Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

"Really useful Diesel 10 is ten times scarier than those two!"
― Henry, referring to 'Arry and Bert

Creepy Claw is a magazine story.


Henry is heading to the forest with his log car to collect logs for the sawmill. On his way, he has to stop at a signal near a dark, gloomy siding where the big, strong and frightening Diesel 10 is working, clearing railway scrap. Suddenly, Diesel 10 drops an old funnel which makes Henry jump. The big Diesel lets out a frustrated growl as he picks it up again. Henry is relieved when the signal changed.

Meanwhile, Salty has left the docks to work with 'Arry and Bert at the Smelter's Yard. Salty offers to tell them a sea story, but 'Arry and Bert are only interested in playing tricks. 'Arry bumps Salty and then the pair hide in an old shed and make spooky noises to scare Salty.

Salty is happy when the work is finished and he can return to the coast. On his way, he meets Henry. He tells Henry all about 'Arry and Bert's tricks. Then, the two naughty Diesels come screaming out of a nearby tunnel, making both Henry and Salty jump. Both engines agree that their "jokes" are not funny.

A short while later, some of Henry's logs break loose and his driver telephones for help. It is getting dark when Diesel 10 finally arrives. He is soon busy lifting Henry's logs with his mighty claw as 'Arry and Bert pass by on their way home. They see Diesel 10's claw dance in the moonlit sky and Henry sees a chance for revenge. He tells the two concerned Diesels that it is a giant crab from one of Salty's stories. 'Arry and Bert reverse away as quickly as possible and Henry is sure that it will stop their silly tricks.




  • In the second illustration, Salty is incorrectly portrayed with two side rods on his right side.
  • In the final illustration, Henry's bufferbeam is out of proportion.

