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Birds are a large group of feathered animals.


Bulgy's Hens[]

Bulgy's Hens are a flock of chickens who live on a field.


After Bulgy's accident with the bridge, he was taken out of service and used as a hen house, where the hens took up residence in him. When Bulgy was eventually restored and slept in his field for the final time, the hens missed their old home and one by one, they snuck back in and roosted in Bulgy's luggage racks. The next morning, Bulgy did not know about the hens, who were asleep on the luggage racks. However, while overtaking Trevor, Bulgy swerved suddenly, causing the hens to wake up and cause chaos inside him. Bulgy then stopped at the side of the road and the hens, along with the passengers, got out. It is unknown what happened to the hens afterwards.



  • A figure of one of the hens is currently on display at Drayton Manor.

Farmer McColl's Chickens[]

Farmer McColl owns many chickens who live on his farm.


When Thomas had accidentally delivered Farmer McColl's chickens to school instead of the farm, a teacher hid behind his desk while the chickens ran amok in his classroom.


Big Ben[]

Big Ben is a rooster.


Big Ben used to annoy Skarloey and Rheneas by waking them up too early. The stationmaster then asked the farmer to move Big Ben's coop further away from the engine shed.



  • He is named after the London clock tower of the same name.

Other Chickens[]

Many Other chickens have been seen around the Island of Sodor and abroad. Some chickens are owned by Farmer Trotter.


The Barn Owl[]

The Barn Owl was once seen on a tree branch.


When Percy had to spend the night on a siding at Lower Suddery Yard, due to jammed points he got spooked by the owl's screeching prior to being frightened by the Chinese Dragon.

When Henry was about to take a goods train to Hawin Lake, the owl hooted and Edward warned Henry that whenever the owl hooted, a mist rolled in and a ghost appeared, though Henry scoffed at the story.


The Wise Old Owl[]

"It's just your imagination, Look! It's just The Wise Old Owl"
― Lyrics from Boo! Boo! Choo-Choo

The Wise Old Owl is an owl that likes to hoot in the night. It usually scares the engines at first until they figure out where the sound is coming from.


Snowy Owls[]

Snowy Owls are owls that have been seen around the Island of Sodor.


A snowy owl lives in the Whistling Woods and is a friend of Thomas. Toby used to be scared of the noise made by the snowy owl until he found out who was making the noise.




Beaky is a big blue parrot who is owned by Dowager Hatt.


One time, Dowager Hatt left Beaky at the Engine Drivers' Common Room at Knapford for the drivers to pet-sit while she left to visit the Mainland. Unfortunately, Mr. Perkins was the only one there and had to take care of Beaky. He is very mischievous, but also very helpful to Mr. Perkins. He also tends to copy some of the lines that are said by the engines.



For other uses, see Charles.

"Well done, well done!"
― Charlie mimicking the Fat Controller

Charlie is a parrot.


Charlie once escaped whilst his owner was cleaning his cage. He went to the main station yard, where he confused Percy by talking. None of the other engines believed that Percy had seen a talking bird, until they saw Charlie for themselves. His owner then came to the main station to collect him.



For other uses, see Fred (disambiguation).

"All aboard! All change! Full steam ahead!"
― Fred

Fred is a red and green parrot who now resides at the children's zoo.


Thomas had to take Fred to his new home, but the talkative parrot caused a great deal of confusion when he mimicked the guard and driver's voices and used railway phrases. However, Fred saved the day when Thomas and his driver forgot a very special job. The parrot, using the Fat Controller's voice, reminded Thomas and the driver that they had to pick up a surprise parcel for Lady Hatt from the harbour. After this, Thomas was sorry to see Fred go. Fred picked up his railway terminology from his time spent at the main station.



"Who's a clever boy then?"
― Chatterbox

Chatterbox is a parrot who is owned by one of Thomas' firemen.


Chatterbox once escaped and went into the station's office where he spoke into an announcer's microphone, causing chaos all over the station. Thomas guessed that Chatterbox was behind all of the confusion and the bird was soon recaptured.


Other Parrots[]

Many Other parrots have been seen around the Island of Sodor and abroad.

The Sodor Animal Park owns some brightly-coloured lorikeet parrots. The same species were also seen in the Amazon Rainforest in The Other Big Engine and in the Kuranda Rainforest in Banjo and the Bushfire. There are also Scarlet Macaws seen in some rainforests. Captain Calles had a parrot rest on his hat.



