Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the Story Library book. You may be looking for the character or the Engine Adventures book.

"Now move out of the way, you mites, I need to get to those trucks"
― Cranky after being rescued

Cranky, re-titled Cranky the Crane in 2011 and Thomas and Percy to the Rescue in 2015, is the seventh book in the My Thomas Story Library series.


This is a story about Cranky the Crane. He worked at the Docks on the Island of Sodor. He played tricks on the engines to get them into trouble, but one day, Cranky needed the engines' help...




  • This book is based on the fifth series episode, Cranky Bugs.
  • This book once came free with a Thomas magazine.
  • This book was featured as a read along on the Read and Play! app with narration by Mark Moraghan.
  • In the first and the last illustrations, Cranky's design is reused from his promo from Thomas' Sticker Express.
  • There are several notable differences between this book and the episode it is based upon:
    • Cranky actually told the Fat Controller that Thomas and Percy had actually ignored what he told them to do.
    • There is an extra scene at Tidmouth Sheds during the storm with Thomas and Percy.
    • Henry is absent in the tramp steamer scene.
    • It is daylight when Thomas and Percy come to rescue Cranky.
  • The book Thomas' Midnight Adventure contains this book's illustrations, although with a few modifications.


  • Tidmouth Sheds are referred to as a station.
  • Percy has yellow lining around his side cab window.
  • In the ninth illustration, Duck has a red running board and green wheels when they both should be black.

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Finnish Niilo
Japanese クランキー
Polish Zrzęda

