Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas & Friends

Main Page

Many children have appeared in Thomas & Friends, including the magazines, annuals and books.

Notable Children[]

The following children have their own separate pages:


The Ginger School Boy[]

The Ginger School Boy is a child who regularly attends school on the Island of Sodor.


This boy wear a school uniform, which consists of grey trousers, a black tie, a white shirt, maroon socks and a maroon jacket, both with grey lining. He also wears a maroon cap and has his school's logo on the front of his cap in grey.


The Organ Boy[]

The Organ Boy is a child who assists his school's head teacher, Headmaster Hastings, by pumping an organ.


This boy wears a school uniform, which consists of grey trousers, a dark blue tie with yellow slanted stripes, a white shirt and a dark blue jacket with yellow stripes.


The Blonde-haired Girl[]

The Blond-haired Girl is a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes.


The Donkey Riding Girl[]


The Boy in the Pyjamas[]

The Boy in the Pyjamas is a small boy.


One night, the boy was reading a book in torchlight while the power was off across the Island of Sodor. After Thomas helped take some engineers to the Sodor Power Station to repair it, the boy's light came back on.



For other uses, see Alice.

Alice is a young girl who lives on High Farm with her mother and Border Collie dog.


She is good friends with Thomas and, presumably, Rosie. Her mother phoned for help when Thomas was trapped in a landslide. She was later seen amongst Bertie's passengers when he got stuck in the mud on his way to the medal ceremony for a brave firefighter.


Voice Actors[]


Patrick and Pansy Percival[]

For other uses, see Patrick.

Patrick and Pansy Percival are Mr. Percival and Mrs. Percival's son and daughter. They are a set of twins who have red hair, unlike their parents. On their birthday, the twins were given a trip in a hot air balloon as a present.


Thomas & Friends[]

Magazine Stories[]


  • Patrick and Pansy are the first twins of the opposite gender to be introduced in Thomas & Friends.
  • A magazine fact file and the 2013 Writer's Bible states the Percival family actually has five children instead of just two,[1] although there is no evidence within the official series to support this.
    • The fact file details the names of the children as Peter, Paul, Patrick, Pansy and Penny. However, in Thomas & Friends, Patrick and Pansy are the only ones whose names have been confirmed.
    • The fact file mistake likely comes from some episodes where the Percival family are seen alongside three other children, presumably Patrick and Pansy's friends. However, the three other children are never consistent.
    • Other than Patrick and Pansy, the magazine fact file states there are two boys and one girl in the family. However, Patrick and Pansy are usually seen alongside two girls and one boy in the official series.

The Ginger-haired Boy[]

The Ginger-haired Boy is a little boy with ginger hair and glasses who has appeared in various episodes since the twelfth series. He once asked Thomas to find a hat for the children's snowman before the "Snowman Party" began. He and a girl waved to James, who was not paying attention due to his attitude of pulling rubbish.


Thomas & Friends


Voice Actors[]

The Blond-haired Boy[]

The Blond-haired Boy is a little boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He once broke his leg and needed to get back to Sodor before Christmas and luckily Connor got him there in time.


Thomas & Friends



Voice Actors[]


Christopher is a young boy who often gets lost at big stations.


Thomas & Friends[]



Little Thomas[]

For other uses, see Thomas.

"Little" Thomas, previously nicknamed Thomas the Baby, is a young boy who is Albert's son.


As a baby, he annoyed Thomas, Annie, Clarabel and their passengers with his consistent crying especially when Thomas would stop at a station, but seemed to stop crying whenever Thomas continued to pull his train. So he decided to give the baby and his mother a ride in his coaches all around Sodor which drifted him to sleep. As a thank you, Albert and his wife decided to name their baby after Thomas. He later appeared in the twenty-fourth series, as a young boy, and is now referred to by his nickname 'Little Thomas'. 'Little Thomas' is a cheerful young boy, who shows great interest in trains (with particular regards to a certain tank engine of the same name) and animals. It was he who managed to form a strong bond with Fuzzy, a stray dog, and persuaded Albert to adopt him.