Seagull is a seagull who is a friend of Cranky. Percy once scared Seagull away by blowing his whistle, which annoyed Cranky.



For other uses, see Peter Sam.

Stuart is a seagull who is a friend of Cranky.


Stuart once caused Cranky to drop some barrels of Mr. Bubbles' bubble liquid. When Thomas derailed outside Ulfstead Mine, Stuart went to Cranky after finding Thomas and a rescue was soon arranged.


Other Seagulls[]

Many Other seagulls have been seen at the harbours and beaches around the Island of Sodor and abroad.


The Sodor Animal Park Ostriches[]

The Sodor Animal Park owns some ostriches.


During Christmas time, the heating boiler at the Sodor Animal Park broke down and Thomas took the ostriches along with the other animals to Tidmouth Sheds to keep them warm. One of the ostriches laid an egg on James' bufferbeam and it later hatched into a baby ostrich.




Ozzie is an ostrich who is owned by the Sodor Animal Park.


While Thomas was taking some children on a bird-spotting trip, he found Ozzie, who had escaped outside the Sodor Animal Park. Thomas alerted the animal park warden, who lead Ozzie into a truck which Thomas took back to the animal park. When they arrived, Sir Topham Hatt saw Ozzie holding his missing pocket watch in his beak.



The Sodor Warbler[]

The Sodor Warbler is a rare bird on the Island of Sodor.


When the Sodor Warbler returned to Sodor, some of the engines were tasked with taking visitors to see the bird. During the afternoon, the Sodor Warbler flew onto Henry's buffer and rode with him to Bluffs Cove. When Henry arrived, the visitors were amazed to see the Sodor Warbler and a nesting pole was placed for the Sodor Warbler to rest on.


Mr. Bird[]

Mr. Bird is a warbler who is named by Percy.


Percy once saw the bird in the Whistling Woods and tried to befriend him, but only succeeded in frightening the bird away. After Percy had learnt how to approach wild animals quietly, he approached the bird again and apologised to him. The bird then flew onto Percy's buffer and rode with him back to Tidmouth Sheds.



Sparrows are a type of warbler.


Gordon once encountered some sparrows near a siding next to a plate layer's hut. They were scared away by a cat named Tabitha, who stowed away on Gordon the day before.


Other Warblers[]

Several Other Warblers have been seen around the Island of Sodor and Misty Island.


Wen Thomas took Hiro to the Hollow Tree Tunnel, some warblers chirped and two of them flew onto Hiro's front.



For other uses, see Duck.


For other uses, see Dilly.

"Quack! I'd rather be as right as rain. Quack! Than as wrong as ice."
― Dilly, Surprise Adventures

Dilly is a duck who lives on the Little Western.


After Donald teased Duck about his "quacking", Duck's crew got revenge by slipping a small duckling into Donald's tender. When discovered, she became friends with Donald and his crew and eventually settled down at Tidmouth Hault, where a small pond was nearby. She was named Dilly by the Stationmaster, but she is known to everyone else as Donald's duck.


Dilly once disappeared for a few months, however, she eventually returned to the station with her mate and ducklings in tow. The porters then arranged a "welcome home" party for her.[1]



Farmer McColl's Ducks[]

Farmer McColl once owned some ducks.


Farmer McColl's ducks were once transported to the country fair by Thomas. However, when Thomas whistled to Bertie's passengers, he scared the ducks, who escaped through the open door of his van. The ducks were later coaxed back into the van with the help of some seed. When Thomas arrived at the country fair, the ducks were put on display.


The Mother Duck and Ducklings[]

The Mother Duck and Ducklings are a group of ducks that live in a lineside duck pond.


Diesel once stopped by the duck pond to let the ducks. When Thomas led 'Arry and Bert to the pond, he nearly ran over the ducks while they were crossing the tracks, but was able to stop in time with the help of Diesel.

While racing Thomas, Max and Monty nearly ran over the ducks, who were crossing the road. Fortunately, they avoided the ducks by swerving down another road.



  • The breed of the mother duck is a Mallard, however, she in the colours of a male instead of a female.


Swans are a type of waterfowl.


Thomas often encountered some swans flying past the railway. One day, he encountered an angry swan on Elsbridge Viaduct with a broken wing. Luckily, the Elsbridge Stationmaster telephoned the vet to come and tend to the swan's injury.[2]



"Geese are like guard dogs. They don't like strangers."
― The farmer's daughter

Geese are a type of waterfowl.


