The Discover Thomas & Friends Exhibition is a Gauge 1 model layout at the Drayton Manor Resort made up of models used between the first and twelfth series of Thomas & Friends, prior to its transition to full CGI in 2009.
As Hero of the Rails approached its release, HiT Entertainment opened an exhibition at Drayton Manor Resort's Thomas Land featuring original models from the television series in July 2009. The original exhibition was located in the section at Farmer McColl's Farm next to Terence's Driving School.
In October 2023, the exhibition was relocated at the exit building of Winston's Whistle Stop Tour, where more locations from the television series were recreated. Unlike the original layout - where all engines were props from the television series - only static engines are original props, while the running engines (activated via buttons situated around the layout) are replica models.
Original Layout (2009-2022)[]
- Thomas (The Great Discovery-Series 12 Brass model; removed in 2022 for restoration and replaced by fan-made replica)
- Edward (Series 10-12 Brass model; removed in early 2020 to be restored by Sean O'Connor, later put on display at the Clearwater exhibition)
- Toby (Series 12 model; stolen in 2011)[1]
- Stepney (Removed in December 2018 and returned to HiT storage)
- Harvey (Returned to HiT Entertainment storage in 2011)
- Molly (Previously at Nitrogen Studios)
- Rosie
- Hank
- Daisy (Returned to HiT Storage in 2022)
- Class 40
- Mighty Mac
Rolling Stock[]
- Troublesome Trucks
- Toad
- Old Slow Coach
- Rocky
- Gordon's Special Coaches
- Six trucks
- Three red trucks (Some with fish, one with bricks and books)
- One blue truck
- Two turquoise trucks
- Three of Thomas' New Trucks (Covered in tarpaulins and with fish between 2009 and 2019, then with fruit and vegetables as of early 2020)
- One grey LNER 12 ton van
- One cattle truck
- Two Poultry Wagons
- Three red and cream express coaches (Three Composite Coaches, TATMR-Series 12 Resin models) (Returned to storage in early 2020)
- Three green and cream express coaches (Brake coach added in early 2020 with the two composite coaches, TATMR-Series 12 Resin models)
- Three Milk Tankers (Two of the tankers returned to storage in early 2020)
- Eight Tar Tankers (Five of the tankers returned to storage in early 2020)
- Two oil tankers
- Two red Branch Line Coaches (One Composite and one Break Coach)
- One flatbed
- One conflat
- One Breakdown Train (Returned to HiT Storage in 2020)
- Two Breakdown Train conflats, including one with the Great Waterton water wheel (One of the conflats returned to HiT Storage in 2020)
- One BR 20 Ton Brake Van (Removed sometime in 2011 or 2012 and Returned to HiT Storage)
- Four mail coaches (Two of the coaches returned to storage in early 2020)
- One raspberry syrup tanker (Returned to HiT storage in early 2020)
- One cream tanker (Returned to storage in 2013 or 2014)
- Three ice cream vans (Returned to storage early 2020)
- The circus trucks
- Funfair trucks (Returned to storage)
- Two balloon trucks (Returned to storage)
- Flora's Tram Coach (Covered in tarpaulins)
- A truck full of cans (Returned to storage)
- One jam tanker (During construction)
- Two LBSC 8 ton vans (During construction)
- Three brown LNER 12 ton vans (During construction)
- One livestock wagon (During construction)
- One SR 25 Ton Brake Van (During construction)
Non-Rail Vehicles[]
- Terence (Returned to HiT Storage in 2022)
- Trevor (Removed in July 2018 and returned to HiT Storage)
