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― Madge spraying snow over a policeman

Cool Truckings is the twenty-second episode of the eleventh series.


Thomas has arrived at the Transfer Yards to collect some coal, but snow has blocked the line and Duncan is unable to shunt the coal trucks into place. Madge offers to take him to the other side of the yards and Duncan is winched up.

While driving through the countryside, Duncan complains that the journey is boring and Madge is too slow, so she speeds up and drives up a bumpy country lane. Duncan is delighted when Madge starts spraying snow everywhere, even more so when they approach the top of the hill and run down, but ice has covered the road ahead and Madge slips onto the edge of a cliff. Luckily, she is able to reverse back onto the road and they make it safely home.

That night, Madge arrives at the sheds to find that Duncan has told the other engines about their adventure, and she sprays the delighted engines with snow.




  • Going by production order, this is the sixth episode of the eleventh series.
  • The title of this episode is a reference to the 1993 Disney film, Cool Runnings.
  • The music of the engines fighting each other from Calling All Engines! is reused when Madge sprays snow onto the side of the road. This is the last time the track played in its original speed, as it is slightly sped up in its next and final four usages from Don't Go Back.
  • A heavily altered version of Max and Monty's theme from various Jack and the Sodor Construction Company episodes is used when Madge spins out and crashes.
  • This is the only episode to feature Duncan's extra spooked face.
  • For this episode, a lightweight model of Duncan was built to ride on Madge, since Duncan's regular model would be too heavy for Madge to carry. This particular model for Duncan is now owned by Twitter user ThomasTankMerch. This is also the only episode to feature said model.
  • This is the first episode to feature a road vehicle as a main character since the Jack and the Sodor Construction Company episode Mud Glorious Mud.
  • In Canadian Broadcast order this the Series 11 finale.


  • Madge's load disappears when she turns a corner at the beginning as the narrator says "She was safe and sure."
  • One of the trees in the background changes after Madge leaves the Transfer Yards.
  • When Madge carries Duncan over the bumps, Duncan's cab roof comes off slightly.
  • When Madge bursts through the snow bank, there are trees on either side of her, but when she is dangling from the cliff, there is nothing there.
  • While on Madge, Duncan's siderods change position several times.
  • After Duncan pulls the coal trucks for Thomas, the second to last truck wobbles.
  • When Madge sprays snow over the engines at the end of the episode, the snow sprays before her wheel starts to move.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Chinese Mandarin 凉爽的货车运输
Czech Ledová dráha
Danish Spor i sneen
Dutch Een Koud Kunstje
Finnish Maantien Iloja
French Un Chouette chargement
German Spaß auf der Straße
Hungarian Csúszós mulatságok
Indonesian Jangan Membawa truk yang keren
Japanese マージのゆきあそび
Korean 시원한 트럭 놀이
Latin American Spanish Caminos Divertidos
Norwegian Hjulspinn
Polish Wesoła Jazda
Portuguese Vagões Simpáticos
Romanian Manevre Cool
Russian Крутые грузовые вагончики
Spanish Transportes Chulos

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