Some geese live at a farm by the coast somewhere on Thomas' Branch Line. They are very protective of their home and do not take kindly to strangers who call at the farm, as a travelling salesman once found out. One of the geese escaped from its enclosure and flew into the brake van on Thomas' train, giving the guard quite a fright. The farmer then caught the goose and took it back to its enclosure.


Other Birds[]

The Birds on the Line[]

The Birds on the Line were a group of birds who once sat on a line while Thomas went past. The bird in the middle was a grey heron, while two other birds were a green woodpecker and a pigeon.



  • The birds are likely a reference to Pixar's 2000 short For the Birds, as there is a big bird in the middle weighing down the other birds.

The Golden Eagles[]

The Golden Eagles are two eagles that were seen flying around the Island of Sodor.


Sir Topham Hatt once tasked Emily with taking birdwatchers to see the two eagles, while Thomas and Percy were sent to deliver fresh milk to the dairy and stone to Brendam Docks. While on their way to the docks, Thomas had the idea to let Percy take one half of his train to the docks while he went to see the eagles, and he would come back for the other half of his train and let Percy go see the birds. However, after failing to see the eagles, Thomas remembered his job. He soon found Percy who had run out of coal on his way to the dairy with his milk train after he delivered the rest of Thomas' trucks to the docks. Thomas helped Percy by delivering the milk to the dairy on time and then helped him back to Tidmouth Sheds. On the way, Thomas and Percy saw the two eagles at the Valley Cliffs.



Crows are a type of bird.


Some crows once ate Farmer McColl's newly planted seeds when his scarecrow was broken. Thomas was given the job of being the new scarecrow and chased after the crows. While he was chasing two crows, the rest gathered in Farmer McColl's Field. Later, Thomas guarded the field overnight and Farmer McColl had his old scarecrow fixed by the morning.


The Green Woodpecker[]

"Seeing a rare bird is not an emergency!"
Clarabel's guard[src]

The Green Woodpecker is a very rare bird on the Island of Sodor.


The Welsh birdwatcher was once looking for the green woodpecker, which was around Thomas' Branch Line. He finally spotted the green woodpecker at Maithwaite where it was boring a hole into a tree near the station.



Kookaburras are birds that are native to Australia.



Emus are flightless birds that are native to Australia. Thomas once showed Ace a flock of emus to help him see that animals were not scary.


The Magpie[]

The Magpie is a type of bird.


The magpie once took Dave's whistle while building a nest on a station roof Dave and Thomas' driver searched everywhere for the whistle but to no avail. Thomas noticed the magpie on the station roof and he knew that magpies have a tendency to take shiny objects. After Dave took a ladder and climbed up to the station roof, he looked inside the nest and found the whistle.


The Wallcreeper[]

"Hello! It's nice to have company."
Mavis to the wallcreeper

The Wallcreeper is a rare bird on the Island of Sodor.


The story of the Wallcreeper once made it into a newspaper and eager birdwatchers came from across the island and even the Mainland for a chance to spot the bird, while Sir Topham Hatt ran special trains to accommodate them. Mavis was the first to spot the Wallcreeper while she had broken down at Ffarquhar Quarry. The Wallcreeper kept her company until her driver and chief engineer returned and accidentally scared it away. Mavis was then asked to also take some of the birdwatchers to the quarry in case the wallcreeper came back.


The Bluebird[]

The Bluebird is a rare bird that only lives on the Island of Sodor.


One warm day, the bird made a nest in Thomas' funnel. When it flew away, Farmer Collett decorated his old oil tank to look like Thomas and moved the nest in an effort to fool the bird. The bluebird was fooled and Thomas went on his way, but not before naming the old oil tank Bluebird after the rare bird.


Other Species of Birds[]

Various Other Species of Birds have been seen around the Island of Sodor and abroad.


A flock of birds were seen in Toby's New Shed where they are friends of Toby who lets them sleep in his shed whenever it rained. This included 2 Blue Tits, 2 Robins, a Greenfinch and a Goldfinch.

Chaffinches are seen in some of the Story Library Books.

There are also many wild bird species seen on Sodor during the CGI era. One species is brown with yellow beak and orange chest.

There are also Kookaburras, Rainbow Lorikeets and a species to be identified yellow bird species seen at Kuranda Rainforest in Banjo And The Bushfire.


* David Mitton map only | ** Sam Wilkinson map only