- "A pond's the only place for a toad, I suppose."
- ― Oliver joking about Toad
Busy Going Backwards is the twenty-third episode of the fifth series. In America, it aired with Happy Ever After in an episode of Storytime with Thomas.
Toad feels bored and mostly sad because no matter where he looks, he can see engines and other rolling stock moving forwards, unlike he who can only see things from behind. One day, he decides to talk to Oliver about his problem and tells him that while he is always going backwards, he has forward thinking views and could be a leader. Gordon tells him that he cannot be a leader if he does not have a train to follow him, which makes Toad even sadder. Oliver tells him he is a Really Useful brake van, that he helps him brake and keeps trucks in order when they go down hills, though Toad says it would still be nice to go forwards for a change. The trucks overhear everything Toad says and are hurt that he does not appreciate looking after them, so they vow to pay him back for his words.
Oliver takes a goods train up Gordon's Hill, and when they near the top, the trucks' chance comes, and break away the coupling from Oliver and go careering back down the line. The guard jumps off his post and leaves a helpless Toad in a state of shock. At first, Toad enjoys his journey travelling forwards, but his enjoyment is short-lived as he crashes through a closed crossing gate, nearly colliding into Bertie, who just passes through it. Suddenly, Toad now realises that he is on the wrong track but narrowly avoids a very surprised Gordon, with the help of a nearby signalman. After thundering through Wellsworth, Toad sees James coming down the line with a slow goods train. Just when they are about to crash into each other, a shunter switches Toad off James' line just in time, leaving James perplexed at what just happened. The signalman calls ahead to the stationmaster at Crosby station. The stationmaster tells the signalman to divert the runaway into a siding. The plan works when a now freaked out Toad and the trucks thunder through Crosby station and go into a siding, but it backfires when a points failure diverts Toad back onto the main line from the Crosby yards.
Meanwhile, Oliver is racing to rescue Toad who along with the trucks speeds past a surprised Henry. They are soon approaching a bridge under repairs, but the workmen have luckily been warned about Toad's runaway and divert him onto an old siding, leading straight into a muddy pool. Although filthy, Toad is relieved that he has finally been stopped, while Oliver soon arrives and jokes about the situation. That night, Toad speaks to Oliver, apologising for any embarrassment he may have caused him. Oliver asks him what he thought of going forwards; Toad tells him it was a fun experience, but he will look forward to remaining backwards from now on as he now appreciates seeing everything from behind. In other words, "busy going backwards".
- Gordon
- James
- Oliver
- Troublesome Trucks
- Toad
- Henry (does not speak)
- Thomas (cameo)
- Edward (cameo)
- Percy (cameo)
- Annie and Clarabel (cameos)
- Troublesome Vans (cameos)
- Bertie (cameo)
- The Storyteller (cameo)
- Farmer Trotter (cameo)
- Märklin Engine (chassis cameo)
- Mavis (chassis cameo)
- Duke (portrait cameo)
- Lorry 1 (faceless and repainted)
- Wellsworth
- Gordon's Hill
- Crosby
- Old Stone Bridge
- Knapford Yards
- Tidmouth Hault (deleted scene)
- Crovan's Gate (map only)
- Rheneas Bridge (map only)
- Rheneas Tunnel (map only)
- Vicarstown (map only)
- According to a film slate:
- The scenes on the Knapford Yards set were filmed on 12 September 1997.
- The daytime scenes on the Wellsworth set facing the direction of the runaway trucks were filmed on 21 October 1997 while the scene facing opposite was filmed the next day. The nighttime scenes at the end of the episode were filmed on the 27th.
- The scenes on the Crosby Station set were filmed on 18 November 1997.
- The scenes on the Gordon's Hill set facing downhill were filmed on 8 and 9 December 1997. The scenes facing uphill were filmed on the latter.
- The scenes on the Gordon's Hill Bridge set were filmed on 10 December 1997.
- The scenes on the set where Toad plunges into a muddy pond were filmed on 11 December 1997.
- The close-up shots of the guard who jumped off Oliver's train after it uncoupled and the workmen near the muddy pond were filmed on 16 December 1997.
- The close-up interior shots of the signalman and the stationmaster were filmed on 19 January 1998.
