Cup?

Promotional/Sampler DVDs

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
Thomas,PercyandtheOldSlowCoachandToby'sDiscoveryAustralianDVDcover Thomas, Percy and the Old Slow Coach and Toby's Discovery Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach
Toby's Discovery
2005 ABC for Kids
Thomas&Friends2007DVD Thomas & Friends Jack Jumps In
Tenders and Turntables
Thomas, Percy and the Coal
2007 ABC for Kids
Sticky Toffee Thomas Sticky Toffee Thomas
♪ Party Time ♪ (short version)
2008 HiT Entertainment
When Thomas and the other engines help some children get ready for a big fancy dress party, Thomas dreams of dressing up too, with very unexpected results!
3GreatAdventures 3 Great Adventures Thomas Tries His Best
Thomas and the Circus
Thomas and the Golden Eagle
2009 ABC for Kids
Join Thomas for three great episodes in this special preview DVD.
FollowthatFlour! Follow that Flour! Follow that Flour 2010 HiT Entertainment
THOMAS AND JAMES - FRIENDS AGAIN! When James asks for Thomas' help to shunt a truck full of flour, Thomas' mischievous game of hide-and-seek causes trouble. Thomas has to ask his friend to help him put things right.
T&FADVD1 Thomas & Friends Adventures! Duncan Does It All
Thomas and the Billboard
2010 ABC for Kids
Take-n-PlayThomas'RailwayAdventures! Thomas' Railway Adventures! Slippy Sodor
The Early Bird
2015 HiT Entertainment

Take Along Sampler DVDs

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
GordonTakesATumbleTakeAlongDVD Gordon Takes a Tumble Gordon Takes a Tumble 2004 HiT Entertainment
HenryandtheElephantTakeAlongDVD Henry and the Elephant Henry and the Elephant 2005 HiT Entertainment
PercyTakesaPlungeTakeAlongSamplerDVD Percy Takes a Plunge Percy Takes a Plunge 2005 HiT Entertainment
Take-AlongThomasandtheSpecialLetterDVD Thomas and the Special Letter Thomas and the Special Letter 2005 HiT Entertainment
James & The Trouble with Trees DVD James and the Trouble with Trees James and the Trouble with Trees 2005 HiT Entertainment
SpicandSpanTakeAlongSamplerDVD Spic and Span Spic and Span 2006 HiT Entertainment
ThomastotheRescueTakeAlongSamplerDVD Diesel from Thomas to the Rescue Thomas to the Rescue 2007 HiT Entertainment
Emily'sAdventureDVD Emily's Adventure Emily's Adventure 2007 HiT Entertainment

