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Cattle Trucks are rolling stock used for transporting livestock such as cattle and other animals throughout the railways.

They are also referred to as cattle cars in the US narration. Simply put, they are also known as trucks in the UK narration or cars in the US narration.

GWR Cattle Trucks[]

GWR Cattle Trucks are closed vans used for transporting livestock across the North Western Railway and beyond.


Edward once had to take some cattle trucks to a market town. On the line there was a field where some cows were grazing. The noise and smoke produced by the train disturbed the cows as they were not used to it. As Edward passed by, a number of cows broke the fence, ran across the line and broke a coupling, which caused the last truck and the brake van to be left behind (although the narrator referred to it as plural which was due to using the original narration from the Railway Series story). Edward, who believed the jerk was caused by the trucks getting up to mischief, continued on his journey, unaware of the mishap. Percy later found it and used it to when he took Bluebell's calf to Crosby Bridge.[1]

Sometime afterwards, one of these trucks broke away from their engine and whilst chasing Duck down Gordon's Hill bumped into him. Duck and his crew bravely attempted to take control and slow the train, but crashed into a barber shop while avoiding to crash into James. The trucks did not care, and were feeling very pleased with themselves.

Boco once pulled a train of cattle trucks when he told James and Trevor to not make the bees angry or they sting them.[2]

On one occasion, the trucks tricked Bill and Ben as to where to shunt them. As a result, the yard was in a terrible mess causing the twins to be late with their evening duties.[3]

When Oliver fell into the turntable well, they were one of several trucks who teased him when he returned from the works. They stopped their teasing towards him, when he pulled S.C. Ruffey, their leader, apart.[4]

The vans later encouraged Diesel to pull a line of twenty trucks, with their brakes on unbeknownst to Diesel. He pulled so hard that he broke loose a coupling and fell off the quay and onto a barge.[5]

Two of these empty cattle trucks became derailed when Thomas crashed into a rockslide on the Misty Valley Branch Line due to thick fog. Cyril the Fogman placed detonators on the track to warn Toby and Henrietta of the derailment ahead.[6]

Thomas once had to deliver a farmer's prized bull aboard one of these trucks. Thomas and the train were later caught in a landslide and Percy came to their rescue.[7]

There are also some colourful cattle trucks, which are used by the circus and funfair when they come to Sodor.[8]


Sentient vans fall into the category of Troublesome Vans.

Technical Details[]


These trucks are based on the real GWR MEX B Diagram W8 cattle wagons that are used on the railways, such as British Railways.

Types of van designs:


These trucks are painted in either the same or different shade of brown, all with rooftops in either the same or different shade of grey and black. Some of these trucks have heavily weathered doors that are painted in either the same or different shade of green. There are also two Topham circus cattle trucks painted in white and red lining.


Thomas & Friends


Music Videos

Learning Segments


  • Starting from the seventh series, the cattle trucks are faceless.
  • From the second to the ninth series, the cattle trucks models were constructed out of Tenmille kits, which are still made today. From the tenth series to the twelfth series, the cattle trucks models were scratch built.
  • The Bachmann release of the GWR Cattle Truck inaccurately uses the same tooling as the LMS Cattle Trucks, despite being marketed as Great Western Railway origin.


LMS Cattle Trucks[]

LMS Cattle Trucks are closed vans used for transporting domesticated cattle throughout the railways, such as the North Western Railway.


Sentient cattle trucks are described as Troublesome Trucks.

Technical Details[]


These trucks are based on the real LMS cattle wagons that are used on the railways, such as British Railways.


These trucks painted in different liveries, such as brown, dark green and cream. Some of these trucks have green doors. There is also a circus truck painted in red and yellow with white lining.



  • The Bachmann release of the GWR Cattle Truck inaccurately uses the same tooling as the LMS Cattle Trucks, despite being marketed as Great Western Railway origin.


SR Cattle Trucks[]

SR Cattle Trucks are open wagons used for transporting livestock across the North Western Railway and beyond. They are designed with folding sides that act as ramps.

Technical Details[]


Despite the "SR" on the sides, these wagons are based on LNER cattle wagons but cut down as open wagons.


The livestock wagons are painted reddish brown, with the initials "S R" for Sodor Railway on their sides in white.


Other Cattle Trucks[]

Several types of freelance cattle trucks have appeared throughout Thomas & Friends books, magazines and merchandise ranges.


Official Description[]

From Official Media:[1]

Sodor Dairy Cars: The people on the Island of Sodor need milk, and they can always count on the Sodor Dairy Cars to deliver it. The children especially love to see the Dairy Cars as they pass by.



See Also[]


--- Dropped | * 1991-1994 maps only | ** 2014 map only