Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Coaches are a piece of railway rolling stock designed to carry passengers.

Types of coaches[]

Named coaches[]


  • Put together, Kana’s coaches and Kenji’s coaches make up the majority of coaches in All Engines Go, but they are generally not used by the steam engines. Annie and Clarabel are the two public coaches most commonly used by the steam engines.
  • Only Sir Topham Hatt has ever been seen riding in Emily's coach.
  • All the non-sentient coaches in All Engines Go have distinctive design and aesthetic elements that match their designated engines. Emily's coach matches her colours and Victorian design elements, Kenji's coaches match his shape, and Kana's coaches match both her shape and colours.
  • While faceless coaches for steam engines currently remain uncommon in the All Engines Go series, two more exist within the show’s merchandise line. An orange branchline coach was included in the Knapford Station set, and a red branchline coach was included in the Percy's Passenger Run set.