Callan Yard is a shunting yard located in the small village of Callan. The yard only exists in the television series introduced in the fourth series and seen extensively especially in the sixth series but hasn't been seen since the aforementioned series. The yard it's self is small and features an engine shed close to the station and a goods shed though this shed is very open to the elements. A few other sidings are also here with a large brick wall located on the side of the yard where the village is located. This yard was also the place that Oliver pulled S.C.Ruffey apart.
Locomotives | Emily |
Rolling Stock | Emily's Coaches |
People | Cyril the Fogman | Lord Callan |
Stations | Kirk Machan | Callan (Yard, Castle) | Misty Valley (Cyril's Cottage) | Black Loch (Castle Loch Causeway) | The Campgrounds |