Voice Actors[]


  • Thomas' model in the twenty-fourth series is reused from the Blond-haired Boy.
  • Thomas is the only human character in Thomas & Friends shown to have physically aged on-screen.
  • His new nickname references ones that are given to the smaller engines by some of the tender engines, such as Gordon.
  • Though there have been multiple instances where some people and vehicles share the same name as each other throughout the franchise, Thomas is the first character in Thomas & Friends to be directly named after another character, not counting Thomas the Pig.


Madeleine is a young girl Thomas met on Christmas Day while working in Australia. She'd lost her Kangaroo toy, which Thomas offered to get back to her and was successful at doing so.


Voice Actors[]


  • According to Tim Bain, Madeleine is named after his daughter.
  • Madeleine's model is reused from the blonde-haired girl who appeared in earlier episodes.


"There's Sophie on Playful!"

Sophie is a young girl and a friend of Percy's. She owns a pony called Playful which she rides in a field close to the railway line. Sophie competed in horse shows and once gave Percy some old horseshoes to bring him good luck.



For other uses, see Stephen (disambiguation).

Stephen is a young boy who travels to school on Bertie. Bertie has stated that Stephen is his favourite passenger.



This article is about 'the little boy'. You may be looking for 'the pop star'.

Danny is in charge of hiring deckchairs to holidaymakers on the beach, but one day, Lorry 1 crushed his store-shed. Danny was worried that the tide would wash his chairs away, so his good friend, Bulstrode, told him to stow the deckchairs safely in his hull overnight. The next morning, Danny mended his store-shed and gave a gift for Bulstrode - a roll of stripy deckchair material to cover his hull so that Bulstrode did not get continuously hit with beach balls and kites. He is very kind and in the event of a deckchair being torn, he never seems annoyed. He just takes the damaged chairs home and mends them with stripy deckchair canvas that he keeps for just such an occasion.



"A real engine is the best!"
― Dan

Dan is the son of one of Duck's drivers.


One year, on his birthday, Dan came to the station and his father gave him a model engine as a gift. Dan went round and showed everyone his new toy, but Thomas startled him by banging into the buffers too hard. This caused Dan to drop his special toy, breaking it. Thomas felt bad and invited him into his cab as his special birthday guest.


Adam and Debbie[]

Adam and Debbie are the young children of a stationmaster who works at a station on Thomas' Branch Line. One winters day, Adam and Debbie went shopping with their mother to purchase a toboggan. Unfortunately, all the toy shops had sold out. When Thomas had an accident, it gave their father an idea and he made a toboggan in the shape of Thomas.


The Small Boy[]

"Can I be the Fat Controller and run the big Main Station, for just a little while!"
― The small boy

The Small Boy wanted to run the Main Station. The Fat Controller allowed him to and he was given an old whistle, a top-hat and a timetable. The Small Boy soon gave the Fat Controller his railway back when Murdoch broke down and blocked the line.



Marcus is a young boy who is good friends with Sir Topham Hatt's grandchildren Stephen and Bridget. One of the games he enjoys playing with them is "piggy-in-the-middle".



"Hurray! This will be the best birthday party ever!"
― Sally

Sally is a friend of Bridget and Stephen Hatt.



"That must be my mouse!"
― Harry

Harry is a young boy who is the son of the man who runs the lost property office at the Main Station. He once brought his new pet mouse, Nosey, to the station to show his father when it escaped.


Jill and Jane[]

For other uses, see Jane (disambiguation).

"Bill and Ben aren't the only playful twins!"
― Stephen Hatt

Jill and Jane are mischievous twins and are known for playing tricks. Once, Stephen and Bridget met the twins at the Vicar's party at the Wellsworth Vicarage Orchard. Jill and Jane managed to trick Stephen and Bridget whilst playing hide-and-seek.



For other uses, see Charles.

"You're much safer, Daisy. I've never fallen off you!"
― Charlie

Charlie is a young boy who is good friends with Daisy. Everyday, Daisy takes Charlie to school on Thomas' Branch Line. However, during a school holiday, Daisy thought that Charlie was travelling on a modern, new engine named Joey. To Daisy's surprise it turned out that Joey is Charlie's horse.