DVD Packs

Image Title Releases Included Released Original distributor
60thAnniversaryLimitedEditionBoxsetcover Limited Edition Box Set Twin Trouble
Truckloads of Fun!
All Aboard with the Steam Team
Thomas and the Jet Engine
The Very Best of Thomas & Friends
Peep! Peep! Hurray! Three Cheers for Thomas
Engines to the Rescue
2005 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Classic Collection: Series 1 - 5 Series One
Series Two
Series Three
Series Four
Series Five
1 November 2006 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this Classic DVD Collection of the first five series of Thomas & Friends.
Collectors and new fans will love the chance to journey back in time to experience Thomas from the very beginning.
There are 130 stories to share - over 11 hours of Classic Thomas & Friends to enjoy on 5 DVDs.
EssentialCollectionFiveDiscCollection Essential Collection Thomas' Trusty Friends
Calling All Engines!
Truckloads of Fun!
Engines to the Rescue
The Very Best of Thomas & Friends
2007 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Join Thomas and his Friends on exciting adventures with these five great DVDs. Over four hours of entertainment with the world's most famous train!
ActivityBox Activity Box Series One
Series Two
Series Three
Series Four
Series Five
7 November 2007 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for this Classic DVD Collection of the first five series of Thomas & Friends. Collectors and new fans will love the chance to journey back in time to experience Thomas from the very beginning. There are 130 stories to share over 11 hours of Classic Thomas & Friends to enjoy on 5 DVDs in this fabulous Thomas & Friends Limited Edition Activity Box ideal for Christmas gifts.
3DVDsBoxset 3 DVDs Twin Trouble
Engines to the Rescue
All Aboard with the Steam Team
2007 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
TrainloadsofThomasFun Trainloads of Thomas Fun Truckloads of Fun!
Rusty Saves the Day
Peep! Peep! Hurray! Three Cheers for Thomas
2008 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
3DiscSet 3 Disc Set Little Engines Big Days Out
Together on the Tracks
Calling All Engines!
2008 ABC for Kids
Everyone's favourite engine
MyFirstThomas(3DiscSet) My First Thomas (2010) My First Thomas with Thomas
My First Thomas with James
My First Thomas with Percy
2010 ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on one key character from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
TheGreatAdventuresofThomasandFriends The Great Adventures of Thomas & Friends Rusty Saves the Day
Carnival Capers
Engines and Escapades
Little Engines Big Days Out
All Aboard with the Steam Team
2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Includes over 50 episodes of classic Thomas viewing
ClassicCollectionSeries6-10DVDpack Classic Collection: Series 6-10 Series Six
Series Seven
Series Eight
Series Nine
Series Ten
2011 ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special edition of Thomas & Friends™ Series 6-10
Join Thomas together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this classic collection full of adventures.
TheEssentialCollection The Essential Collection Series Eight
Series Nine
Series Ten
Series Eleven
The Complete Series 12
2012 ABC for Kids
All aboard for this special collection of Thomas & Friends™ on DVD.
Join Thomas, together with his friends Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller on the Island of Sodor in this fun-packed classic collection.
Includes all 126 episodes from Series 8-12.
MyFirstThomasDVDPack FrontCover My First Thomas (2014) My First Thomas with Thomas
My First Thomas with James
My First Thomas with Percy
My First Thomas with Diesel
My First Thomas with the Fat Controller
2014 ABC for Kids
The My First Thomas series is designed to be an introduction for new fans who are just embarking on their journey into the wonderful world of Thomas & Friends. Each collection focuses on one key character from the series and allows the fledgling Thomas fan to get familiar with Thomas, the Island of Sodor and all the fun adventures the friends have every day.
CompleteSeries1-10 The Complete Series 1-10 Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
Series 8
Series 9
Series 10
2014 ABC for Kids
All aboard for this classic collection of original Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends stories. Step aboard and have fun with all your well-loved friends from the beautiful island of Sodor; Thomas, Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Bertie, Percy, Toby and The Fat Controller. The Special edition includes all episodes from the first 10 series.
MovieSpecialsBoxsetAUSCover Movie Collection The Adventure Begins
King of the Railway
Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure
Tale of the Brave
2 November 2016 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All aboard for four movie-length tales from the rails!
75thAnniversaryCollectionBoxset 75th Anniversary Collection Big World! Big Adventures!
Extraordinary Engines
The Great Race
Journey Beyond Sodor
13 March 2020 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
In 2020, Thomas & Friends celebrates 75 years of adventure and discovery! The No. 1 blue engine continues to spark the imaginations of fans around the world, and in our anniversary year we want to give everyone a reason to celebrate. To celebrate Thomas' milestone enjoy four of your favourite feature length DVD's including Big World, Big Adventures, Extraordinary Engines, The Great Race and Journey Beyond Sodor.

Double Packs

  • The Very Best of Thomas & Friends/Thomas' Trusty Friends
  • Calling All Engines/Truckloads of Fun!
  • Heave Ho!/Songs of Sodor
  • Series One/Series Two
  • Series Three/Series Four
  • Series Five/Series Six
  • Series Seven/Series Eight
  • Series Nine/Series Ten
  • The Great Discovery/Series Nine
  • Hero of the Rails/Series Ten
  • Hero of the Rails/Misty Island Rescue
  • Misty Island Rescue/Day of the Diesels
  • The Lion of Sodor/Splish, Splash, Splosh!

