Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Blister I and Blister II, so named for the problems they have when starting in cold weather, are small twin diesels who work on the Arlesdale Railway.


The Blisters are four-wheeled diesel tractors, and each has a Lister engine. They were bought for the Arlesdale Railway's construction in 1966, and have been retained for maintenance duties by the platelaying gangs and for shunting duties at Arlesburgh.

The nickname given them by the staff was perhaps inevitable. It may perhaps reflect starting difficulties on cold mornings, but in no sense decries their general power and utility.[1]

Technical Details


The Blisters are based on the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway's Cyril. Their trouble starting is based on the trouble experienced with the Muir-Hill Fordson granite tractors that worked at Ravenglass with stone traffic until 1953.


Blister I and Blister II are painted black with black and yellow visibility panels on their fronts and rears.[1]


Official Description

From Official Media:[1]

"Blister I" and "Blister II" (Arlesdale Railway. Livery: Black, with black & yellow visibility panels on front and rear.) These four-wheeled diesel tractors (of which as yet there are no illustrations in the books), each have a Lister engine. They were bought for line construction, and have been retained for maintenance and shunting duties.

The nickname given them by the staff was perhaps inevitable. It may perhaps reflect starting difficulties on cold mornings, but in no sense decries their general power and utility.