William is a young boy who is good friends with Sir Topham Hatt's grandchildren Stephen and Bridget, who were invited to his birthday party. Unfortunately, a leaky tap in the bathroom delayed William's party. The Fat Controller managed to fix the leaky tap and even told the children about his railway. A young boy called William, who is Percy's driver's nephew, appears in another magazine story. He loves travelling on different modes of transport and while staying with his uncle on Sodor, got to travel on a ferry, Trevor and inside Percy's cab. He wanted to ride in a helicopter and Percy made his wish come true, when he pretended to break down and Harold came to the rescue. It is currently unknown if it is the same boy in both stories.


David and Danny[]

David and Danny were two twins that Thomas could not tell apart. With help from Donald, Douglas, Bill and Ben, Thomas managed to tell them apart.



Becky is a girl who appears in the mini book, Thomas and the Pony Show by Christopher Awdry.



Amy is a girl who appears in the mini book, Henry Goes to the Hospital by Christopher Awdry. She fell off of her bicycle and hurt her leg, and Henry had to take her to hospital when the ambulance got stuck in the mud.



Jake is a boy who appears in the mini book, Percy and the Kite by Christopher Awdry. He was the owner of his Percy shaped kite which won first price.



Andrew was a young boy who appeared in the book, Bad Days for Thomas and his Friends.


Andrew was out on his bicycle with his dog Lucy when he thought to take a shortcut on what he believed was some old, disused railway line. Unfortunately, his bike got stuck and it turned out the line was actually Thomas' Branch Line. Thankfully, Lucy saved Andrew who soon got told off over this by Policeman Len who also said that Lucy had prevented a worse accident.



Alysha is young girl who appears in the story, Nearly an Unhappy Christmas, in the book, More Bad Days for Thomas and his Friends.


One Boxing Day, she took her dog out for a walk as her mother had to look after her sick father. She went for a walk near the Peel Godred branch line - the only electrified line on Sodor. However, when walking home over the railway bridge, the wind blew Alysha's new hat onto the electric wires. Alysha grabbed a branch and tried to get her hat back, but then, a brand new electric locomotive and his driver saw Alysha and told her to stop just in time; dropping the branch, Alysha got a terrible fright when the branch and her hat get zapped by the voltage in the electric wires. The driver of the electric locomotive gave Alysha a stern warning, and a burnt mark on her hat serves as a reminder for Alysha not to take chances near electric railways.



Gemma is a young girl who appears in the story, Trouble on the Train, in the book, More Bad Days for Thomas and his Friends.


During her last day of the school term, some girls tried to get her to do a dare. When she refused, they pushed her out of Annie and fled the station. The porter and the stationmaster tried to comfort her to no avail, so they called Policeman Len to the station. He told Gemma that she was brave for not doing the dare and for telling him about it. However, Gemma was too scared to tell him the names of her so-called friends. Thomas, Annie and Clarabel kindly persuaded Gemma to pluck up courage, so she told Policeman Len the girls' names. Afterwards, Gemma's mother came to take her daughter home whilst the parents of the other girls got a visit from Policeman Len.



"I've lost my kitten, Whiskers. Will you help me look for him, please?"
― Josh to Thomas

Josh is a young boy who owns a white kitten named Whiskers.


He once asked Thomas to find Whiskers when he went missing. Thomas, with the help of Harold and Flynn, located Whiskers stuck in a tree. The young kitten was then reunited with a happy Josh, thanks to Bertie.



The Stone-dropping Boys[]

The Stone-dropping Boys are a group of boys.


The boys once stood on a bridge and saw Henry as he whistled to them. As Henry passed under the bridge, the boys dropped stones on him and the coaches, which broke the windows of some of the coaches. The passengers wanted to call the police, though Henry's driver had a plan. The boys soon waited for Henry with more stones. As he was about to pass under the bridge, he sneezed as per his driver's plan, covering the boys with ashes from his funnel.


