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Double Feature 3 (Dutch: Dubbeldik 3) is a Dutch compilation DVD which includes all the episodes from Ghost Train (Volume 5) and Trust Thomas (Volume 6) on one disc. It features one second series episode and twenty-one third series episodes narrated by Erik de Zwart.



Wie kent Thomas de Stoomlocomotief niet? Het vrolijke treintje beleeft iedere dag de leukste avonturen. Kijk je meer dan anderhalf uur mee naar:

English translation

Who doesn't know Thomas the Tank Engine? The cheerful train experiences the most fun adventures every day. Watch over an hour and a half of:


  1. De spooktrein (Ghost Train)
  2. En das voor Percy (A Scarf for Percy)
  3. Percy's belofte (Percy's Promise)
  4. Moeilijkheden (Time for Trouble)
  5. Gordon en het beroemde bezoek (Gordon and the Famous Visitor)
  6. Donald's Duck
  7. Thomas ontspoort (Thomas Gets Bumped)
  8. Thomas, Percy en de draak (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon)
  9. Diesel doet het weer (Diesel Does It Again)
  10. Het bos van Henry (Henry's Forest)
  11. Die lastige modder (The Trouble with Mud)
  12. Thomas, Percy en de posttrein (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
  13. Vertrouw maar op Thomas (Trust Thomas)
  14. Mavis
  15. Toby de koorddanser (Toby's Tightrope)
  16. Edward, Trevor en het echt nuttige feest (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
  17. Gezoem (Buzz, Buzz)
  18. De zee (All at Sea)
  19. Alles komt goed (One Good Turn)
  20. Kolenwagens (Tender Engines)
  21. Ontsnapt (Escape)
  22. Oliver in de val (Oliver Owns Up)


  • The front cover and main menu feature an image from Thomas and the Trucks, albeit with Thomas' facial expression from Thomas and Trevor.
  • Later releases of this DVD have a cover with a different OTC logo and different drop shadows.