ABC Kids Favourites

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
ABCKidsJustForFunDVD ABC for Kids - Just for Fun Thomas, Percy and the Squeak
Dunkin Duncan
10 March 2004 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC
Join all your favourites ABC for Kids playmates in this wonderful collection of stories and adventures.
Join the railroad with Thomas and Friends, dance with Angelina, fix things with Bananas in Pyjamas, sing with The Hooley Dooleys, build with Bob and his gangs, learn with Caillou and practise tricks with The Rubbadubbers. There's so much to see and do with over an hour of fun to be had with your favourite friends!
ABCForKidsLet'sSingandDance ABC for Kids - Let's Sing and Dance ♪ Thomas We Love You ♪
♪ Let's Have a Race ♪
♪ It's Great to Be an Engine ♪
10 June 2004 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Hey kids! It's time to tune up your vocal cords and get those hips swinging!
With loads of singing and dancing this Video will ready get you moving!
Meet all your favourite ABC for Kids characters on this bumper Video for lots of fun and laughter!
ABC For Kids Hit Clips ABC for Kids - Hit Clips ♪ Thomas the Tank Engine Theme ♪ 2004 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
ABC for Kids Favourites 1
Respect for Gordon 2008 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All your favourite ABC for Kids characters on one DVD!
ABCforKidsFavourites3DVD ABC for Kids Favourites 3 Thomas and the Jet Plane 30 June 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
All your favourite ABC for Kids characters on one DVD!
GiggleandHootPresentHoottasticDressUps Giggle & Hoot Present - Hoot-Tastic Dress Ups Buzzy Bees 6 October 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Jimmy Giggle and Hoot the owl love to play dress ups. Join them and their friends having fun as superheroes, pirates, kings and more.
ABCForKidsBestBites ABC for Kids - Best Bites Slippy Sodor 21 June 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Here's a taste of your favourite ABC for Kids show all on one DVD.
Have fun with Thomas, Mister Maker, Grandpa and Jason plus many more including Mike the Knight for the first time on DVD!
ABC for Kids - Christmas Tree Trouble 7 November 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The festive season is here!
Celebrate Christmas with some of your favourite ABC for Kids friends.
ABCForKidsLet'sGetCreative ABC for Kids - Let's Get Creative Time for a Story 19 June 2013 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Think out the box and get creative with ABC for Kids!
ABCForKidsPlaytime! ABC for Kids - Playtime! Happy Hiro 13 November 2013 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Playtime is here and your favourite ABC for Kids friends are here to join in on the fun.
ABCForKidsHeroesOnTheWay ABC for Kids - Heroes on the Way Henry's Good Deeds 9 June 2014 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Never fear, ABC for kids is here! Your heroes are on the way, rescuing those in need, helping friends and protecting loved ones.
ABCForKidsCounting1,2,3 ABC for Kids - Counting 1, 2, 3 Double Trouble 5 November 2014 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Have fun with numbers and counting in this collection of episodes from ABC for Kids.
ABCForKidsFarmyardFriends ABC Kids - Farmyard Friends Muddy Matters 3 June 2015 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Down on the farm today are lots of your ABC KIDS' friends where they discover the wonders of animals with fur, feathers and fins!
ABCForKidsASpringinyourStep! ABC Kids - A Spring in Your Step! Thomas' Crazy Day 2 September 2015 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Spring into action with these outdoor adventures from ABC KIDS. Timmy and his classmates go on a trip to the seaside, Thomas has a very busy day on Sodor, while Sydney and Zip enjoy another day in Bubble Bath Bay.
ABCForKidsFestiveFun ABC Kids - Festive Fun Surprise, Surprise 4 November 2015 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Get into the festive spirit with these episodes from ABC KIDS.
ABCForKidsAllAboard! ABC Kids - All Aboard! Thomas and the Rubbish Train 4 January 2017 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Toot toot! All Aboard! with your ABC KIDS’ friends as we go riding on trains! It’s Thomas’ turn to work with his good friend Whiff the Rubbish Engine! Children take a ride on a steam train in Teletubbies, Bob the Builder and his team are building a monorail system for Spring City, and there’s a thief on the Peg + Cat Express!

ABC for Kids DVD Packs

Image Title Releases Included Released Original distributor
3DVDPackcover 3 DVD Pack The Best of Thomas & Friends Volume 1
The Best of Play School Volume 1
The Best of Bob the Builder Volume 1
2010 ABC DVD
ABCforKidsIncludes10DVDs! Includes 10 DVDs! Splish, Splash, Splosh! 2014 ABC DVD
Sing, dance, laugh & learn with over 12 hours of fun with ABC FOR KIDS!
'Tis the Season Thomas & Friends: Thomas' Christmas Carol
Thomas & Friends: The Christmas Engines
Peter Rabbit: The Christmas Star
ABC Kids: Festive Fun
31 October 2018 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Tis the season to join Thomas & Friends and all your ABC KIDS favourites for some wondrous Christmas adventures! Dash through the snow with Thomas and his friends as they race to get passengers home in time for Christmas. Join Peter Rabbit as he builds a spectacular new sledge, help Postman Pat deliver a festive surprise and see Shaun the Sheep make this Christmas a very special one for the Farmer. Plus lots more fun to share with Mister Maker, Peg + Cat and the Pajanimals.
A Merry Little Christmas Collection The Wiggles: Go Santa Go!
The Wiggles: Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas!
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Sesame Street Christmas
ABC KIDS: Christmas
31 October 2018 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's a Christmas party with The Wiggles and your favourite friends from ABC KIDS! Join the happiest band in the land as they sing, dance and celebrate everything you love about Christmas. This bumper collection also includes festive stories with Elmo and the gang from Sesame Street plus fun adventures with Bananas in Pyjamas, Thomas & Friends, Little Princess, Yo Gabba Gabba & more.
ABC Kids Best of Collection The Best of Giggle and Hoot
The Best of the Wiggles
Play School: 50 Best Songs
Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures!
30 October 2019 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids

ABC for Kids Double Packs

  • Bob the Builder: Bashing Crashing Benny/Carnival Capers
  • Fireman Sam: The New Hero Next Door/Curious Cargo
  • Blue Mountain Mystery/Fireman Sam: The Great Fire of Pontypandy

