Dogs are animals that are usually kept as pets.
The Vicarstown Watchdog[]
The Vicarstown Watchdog is a dog who was once kept watch at Vicarstown for any unusual activities.
When Douglas was leaving Vicarstown with Oliver and Toad, the watchdog, who was on the overhead signal gantry, started barking loudly, which prompted the foreman to blow a whistle and flag down Douglas.
Thomas & Friends[]
- Series 3 - Escape, Oliver Owns Up (cameo), and Percy, James and the Fruitful Day (cameo)
Gremlin is a Dalmatian who is owned by Dowager Hatt.
On the day that Dowager Hatt was due to visit the Island of Sodor, things kept unexpectedly going wrong around the North Western Railway, with the cause of the problem being attributed to gremlins.
After arriving at Wellsworth, Gordon's whistle scared the dog out of the station and into a field. The dog was then confronted a bull, so he then ran back into the station, over the bridge to the other platform and straight into Thomas' cab where he stayed for the rest of the journey. At Brendam, Thomas' fireman inquired about the dog's name, to which Dowager Hatt decided to renamed her dog "Gremlin" after the day's events.
- Gremlin's original name had never been considered prior to being renamed Gremlin as confirmed by Britt Allcroft.
- According to Britt Allcroft, David Mitton wanted to rename him "Wags".
- Gremlin's model was reused for the fifth series episode Lady Hatt's Birthday Party, and can be seen at Callan station with two women when Sir Topham Hatt drove by in his car.
- It is unlikely that this cameo was meant to be an official appearance of Gremlin.
- Wood (discontinued)
Mutt is a British golden-doodle dog who is owned by Billy Twofeathers.
When Mutt sensed trouble after Mr. Conductor was having problems with his Gold Dust, he went with Billy Twofeathers to Lily's hometown, as he knew that Lily could help Mr. Conductor if she first met someone special at Shining Time. To reach that end, Mutt intentionally directed Lily onto the wrong train, which was the one pulled by the Rainbow Sun going to Shining Time instead of the train to Muffle Mountain. When Burnett Stone got Lady to work, Mutt climbed aboard Lady's cab and went to Sodor with them, where he saw Thomas while they were travelling through the Magic Railroad.
Miscellaneous |
- In Thomas and the Magic Railroad, Mutt was portrayed by two British golden-doodles, Bentley and Dita. When in action, trainers stood off camera and gave verbal cues to get the dogs to sit, lay down, stand and stay. When Mutt is shown running through the crowded train station, one trainer doubled as an actor while the other stood off camera and held up a treat that Dita ran towards. The trainers put Mutt into the train so he sat and rode with the actors. In several scenes close up shots of Mutt’s face are shown reacting to something. These were all taken in one day, with a trainer holding up Bentley's favourite toy.
- Wooden Railway (discontinued)
- Capsule Plarail (discontinued)
See also[]
- Mutt on the Shining Time Station wiki.
For other uses, see Mike. |
Mike is a Black Labrador who is owned by Miss Jenny.
Mike usually accompanies Miss Jenny to the various sites where the Sodor Construction Company are working. He can also be seen at the Sodor Construction Company Yard.
Thomas & Friends
Mike had roles in the cancelled episodes, Jack's Snow Rescue and All Work, No Play. Specials
- Though Mike is not named in any of his appearances, his name was to be revealed in the cancelled episode of Jack and the Sodor Construction Company, Jack's Snow Rescue.[1]
- Mike's model was reused for the tenth series episode, A Smooth Ride, as one of the Hill Farm Farmers' dogs when Sir Handel collects the sheep.
- Capsule Plarail (discontinued)
Katie is a Border Collie sheepdog who is owned by Farmer McColl.
Katie is timid around noisy engines when she is on her own. She often attends country shows with Farmer McColl. Katie is sometimes seen with other people.
Farmer Trotter had two Border Collies in Peace And Quiet. It is unknown if Katie was one of them.
- Katie's name was first revealed in the fifteenth series episode, Wonky Whistle.
- One of Katie's small scale models used to be on display at Drayton Manor. It was put back on display in late 2023 alongside her close-up model during construction of the new prop exhibition.
- Katie is seen on the Happy National Dog Day post on Facebook.
- Take-n-Play (discontinued)
- Wood (discontinued)
- Bachmann (coming soon)
Alice's Dog[]
Alice's Dog is a Border Collie who is owned by Alice and lives with her at High Farm.
The Blond-haired Boy's Dog[]
The Blond-haired Boy's Dog is a Border Collie who is owned by the Blond-haired Boy.
- The CGI model of the Blond-haired Boy's dog is reused from Katie.
Fuzzy is an English Foxhound who is owned by Little Thomas.