- Bulgy (Removed in July 2020 and sent to the Thomas the Tank Engine Exhibition)
- George
- Butch
- Tiger Moth
- Thumper
- Elizabeth
- Horrid Lorries
- Post Van (returned to HiT Storage in early 2020)
- Taxi 2 (Returned to HiT Storage in early 2020)
- The Fire Engine
- Sodor Bakery Van
- A dark red car
- A green car
- A blue tractor
- A rusty tractor
- Bulstrode
- Cranky
- Lord Mountevans
- Lucinda
- Reg. of Sodor No. 1
- Reg. of Sodor No. 2 (Present during construction)
- Reg. of Sodor No. 4
Humans and Animals[]
- Sir Topham Hatt in his beach outfit
- Lady Hatt
- Stephen Hatt
- Farmer Finney
- Bertie's Driver
- Jem Cole
- Tom Tipper
- Dowager Hatt in her birthday outfit
- A fireman
- One of The Railway Board
- Allicia Botti
- Farmer McColl
- Lord Callan
- The Duchess of Boxford
- The Storyteller
- Tiger Moth's Pilot
- Dusty Miller
- The Magician
- The Great Waterton butcher
- Three workmen
- Several holidaymakers
- Two stationmasters
- A farmer
- Katie the sheepdog
- The Bull
- Some cows
- Some sheep
- Some cats
- Some hens
- A dog
- Dryaw Station (Returned to storage in early 2020)
- Dryaw Footbridge (Returned to storage in early 2020)
- Great Waterton station
- Great Waterton's clock tower
- Great Waterton's water wheel
- Great Waterton Town Hall
- Waterton Butchers
- P.L. Groceries
- Timothy's Tailors
- Sodor Sweets
- Reeves & Tola Cycleshop
- Ben's Books
- Waterton Post Office
- Waterton Blacksmiths
- Ed's Garage
- Great Waterton Police Station
- The Water Works
- Signal box
- The L-shaped workmen's hut
- Neptune Refreshments
- The Antiques and Newsagents shop
- The cottage next to Maithwaite
- Cyril's Cottage
- Various houses from Lakeside, Norramby Fishing Village, Peel Godred and Abbey
- Bluff's Cove station
- Toby's shed/Elizabeth's shed
- The Viaduct
- The Windmill
- The Valley Bridge
- Callan Castle (distant scale model)
- Kellsthorpe Castle
- Rolling River Bridge
- Stanley's Shed (Returned to storage in early 2020)
- Cabalnoo Maritime Museum/The Library
- Sodor Flour Mills towers
- The houses from Rail Bridge over Rail and Canal Runby
- Lower Tidmouth station (during construction)
- The Railhead building from TUGS (during construction)
- Black Loch Folly
- Village Square clock tower (during construction)
- The Single-Track Halt/Sports Field Halt
Current Layout (2023-present)[]
- Thomas (Replica)
- Edward (Replica)
- Henry (Replica) (Removed in mid 2024)
- James (Replica) (Removed in mid 2024)
- Toby (Replica) (Added in mid 2024)
- Spencer
- Rosie
- Flora (Display case)
- Iron Bert
- Diesel (Replica) (Added in mid 2024)
- Salty
- Dennis
- Sir Handel (Small scale replica)
- Rusty (Small scale replica)
Rolling Stock[]
- Annie and Clarabel (Replicas)
- Toad
- Gordon's Special Coaches (During construction)
- Flora's Tram Coach (Display case)
- Two mail coaches
- One flatbed
- One conflat
- One of the Special Express Coaches
- Two Red Branchline Coaches
- Three grey LNER 12 Ton Vans
- One Lynton and Barnstaple Railway Van
- One of the old tenders
- One GWR 16 Ton Brake Van
- Six Plank Trucks
- Toby's Museum Coach
- One of Thomas' New Trucks
- One livestock wagon
- Two Poultry Wagons
- S.C. Ruffey (face only)
- One small-scale Narrow Gauge coach (Replica)
- One small-scale Narrow Gauge truck (Replica)
- One small-scale Narrow Gauge van (Replica)
- One small-scale Narrow Gauge brake van (Replica)
Non-Rail Vehicles[]
- Terence
- Bulgy
- George
- Caroline
- Lorries 1 and 3
- Butch
- Tiger Moth
- Thumper
- Elizabeth
- Post Van
- A light blue car
- A red car
- Two maroon red cars