The boys wear a school uniform, which consists of grey shorts, a black tie, a white shirt, red socks, and a red jacket, both with grey lining. They also wear red caps and have their school's logo on the front of their caps and jackets in grey.


Thomas & Friends

Music Videos

The Little Boys[]

The Little Boys are a group of boys. They wear a school uniform.


One of the boys confused Gordon for a tank engine when he arrived at Elsbridge pulling the Express backwards. When Gordon slid into a ditch at Knapford Sheds, the three boys arrived and sang a song about the event.


Thomas & Friends

The Control-meddling Boys[]

The Control-meddling Boys were a group of two boys.


While James' fireman was getting James ready for shunting, the two boys climbed into James' cab and started meddling with his controls. After James started moving, the boys got out and ran. A signalman had witnessed the event and informed James' fireman about the situation.


The Boy with the Blue Shirt

Thomas & Friends

The Boy with the Yellow Shirt

Thomas & Friends

The Dark Uniformed Children[]

The Dark Uniformed Children are a group of children who go to the various schools around the Island of Sodor, such as Harwick School.


Some of the children were once upset when they had to stand in the rain due to a leak in the school's roof. When Diesel arrived at the school with the slate to fix the roof, the schoolchildren shouted and cheered for him. A boy later cheered for Flynn when the fire engine arrived to fight a fire. A group of children also commented on Stafford not making any noise, prompting the electric engine to learn some steam engine noises.


The children wear a school uniform, which consists of grey trousers, a dark blue tie with yellow slanted stripes, a white shirt and a dark blue jacket with yellow stripes. They also wear dark blue caps with yellow stripes.


Thomas & Friends


Music Videos

Voice Actors[]

The Station-damaging Boys[]

The Station-damaging Boys were a group of boys. Stephen Hatt was among the group.


The boys once went to Maithwaite and damaged the station's decorations, scattering flowers, fruit and vegetables all over the platform. They were then held hostage in the waiting room by the ram who was thought to have caused the damage but was actually trying to stop the boys from causing anything more, as Percy’s driver and the stationmaster found out. Once they were let out, the boys apologised for their behaviour and promised to put everything back the way it was before.


The Sports Day Children[]

The Sports Day Children are a group of boys and girls who took part in their annual sports day event.


During sports day, the Fat Controller left the medals in his office at Knapford station, and sent Thomas to collect them. After Thomas delivered the medals, the Fat Controller proudly handed them out to the winners.


The School Choir[]

The School Choir is a choir of boys and girls. The choir is led by the adult choirmaster.


During Christmas time, the school choir practised at Knapford while James was waiting for Edward to arrive for them to deliver trucks to the Coaling Plant.

When a fireworks party was being held, Toby took the school choir there.

Thomas was once tasked with taking the school choir to a concert. However, while on the way he broke down due to problems with his boiler after not having his final inspection. Luckily, James arrived and helped Thomas by taking the school choir to the concert.


The Sodor School Team[]


The Mainland Football Team[]


The Sodor School Team Fans[]


Bridget Hatt's Friends[]

Bridget Hatt's friends once attended Bridget Hatt's birthday party. Their favourite colour is pink.


Magazine Stories[]

Voice Actors[]

Sodor Rangers[]

The Sodor Rangers are a scout troop. Emily once took them to the Campgrounds.


Voice Actors[]

Sir Topham Hatt's Seven Grandchildren[]

Sir Topham Hatt has seven other grandchildren who enjoy hiding from their grandfather. Two of them appear to be twins.

Other Groups of Children[]

Many other groups of children have been seen around the railways of Sodor.


When James arrived at Knapford pushing Toby, a group of children were at the platform. One of them commented on the Express being late and thought that James required help from Toby. One day, a group of children were travelling home when their school bus broke down and then climbed onto a bridge to ask Thomas if he could take them home while he was pulling Annie and Clarabel.

After Sir Handel's encounter with George, a group of boys arrived and teased Sir Handel about his confrontational race with George. Some also taunted Daisy with some sweets called "bulls eyes", after Daisy's encounter with Champion.


Thomas & Friends




  1. 2013.07.02 - THO Character Bios