- Like A Surprise for Percy, this episode is based on a couple of "hair-raising" runaway trains in the Tondu valleys that occurred during David Maidment's time as Area Manager in South Wales.
- A rendition of William Tell Overture, March of the Swiss Soldiers by Classical Era composer Gioachino Rossini is remixed as the runaway theme. The piece would be re-used three times in Thomas the Jet Engine and the original UK versions of Rheneas and the Roller Coaster and The Runaway Elephant.
- The picture of Duke from Bulldog can be seen in the signal box.
- The close-up shot of Toad when he says "Oh, no! I'm back on the main line!" is mirrored.
- This episode marked the last of a few things:
- Toad's last episode with a leading role until the eighteenth series episode, Toad's Adventure.
- Crosby's last appearance, not counting being mentioned in the seventeenth series episode, Gordon Runs Dry, although appearing briefly in the sixth series episode, Thomas the Jet Engine.
- The last episode to feature WLLR trucks with faces.
- Oliver and Toad's last appearances and speaking roles until the seventh series.
- The last fifth series episode produced in 1997.
- The last appearance of James' original smug face, before it would become recasted and had the eyes covered to become a sleeping face during production of the then-upcoming Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
- This episode marks the only appearance of Toad with his wincing face, although it was later seen on a troublesome truck in the eighth series episode, Fish and the ninth series episode, Emily Knows Best.
- In the UK dub, James' line "EYYOIIIKES!!!" as Toad is about to crash into him was later used for Skarloey and Rheneas in Rusty and the Boulder, which was two episodes later (three by production order) in this series.
- Mavis' chassis was seen pushing Toad and his train of trucks past the buffers that were set away by the points. A scrap cab piece from the Märklin engine can be seen by the pond.
- The brick portion of the Skarloey Engine Sheds appears behind Gordon during the runaway sequence.
- The Goods Station appears at the pond.
- According to concept art, two trucks were supposed to fly off of the rails after Toad gets switched into Crosby Yards. This was possibly cut because making some Gauge 1 props derail and keep the rest moving was tricky; rushes from the filming of the scene show an unsuccessful attempt at the derailment.
- The scene of Toad barely missing James was featured on an episode of Late Night with Conan O'Brien featuring Alec Baldwin. It was used to discuss a controversial subject that Baldwin's voice for James invoked a gay stereotype as far as Conan O'Brien was concerned. However, because the show was in widescreen, the clip from this episode was presented in 16:9 instead of using the original 4:3 ratio the episode was produced in.
- Toby's Shed from the first series and the barn Thomas crashed into in Bye George! can be seen when James is puffing along the Main Line.
- A map of the east of Sodor, which features Crovan's Gate and the Skarloey Railway, is seen inside the signalbox. It is also seen in Sleeping Beauty, Bye George! and Oliver's Find. The map was made in the fourth series and was used as geographical reference for the locations in concept arts.
- In the US and international dubs:
- A clattering sound effect is heard from the trucks racing down the hill after the narrator says the guard jumped clear.
- A splash sound effect is heard when Toad crashes into the pond.
- The inside shots of the signal box were filmed the same time as Oliver's Find on the 19th of January 1998.
- In the US, this episode aired before Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday meaning the American audience would not know about Annie and Clarabel's new refurbish looks.
- This is the only episode in the fifth series to be released early on VHS in Canada before airing on TV.
- A deleted scene features Henry smiling as Toad goes past him, most likely intended to switch face from his smiling to his surprised.
- As Toad says, "Blub-blub-blub-blub-blub-blub-blub. Stopped at last," the footage is sped up.
- A deleted scene shows the guard lying with his eyes closed in the bushes.
- The episode’s title was mentioned when Toad said he is happy “busy going backwards”.
- Throughout the episode, the trucks change loads multiple times: When they break away, it is a mixed train of coal and stone with some tarped trucks; however, when Toad enters the yards at Crosby, they are all stone trucks. Later, when Toad is diverted into the track leading to the pond, the trucks are mostly empty with the rear few having tarped loads.
- For most of the chase sequence, Toad only has one tail lamp.
- In several shots, studio equipment can be seen in the top left corner of the screen.
- At the beginning of the episode, the tracks end behind Wellsworth.
- The track arrangements at Oliver's shed changes between the day and night sequences.