- A brown car
- A white van
- Bulstrode
- Cranky
- Lord Mountevans
- Lucinda
- Sodor Maid
- The Hot Air Balloon
Humans and Animals[]
- Sir Topham Hatt in his beach outfit
- Lady Hatt
- Stephen Hatt
- Dowager Hatt in her birthday outfit
- Jem Cole
- Mr. Hugh
- Jenny Packard
- Farmer McColl (small scale and close-up models)
- The Duke and Duchess of Boxford
- Lord Callan
- Allicia Botti
- Tiger Moth's Pilot
- The Wedding Guests
- One of The Railway Board
- Dusty Miller
- Alice
- The Admiral
- The Storyteller
- The Vet
- The Dock Manager
- The Dairy Employees
- Various workmen
- Various passengers
- Various holidaymakers
- Various children
- A signalmen
- A farmer
- Five circus clowns
- Katie the sheepdog (small scale and close-up models)
- Some cows
- Some sheep (small scale and close-up)
- Some cats
- Some hens
- A dog
- A pig (close-up)
- Brendam Docks
- Great Waterton
- Maithwaite
- McColl Farm
- Knapford Yards
- Bulgy's Bridge
- Great Waterton station
- Great Waterton's clock tower
- Waterton Butchers
- P.L. Groceries
- Timothy's Tailors
- Sodor Sweets
- Reeves & Tola Cycleshop
- Ben's Books
- Waterton Post Office
- Waterton Blacksmiths
- Ed's Garage
- Great Waterton Police Station
- The Water Works tower
- Two signal boxes
- The gantry signal box from Kirk Ronan Junction
- The L-shaped workmen's hut
- The Antiques and Newsagents shop
- The cottage next to Maithwaite
- Cyril's Cottage
- One of the gasometers
- Strawberry Grove wooden station
- Bluff's Cove station
- Toby's shed/Elizabeth's shed
- The Windmill
- Callan Castle (distant scale model)
- The houses from Rail Bridge over Rail and Canal Runby
- Tidmouth Goods Station
- Brendam Warehouse
- Sodor Shipping Company
- Rail Under Road Bridge and Signalbox
- Wellsworth Bridge
- Various set pieces from McColl Farm (close-up scale and small scale)
- A horse from the Carousel from Make Someone Happy
- In 2015, the Discover Thomas & Friends exhibition layout was filmed for the 70 Years of Friendship documentary.
- Thomas, Edward and Toby had replica face masks with eyes on them.
- Edward's neutral face was on his television series model in 2009 when he first arrived, only to be replaced by a replica smiling face expression.
- In 2011, Toby's television series model was stolen from the display. It is unknown where the model's location is.
- Toby's grinning face was on his television series model in 2009, when he first arrived, only to be replaced by a replica face.
- One of Thomas' alternate happy faces was on his television series model in 2009, when he first arrived, only to be replaced with a replica face until early 2020 where he got given back one of his alternate happy faces.
- Harvey, Bulgy, Trevor, Stepney, Edward and several rolling stock were removed from the exhibit either to be put on display at various events or to be returned to HiT entertainment/Mattel's Storage Unit in Southampton, England.
- Thomas was temporarily taken off the layout in early 2020 to be restored.
- Edward was also removed in early 2020 for restoration by Sean O'Connor and later exhibited at the Clearwater exhibition.
- In October 2021, George, Butch, Lorries 1 and 3, Elizabeth and the Sodor Bakery Van were moved to different places on the layout and Thomas is now pulling one of the Poultry Wagons and Toad.
- Sometime in May 2022, Thomas and Molly were moved, with Thomas now pulling two of the mail coaches, a grey LNER 12 ton van and Toad and Molly and the green express coaches a few miles off Great Waterton station.