HiT Favourites

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
WinterCollectionAUSDVDCover Winter Collection Snow Engine
Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough
5 June 2008 ABC for Kids
Snuggle down and curl up with the new Winter Collection from HIT Favourites! Follow the wintry adventures of all your favourite friends, from everybody in Bobsville building Scoop a snowman, to Angelina playing in the Icepuck League. With loads of adventures on one DVD, your child can feel part of the snowy fun!
SpookyCollectionAUSDVDCover Spooky Collection Haunted Henry
2 October 2008 ABC for Kids
Witches, pumpkins and goofy ghosts... Join all your favourite HIT friends in the new Spooky Collection from HiT Favourites!
Put on your finest fancy dress costumes and let your imaginations take you on a fantastic adventure... discover the mystery behind the gurgling drain monster in Bobsville, the ghostly goings-on in Thomas & Friends and find out what happens when poor little Pingu gets a taste of his own meddlesome medicine. Meanwhile, Barney is throwing the best Halloween party EVER and you're all invited!
It's not a trick - just lots of treats from HiT Favourites!
ActiveCollectionAUSDVDCover Active Collection Busy Going Backwards
Rusty to the Rescue
2 January 2009 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
It's time to get Active and join all your favourite HiT friends as they strive to be the best gymnasts, tennis players and firemen.
Make sure you cheer as loud as you can for Bob in his sponsored run. Join Thomas and Friends, Fireman Sam and many more as they show that fun and exercise make a great team. On your marks, get set... GO!
It'sPartyTimeAUSDVDCover It's Party Time! Thomas and the Circus
Thomas and the Birthday Picnic
2 April 2009 ABC for Kids
It's Party Time! Enjoy the celebrations with all your HIT Favourites including Bob the Builder, Fireman Sam and Thomas & Friends. Watch as the circus comes to Sodor, Angelina attends a Royal Banquet and join in with a very special birthday in Pontypandy. There's everything you need for a fun and exciting party; fancy dress, games, singing and much more!
FrostyFriends(AUSDVD) Frosty Friends Percy's New Whistle June 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC DVD
Bundle up with your child's favourite pals in these fun-filled wintertime tales. Join Fireman Sam™, Bob the Builder™, Thomas & Friends™, Pingu™, and Barney™ in their playful adventures. Learn the true meaning of Christmas with Barney, build a snowman with Bob. Woolly the sheep goes on a chilly adventure in Fireman Sam, whistle down the tracks with Thomas, and laugh as Pingu plays hilarious tricks on his friends.
TrickOrTreatTalesAUSDVDCover Trick or Treat Tales Flour Power 6 October 2011 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
The thrills begin with Thomas & Friends in a ghostly adventure on Sodor. Pingu has some shadowy fun at bedtime whilst Bob the Builder and Spud put on scary faces to protect a giant pumpkin pie from hungry crows. Barney learns that there is more to a costume than just dressing up. Angelina Ballerina sneaks in to a costume ball and Fireman Sam saves a furry friend from a chilling experience.
Sit back and enjoy a sweet collection of Trick or Treat Tales!
BacktoSchoolAUSDVDCover Back to School Thomas and the Colours 5 January 2012 Roadshow Entertainment
on behalf of ABC for Kids
Score an A+ when you give your child this collection of back-to-school favourites. Join Barney, Bob the Builder, Fireman Sam, Thomas & Friends and Pingu as they celebrate the fun of learning, meet new friends, and play hide-and-seek in this School Day extravaganza. See how fun and learning go hand in hand in these tales of discovery and adventure!

HiT Favourites DVD Packs

Image Title Releases Included Released Original distributor
HitFavourites5DVDCollection HiT Favourites 5 DVD Collection Thomas & Friends: Together on the Tracks
Bob the Builder: Scrambler to the Rescue
Angelina Ballerina: Sets Sail
Fireman Sam: Norman's Tricky Day
Barney: Adventure Bus
2008 ABC for Kids
See all your favourite characters in this five DVD collection!
HitFavourites(3DiscCollection) HiT Favourites: 3 Disc Collection Thomas & Friends: Thomas' Trusty Friends
Bob the Builder: Scrambler to the Rescue
Fireman Sam: Fields of Fire
2009 ABC for Kids
A selection from your Hit Favourites
HitFavourites2(3DiscCollection) HiT Favourites 2: 3 Disc Collection Fireman Sam: Norman's Tricky Day
Thomas & Friends: Peep! Peep! Hurray! Three Cheers for Thomas
Bob the Builder: Built to Be Wild
2009 ABC for Kids
A selection from your Hit Favourites
HitFavourites(3DiscSet) The Ultimate Collection of HiT Favourites Winter Collection
It's Party Time
Active Collection
2011 ABC for Kids
Australia Australian Home Video Releases