- The truck who says, "We're making your wish come true, Toad!" is missing one of his eyebrows.
- When Toad rolls to the bottom of Gordon's Hill, the edge of the scenery can be seen.
- In the scene of the runaway going under the bridge on Gordon's Hill, Toad and the rest of the train come to a standstill before the scene cuts.
- When Toad switches lines to avoid Gordon, the track ends in bushes.
- One of Gordon's tender buffers is slightly crocked as Toad passes him.
- After he passes Gordon and before he meets James, Toad is shown on the left track without any shots of him switching to and from it. He is meant to be on the middle track the whole time until the shunter switches him. This was likely because the scene order was changed in the final edit.
- The narrator says that James is pulling a long slow train, but the train is neither long nor slow; rather, it is a short fast train. In the same scene, one of the vans also has a badly damaged roof.
- When Toad cries "Help! Save me!" a scratch can be seen under his left eyebrow and fades out.
- James' close-up shows him passing a workman for a split second, but in Toad's POV, there is not a workman that far past James.
- The close up of Toad shutting his eyes when he saw James is reused from the scene before hitting the crossing, as he is on the right track instead the middle track.
- After Toad avoids James, a works coach moves from in front of the points to behind the points.
- When Toad and the trucks race through Wellsworth, the truck at the front is brown, when it was dark green before.
- In the overhead shot of Toad being diverted into the Crosby yard, Toad and the two trucks behind him derail just as they leave the frame.
- In the POV shot of Toad approaching the buffers, the points are not actually points and is instead just curved track disguised as them, as the rails don't connect to the curved track.
- In the POV shot of Toad swerving away from the buffers and back onto the main line, a crocodile clip can be seen on the tracks.
- When Toad swerves away from the buffers and back onto the main line, an unmodified Märklin chassis (used on Mavis' model) can be seen pushing him and the trucks.
- The Crosby signal box says Tidmouth Hault.
- Oliver switches from left track to middle track, then presumably back to left track again during the chase.
- When Oliver rushes under the Wellsworth footbridge, part of the fencing is bent.
- The narrator says, "They diverted [Toad] onto old sidings" rather than "They diverted [Toad] onto an old siding."
- In the shot of Toad rolling toward the bridge before the pond, the truck at the front has a small, rectangular face when before it has a square face.
- When Toad falls into the pond, his roof was spotless while part of his body was mud-covered. But when he was talking with Oliver at the sheds, his roof was mud-covered while part of his body was spotless.
- Toad: I'm always going backwards, Mr. Oliver. I have forward-thinking views. I could be a leader if you know what I mean.
- Gordon: You can't be a leader without a train to follow you. You don't have a train.
- James: EYYOIIIKES!!!
- Toad: Help! Save me!
- Narrator: A quick thinking shunter did, just in time. (As Toad goes onto another line, James passes by)
- James: What was that?!
- Toad: HELP, HELP! (then sees some buffers) Those will stop me.
- Narrator: But the points to the buffers weren't set.
- Toad: Oh, no! I'm back on the Main Line!
- Oliver: I must catch Toad! I must!
- Toad: I'm sorry, Mr. Oliver if I caused you any embarrassment.
- Oliver: That's all right, Toad. So, what do you think of going forwards?
- Toad: It was fun! But from now on, I'll be happy to look forward to the future, busy going backwards, so to speak!
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Home Video Releases
UKDVD Boxsets
DVD BoxsetsAUS
DVD Packs
#01 Cranky Bugs | #10 Toby and the Flood | #19 Happy Ever After |
#02 Horrid Lorry | #11 Haunted Henry | #20 Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday |
#03 A Better View for Gordon | #12 Double Teething Troubles | #21 A Surprise for Percy |
#04 Lady Hatt's Birthday Party | #13 Stepney Gets Lost | #22 Make Someone Happy |
#05 James and the Trouble with Trees | #14 Toby's Discovery | #23 Busy Going Backwards |
#06 Gordon and the Gremlin | #15 Something in the Air | #24 Duncan Gets Spooked |
#07 Bye George! | #16 Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach | #25 Rusty and the Boulder |
#08 Baa! | #17 Thomas and the Rumours | #26 Snow |
#09 Put Upon Percy | #18 Oliver's Find | |