- "There he goes again! 'Do it right' from morning to night!"
- ― Bill mocking Fergus
Bill, Ben and Fergus, originally titled Bill and Ben, is the third episode of the seventh series.
A small traction engine on rails named Fergus has been sent to work at the quarry for an important job. Thomas warns him about Bill and Ben, but Fergus states that he will not let the twins bother him.
When Fergus arrives at the quarry, Mavis tells him that the trucks are in a mess, but Fergus promises to sort them out. But Bill and Ben are full of mischief, and decide to have some fun. Bill slams his trucks very hard, causing some of his load to fall onto the tracks. Fergus angrily orders him to do it right, but Bill is annoyed and tells him not to interfere. Later, Ben pushes his trucks across some points, so that Fergus cannot leave his siding. He orders Ben to move them, but Ben just grins and keeps him trapped.
The workmen are blasting rock, so Fergus tells the twins to wait for the all clear signal. But they are fed up with his orders, and crossly tell him to keep his funnel out of the quarry. Then they leave to collect a rock crusher from the docks, leaving Fergus in peace with Mavis.
At the docks, the twins are still grumbling about Fergus. They decide that the next time he tells them to do it right, they will intentionally do it wrong. Bill and Ben collect the rock crusher and head back to the quarry.
When they arrive, Fergus warns them that the rock face is unsafe, and not to go near it. But once again Bill and Ben are being naughty, and deliberately push the rock crusher alongside the cliff as roughly as they can, which starts a rockslide. Fergus charges forward and pushes the twins out of the way. His driver jumps clear, but Fergus ends up buried. Everyone works hard to dig Fergus out, and no one works harder to help him than Bill and Ben. When Fergus is free, Bill and Ben shamefully apologise. Fergus accepts their apology, and all three agree to do things right together.
- Thomas
- Bill and Ben
- Fergus
- Mavis
- Percy (cameo)
- Arthur (cameo)
- 'Arry and Bert (cameos)
- Salty (cameo)
- Annie and Clarabel (cameos)
- Stephen Hatt (cameo)
- Cyril the Fogman (cameo)
- The Fisherman (cameo)
- Farmer Trotter (cameo)
- Big Mickey (faceless, cameo)
- Sir Topham Hatt (mentioned)
- The Ffarquhar Quarry Manager (mentioned)
- The Sheep Field
- The Watermill
- The Runby Bridge
- Maithwaite
- Ffarquhar Quarry
- Brendam Docks
- Tidmouth Tunnel (deleted scene)
- Going by production order, this is the fifteenth episode of the seventh series.
- This is Bill and Ben's last episode with leading roles until the seventeenth series episode, Bill or Ben?
- The first shot of the episode is the same as the final shot from Fergus Breaks the Rules, only shortened.
- This episode marks the first episode that can only be found on a Complete Series DVD in Australia.
- The working title of this episode was simply Bill and Ben, which is also how it was called in South Korea.
- A rare still shows Fergus sleeping even though he is covered in rocks. Another one even shows him smiling.
- During the scene of Bill and Ben helping to dig Fergus out, part of the footage is sped up. During PBS Kids airings, the same footage is sped up even more.
- This episode was released before The Spotless Record, meaning the audience would not have known who Arthur is.
- When the men were blasting rocks, Elizabeth's horn can be heard used as a siren.
- In a still picture, Thomas, Fergus, Annie and Clarabel were facing the other way at Maithwaite.
- A grey building from Tugs appears at the quarry.
- According to a SiF interview with Chris Lloyd, Fergus' model was damaged in the landslide scene. It could still run, but the flywheel no longer turned. This may be why the character was dropped after the seventh series.
- Fergus had a bent funnel made for his model which was meant for the scene where he gets trapped in the landslide to imply that his funnel was damaged from the rocks, but it was left unused during filming.
- This episode marks the only and the last of three things:
- Bill and Ben's only appearances in the seventh series and their last appearances in the classic era. This is also their last appearance until the ninth series episode, Thomas' New Trucks (excluding a music video cameo in Calling All Engines!, which used a deleted scene from the eighth series episode, Thomas to the Rescue).
- Bill and Ben's last episode to having a leading role until the seventeenth series episode, Bill or Ben?
- Mavis' only speaking role in the seventh series and her last speaking role in the Classic era.
- Up until Fergus arrives at the quarry, no steam is coming out of his funnel.
- When Fergus arrives at the quarry, Percy can be seen going over the bridge. But in a close-up of Mavis, either 'Arry or Bert can be seen shunting trucks from the opposite direction.
- When Ben blocks the line, he has Bill's whistle.
- Mavis has Daisy's second series horn sound. Also the last second of her horn sound glitches up.
- Mavis, Bill, and Ben's eyes are wonky for most of the episode.
- Thomas: Hello. Where are you going?
- Fergus: To the quarry.
- Thomas: Watch out for Bill and Ben the twins. They love to make mischief.
- Fergus: I won't let young rascals rattle me!
- Thomas: You don't know the twins like I do!
- Fergus: Wait for the "all clear" signal. Do it right.
- Bill: There he goes again! [mocks Fergus] "Do it right" from morning till night!
- Ben: Keep your funnel out of our quarry!
- Magazine stories - Rock and Roll! and Rock Shock!
- My Thomas Story Library - Fergus (discontinued)
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Home Media Releases
DVD BoxsetsAUS
DVD Packs
#01 Emily's New Coaches | #10 Toby's Windmill | #19 Bulgy Rides Again |
#02 Percy Gets It Right | #11 Bad Day at Castle Loch | #20 Harold and the Flying Horse |
#03 Bill, Ben and Fergus | #12 Rheneas and the Roller Coaster | #21 The Grand Opening |
#04 The Old Bridge | #13 Salty's Stormy Tale | #22 Best Dressed Engine |
#05 Edward's Brass Band | #14 Snow Engine | #23 Gordon and Spencer |
#06 What's the Matter with Henry? | #15 Something Fishy | #24 Not So Hasty Puddings |
#07 James and the Queen of Sodor | #16 The Runaway Elephant | #25 Trusty Rusty |
#08 The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop | #17 Peace and Quiet | #26 Three Cheers for Thomas |
#09 The Spotless Record | #18 Fergus Breaks the Rules | |