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"I would have won if I didn't have to go the long way round and keep stopping."
― Cleo

Cleo the Road Engine is the nineteenth episode of the twenty-fourth series.


When Ruth's new car, Cleo, takes to the rails to race Thomas, she soon discovers why she is designed to stick to the roads.







  • Going by production order, this is the seventeenth episode of the twenty-fourth series.
  • This is the first and last episode of a few things:
    • The last episode written by Paul Larson and Laura Beaumont.
    • The last original series episode where a character besides Thomas has a leading role.
    • Although it chronologically takes place before Cleo's First Snow, this episode marks the final appearances of Cleo and Ruth, as well as those of Bulgy and the Post Van.
    • The final appearance of Farmer McColl in the original series.
    • The last episode to feature William Hope, Colin McFarlane, Harriet Kershaw, and Dominique Moore as part of the voice cast.
  • In Poland, this episode premiered before A New Arrival, so the audience would not know who Ruth is.
  • In the Polish dub, Bulgy is voiced by a female actress instead of a male actor.


  • On Netflix, when Cleo is passing Bulgy, the captions credit the latter's interrupted "free the roads" quip as Bertie's.
  • Thomas' brake van changes from black to orange and back to black.


Home Media Releases[]

United Kingdom Ireland UK/IRL[]

AnimalAdventuresDVDCover Animal Adventures
Season24UKPrimeVideo The Complete Series 24

Australia AUS[]

AnimalAdventures(AUSDVD) Animal Adventures

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Cleo, o carro a vapor
Czech Cleo, silniční lokomotiva
Dutch Cleo de Weglocomotief
Estonian Maanteevedur Cleo
Greek Κλίο το Τρενάκι της Ασφάλτου
Hebrew קליאו קטרית הדרכים
Hungarian Cleo, az úti mozdony
Indonesian Cleo si Kereta Berjalan
Italian Cleo, la Locomotiva Stradale
Japanese クレオはめずらしいクルマ
Latin American Spanish Cleo, el auto de vapor
Latvian Ceļa Lokomotīve Kleo
Lithuanian Klėja - Keliiams Skirtas Lokomotyvas
Polish Cleo Auto Parowóz
Russian Гонки по рельсам
Spanish Cleo, la locomotora de la carretera

External Links[]