Fuzzy was first a stray dog who roamed around the North Western Railway. When Sir Topham Hatt stated that he was going to call a dog warden, Fuzzy fled the station and soon found Thomas, who offered the dog a ride in his cab, while he searched for Fuzzy's owner. After noticing a squirrel, Fuzzy jumped from Thomas' cab and chased the squirrel into Maithwaite Forest. When Thomas derailed due to a branch on the line, Fuzzy grabbed Thomas' driver's cap and left to find Sir Topham Hatt, who realised that Thomas was in trouble after seeing the driver's cap. Emily soon arrived to rescue Thomas and after Thomas was rerailed by Rocky, they went to Knapford. Little Thomas then decided to keep Fuzzy and after promising to his dad Albert that he would look after the dog, he named the dog Fuzzy.
- Fuzzy is animated with comparatively different eyes compared to other animals in the series, as his eyes are larger with visible sclera similar to the vehicle characters. His colour scheme is also similar to the Minis Dog Thomas.
For other uses, see Billy (disambiguation). |
Billy is a dog who is owned by a family. He loves chewing on bones.
While the family was on holiday, Billy ran away. Everyone agreed to help find Billy and Sir Topham Hatt placed posters all over the Main Station. A butcher saw the posters and he had Billy, who had run into his butcher shop and was taking the bones he had thrown away. The family was delighted to have Billy back again.
- “Fetch, Rick!”
- ― Thomas' guard ordering Rick to fetch Sir Topham Hatt's timetable
Rick is a dog who is owned by one of Thomas' guards.
Rick is very well-trained and every morning he collects the newspaper from the paper-boy and takes it to his master. The guard thinks a lot of Rick and whom he takes with him whenever he is off duty. One of Rick's favourite places to play catch with a ball is the common. Rick once helped to catch Sir Topham Hatt's new timetable when the wind blew it away.
Beth is a collie sheepdog who is owned by Sam. She lives on a farm in the hills along Thomas' Branch Line.
Beth is incredibly helpful in rounding up the sheep and driving them back to the farm. While waiting to be sheared, one of the sheep jumped its pen and Beth quickly managed to get the wayward sheep back again.
Kit is a white dog with black spots who lives with his owner in a cottage on Edward's Branch Line.
Everyday, Kit waits in the garden to bark "hello" to Edward who stops at a nearby signal. His owner cannot get Kit inside the house until he has seen Edward. One day, a thought comes into Edward's mind - since Kit waits for him no matter the weather, he might catch a chill. So, Edward arranged with a carpenter to have a kennel built for Kit to keep him warm come rain or shine.
This article is about 'the dog'. You may be looking for 'the diesel engine'. |
Pip is a little terrier dog who is owned by a group of walkers.
Pip was once startled by a log falling from Henry's train and fell into a river. Luckily, the log rolled into the river too and Pip was able to scramble onto it. She floated down the narrowing river until the log was wedged between the bank and the walkers were able to save her.
This article is about the dog who first appeared in 2005. You may be looking for the dog who first appeared in 2006. |
- “Hello, Wag! You always look very pleased to see me!”
- ― Thomas
Wag is a little dog who is owned by the stationmaster of a small country station on Thomas' Branch Line. Wag got his name because he is always wagging his tail happily.
Wag is very friendly and loves seeing Thomas. Once, he climbed into one of Thomas' mail vans and everyone thought he was missing. Luckily, Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt heard Wag later the same night.
Wag (2006)[]
This article is about the dog who first appeared in 2006. You may be looking for the dog who first appeared in 2005. |
- “Clever Wag! You found your way home!"
"With a little help from his engine friends!” - ― Mark and Percy
Wag is either a labrador or a golden retriever who is owned by Mark. Wag wears a brown collar.
Wag is very friendly and familiar with all the engines on the Island of Sodor. He once went missing near Maron Station while chasing a rabbit in a field. While missing, Wag managed to sneak on board several goods trains being pulled by BoCo, Arthur and Neville. He eventually found his way into Emily's brake van and was taken home where he was reunited with Mark.
- ― Dougal
Dougal is a puppy who is owned by Lord Callan.
Dougal does not like being left alone and howls until his master returns. His howling can be so loud that it echoes around Callan Castle. Percy once thought the howling noise was a ghost.
Lucky Charm[]
Lucky Charm, or Lucky for short, is a dog who is owned by a rescue team on the Island of Sodor.
When Farmer Collett went missing, the rescue team and Lucky Charm were taken to his farm and the dog was given one of Farmer Collett's caps to sniff to get his scent. After that, Lucky Charm dashed off and quickly found Farmer Collett with a broken foot at Gallow's End. The rescue team then called for Harold to take Farmer Collett to hospital.
Jess is a sheepdog who is owned by Ben.
After Ben got trapped in a ditch while trying to rescue a lamb, Jess alerted Thomas and his crew to come rescue him.