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All items (185)
- Magazines
- Magic Shop
- The Mainland Inspection Trolley
- Marvel Comics
- McConnell's Farm
- Miniature Engines
- Minor Human Characters (Other Media)
- Minor Locomotive Characters (T&F)
- Minor Vehicle Characters (RWS)
- Minor Vehicle Characters (T&F)
- Mobile Grocer's
- Mountain Junction
- S. Jones Carpenter
- Safari Park Coaches
- Salty's Cave
- Sandstone Bridge
- The Scottish Engine Company
- Seaside Station
- Ships Museum
- Sidney (steam engine)
- Silver
- Simon's Express Sandwich Service
- The Skateboard Park
- The Ski Slopes
- Sleeper Coaches
- Sleighs (T&F)
- Smokey Joe (landmark)
- The Sodor Animal Park's Buggy
- Sodor Biscuits
- Sodor Country Park
- Sodor Fantasy Park
- Sodor Fireworks
- Sodor Launderette
- Sodor Lifeboat Station
- Sodor Mobile Library
- Sodor Moor
- Sodor Newspaper Factory
- Sodor Poster Colours
- Sodor Poster Colours Lorry
- The Sodor Railway Jazz Band's House
- Sodor Railway Museum
- Sodor Sand and Grit Blasting Service
- Sodor Scenic Railway
- Sodor Sea Centre
- Sodor Shopping Centre
- Sodor Snack Bar
- Sodor Supersnacks
- Sodor Tin Mine
- Sodor Transport Museum
- Sodor Trek and Leisure
- Sodor TV
- Sodor Wood
- Sodor's Rare Breeds Centre
- The Special Stationmaster's Home
- St. Mary's Hospital
- Star Story!
- Star Theatre
- The Station Before the New Tunnel
- Submarines (T&F)
- Summer Station
- Sunnyhill Farm
- Sunnytown
- T. Drysdale Signwriter
- The Animal Sanctuary Coach
- The Car-Train
- The Carriage Café (coach)
- The Cement Mixer
- The Coalman's Lorry
- The Combine Harvester
- The Fish and Chips Van
- The High-Speed Post Train
- The Milk Float
- The New Coach
- The Old Guard's Van
- The Old Tram Car
- The Pier Train
- The Pirate Caves of Sodor
- The Play Coach
- The Posh Coaches
- The Station Coach
- The Steam Crane
- The Tandem Rotor Helicopter
- The Vet's Car
- The Yardman's Car
- Thirteen
- Thomas' Tingles
- Thomas's Present
- Tidmouth Pier
- Tidvale
- Timothy Marwood
- Turntable Bridge