- Sometime in July 2022, Thomas' brass model was replaced by a replica based on his plastic model (while the brass model was removed to be restored), Molly is now running in the siding that Daisy used to run on and Toad is now seen with his wincing face as well as Daisy and Terence being removed from the layout entirely before returning to storage.
- Drayton Manor has faced negative criticism over the years for its poor handling of, and damage to, the models. The exhibition's management has never provided reasons for this, but some changes to the layout have been done by Sam Wilkinson and Sean O'Connor removing and swapping out models and faces. The damages are as follows:
- Thomas is missing his lamp and lamp irons. He was also missing his tail lamp, but it has been put back on him since August 2020.
- Thomas did not have coal in his coal bunker between 2009 and 2011.
- Edward was missing his right lamp iron, brake pipe, backhead, tender axle boxes and whistle. His handrail had also been bent at the smokebox.
- Toby was missing his headlamp and his cab roof was facing backwards.
- Harvey was missing his hook.
- Bulgy was missing his front bumper and his left side (viewer's right) had been cracked.
- Terence's plough was broken, and his stack had snapped off, but were both repaired and glued in around 2019.
- Stepney's front coupling came off in 2014.
- Thomas' boiler bands have been bleached white due to sun damage.
- All of the engines' original chassis and wheels were replaced with replicas.
- Edward's eyebrows rubbed off circa 2015.
- Thomas' eyebrows have been rubbed off.
- Cranky's right pupil has rubbed off.
- Rosie was missing her whistle when the exhibition opened and the back of her left rod broke off in 2017.
- In 2019, Rosie's motor stopped functioning.
- Thomas and Rosie have chips and scrapes in their paintwork.
- One of Thomas' splashers is loose.
- Thomas' eyes have yellowed.
- The footbridge from Great Watertown Station had a bent rail, which has since been fixed.
- One of the green express coaches had one of its buffers broken off.
- Two of the mail vans had some of their buffers broken off.
- Class 40's face mask was being held together by black tak but fell off in June 2021. It was put back on at the end of the month, albeit lower than it should be.
- One of Daisy's sides is cracked at the rear and one of her rear buffers is missing.
- Hank's front left handrail is broken off.
- Molly is missing her brake pipe and two of her lamp irons because they have been placed on Thomas.
- Cranky's left eye was rolled back, but had been fixed in 2021.
- Daisy is missing one of her front buffers.
- Tiger Moth's propeller is scratched as of June 2021.
- Butch is missing his front registration plate.
- Five of Stepney's wheels were spread around the exhibit, although these were confirmed as replicas. A spare axle from Daisy was also put on the layout.
- Edward and James' trains have derailed (with Edward's train decoupling from him and the cattle van's roof becoming detached) as of December 2023. Both have since been fixed and rerailed.
- Due to the negative criticism the exhibition has faced over the years, it was relocated in 2023 in the exit building to Winston's Whistle Stop Tour, with several new models being added as well as replicas replacing all the running models.
- The models are displayed in the state of their last use in filming of the twelfth series and some others. This is why some of the characters have their happy, smiling and content faces:
- Toby had his grinning face when he first arrived and was put on display.
- Thomas had one of his alternate happy faces when he first arrived and was put on display. Another one of his alternative happy faces was put back on him in early 2020.
- Harvey had his happy face when he was on display until 2011 when he was returned to HiT Entertainment for storage.
- Stepney had his chuckling face when he was on display.
- Bulgy had his happy face when he was on display at Drayton Manor until early 2020 when it was replaced by his smiling face.
- Trevor had his happy face when he was on display.
- Elizabeth had her smiling face when she was on display until early 2020 when it was replaced by her grumpy face.
- Bulstrode had his shocked face when he was on display from 2009 to early 2020 when it was replaced by his unused happy face.
- Class 40 has his speechless face.
- George had his angry face when he was put on display. However in October 2021, this was changed to his current smiling face.