Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
The Railway Series

"I'm sending you to Crewe, a fine place for sick engines. They'll give you a new shape and a larger firebox. You'll feel a different engine and won't need special coal any more."
Sir Topham Hatt

Crewe is a town in England and the location of Crewe Locomotive Works.


After leaving Abbey School, Cronk, Charles Hatt went to Crewe as an engineering pupil under William A. Stanier. He was present here during Henry's rebuild.[1]

In 1935, Henry was taken to Crewe to be rebuilt after his accident with the Flying Kipper.[2] During his overhaul, Henry met an engine named Bahamas here.[3]

In 1939, Gordon was taken to Crewe for an overhaul of his own, which included new cylinders and valve gear to Stanier's design.[4]


