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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the DVD or the promotional DVD.

"I'm a truck load of sausages! Ha ha ha!"
"Sausages? Diesel, wait! Come back!"
"Oh, what do you want to go chasing after him for?"
"He's my friend!"
"Is he really?"
― Diesel, Paxton and Reg

Disappearing Diesels is the fourth episode of the eighteenth series.


Some of the diesels on the Island of Sodor can be very troublesome, but not Paxton. He has friends all over the Island, from Brendam Docks to the Blue Mountain Quarry. The engine Paxton has to try his hardest to make friends with is Diesel himself. Diesel is not a very friendly engine at all.

One day, Diesel arrives at the Dieselworks and tells all the other diesels there to hide from Paxton as a joke. Paxton arrives and looks all over the Dieselworks, but he cannot find his friends anywhere. Paxton comes to the conclusion that something is making the diesels on Sodor disappear. Paxton leaves to see if he can find any diesels on Sodor. After he has gone, Sidney, Den and Dart tell Diesel that they think they have all taken the joke too far. Diesel disagrees and insists that jokes are funny.

Paxton does not think the situation is a joke at all. He clatters up to the Blue Mountain Quarry to ask if there are any diesels there. Rusty calls out to him, but Paxton does not hear him as he is already rolling away to try somewhere else. At Knapford Station, Paxton asks if Thomas has seen any diesel engines. Thomas says he can see Paxton, but Paxton tells him it is the other diesels that have disappeared. Paxton leaves Thomas rather confused.

At Brendam Docks, Paxton clatters in and asks if Cranky has seen Salty. Cranky thinks Paxton is talking nonsense and tells him that Salty passed by five minutes ago. Just then, Salty rattles up and Paxton is delighted to see him. Salty thinks Paxton is burning fuel over nothing and assures the worried diesel that his friends will turn up by the end of the day. Just then, Cranky announces that Diesel has arrived with a delivery. Much to Diesel's annoyance, Paxton spots him. Diesel races away with Paxton in hot pursuit.

Diesel pulls into a siding behind some trucks at the scrapyard. Paxton arrives and asks Reg if Diesel is there. Diesel answers, pretending to be Reg, but Paxton does not fall for the trick after Diesel also pretends he is "a truckload of sausages," and Diesel races away once again. Reg is confused as to why Paxton would bother chasing after silly Diesel, but Paxton insists that Diesel is his friend. Reg is not sure if Diesel really is Paxton's friend.

Diesel is having so much fun tricking Paxton that he decides to head to the quarry to hide there. Unfortunately, as soon as Diesel pulls off the main line, his engine starts to cough and splutter. Paxton races up and Diesel admits that he had only been teasing him all along. Paxton is confused; the middle of the line is not a very good place to hide. Diesel says that he is no longer hiding, he has run out of diesel fuel. Paxton starts to help by pushing Diesel to the next refueling station, and Diesel wonders what Paxton is doing.

Diesel is not sure what to make of the situation; why is Paxton being so kind to him? He does not say thank you, but he does ask Paxton why he has helped him. Paxton just smiles and says that is what friends are for.

That evening, Paxton is delighted to see all the diesels back at the Dieselworks. Shortly afterwards, Diesel arrives and pulls into the berth beside Paxton. Diesel still does not manage to say thank you, but he does give Paxton a friendly smile and that is good enough for Paxton.






  • Martin Sherman as Thomas, Percy and Diesel
  • Keith Wickham as Salty, Den and Skarloey
  • Steven Kynman as Paxton and Dart
  • Bob Golding as Sidney
  • Matt Wilkinson as Rusty
  • Glenn Wrage as Cranky
  • Tim Whitnall as Reg


  • This episode was released in the US early before Tale of the Brave, so early American viewers may not have known who Reg was.
  • This episode marks:
    • Porter's first non-speaking role.
    • Paxton's only speaking role in the eighteenth series.
    • Den, Dart, Norman and Sidney’s only appearances in the eighteenth series.
    • Sidney's last appearance until the special, The Great Race and his last appearance in an episode until the premiere of the twentieth series. It is also the only time Ken Sanders voices him in the Japanese dub, taking over the role from Shōto Kashii (although Kashii voiced Sidney in the Great Race). Tomohiro Tsuboi takes over the role from Sanders starting with said series.
    • The last time Sanders voices a character other than Diesel in the Japanese dub, in which is Sidney.
    • Wellsworth Scrap Yard's first appearance in an episode since the third series episode, Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party.
  • In the Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Baltic Russian and Vietnamese dubs, the UK dub can be heard in the background as a dubbing track was not used.


  • In the shot of Paxton first speaking to Cranky in the beginning of the episode, he has eight wheels instead of only six.
  • At the end, as Diesel backs into the berth beside Paxton, Sidney is missing his wheels and appears to be floating.
  • In the close-up of Paxton on the turntable near the end of the episode, the turntable does not move, only Paxton does.
  • In the first shot of the Blue Mountain Quarry, Rheneas is on standard gauge tracks.
  • When Paxton changes tracks and buffers up behind Diesel, the points on Diesel's side of the junction are set against him. Furthermore, when one of Paxton's crew changes the points, the points do not move and Paxton clips through them.
  • When Paxton first comes into the Dieselworks, one of the cement blocks of the refueling station is missing.
  • When Paxton returns to the Dieselworks, Norman and Sidney's faces are frozen.
  • The Italian title mentions Toby, but there is no Toby in the episode.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Desaparecimento dos Diesels
Czech Mizející diesely
Danish Forsvundne dieseler
Dutch Waar zijn de Diesels?
Hungarian Eltűntek a dízelek
Indonesian Kereta Disel yang Menghilang
Italian Toby e i Motori Scomparsi
Japanese きえたディーゼルきかんしゃたち
Korean 사라진 디젤들
Latin American Spanish Diesels que Desaparecen
Lithuanian Nyksta dizele
Norwegian Diesellokomotivene som forsvant
Polish Znikające Diesle
Portuguese O Desaparecimento das Locomotivas a Diesel
Romanian Locomotive diesel dispărute
Russian Исчезнувшие дизели
Spanish Desaparición de Diésels
Taiwanese Mandarin 柴油小火车失踪记
Turkish Kayıp Dizeller
Ukrainian Тепловози, що Зникають

Home Video Releases


DVD Packs



  • Trouble on the Tracks





