Double Feature 4 (Dutch: Dubbeldik 4) is a Dutch compilation DVD which includes all the episodes from Merry Christmas! (Volume 7) and Rock 'n Roll (Volume 8) on one disc. It features one first series episode, one second series episode, four third series episodes and sixteen fourth series episodes narrated by Erik de Zwart.
Wie kent Thomas de Stoomlocomotief niet? Het vrolijke treintje beleeft iedere dag de leukste avonturen. Kijk je meer dan anderhalf uur mee naar:
English translation[]
Who doesn't know Thomas the Tank Engine? The cheerful train experiences the most fun adventures every day. Watch over an hour and a half of:
- Het kerstfeest van Thomas (Thomas' Christmas Party)
- Thomas en de verdwenen kerstboom (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
- Het kerstverhaal van Thomas en Percy (Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure)
- Dikkie (Bulgy)
- Helden (Heroes)
- Percy en James in de soep (Percy, James and the Fruitful Day)
- Prins Puf (Granpuff)
- De schone slaper (Sleeping Beauty)
- Bulldog
- Je wint nooit (You Can't Win)
- Vier kleine locomotiefjes (Four Little Engines)
- Een slechte dag voor Meneer Handel (A Bad Day for Sir Handel)
- Peter Sam en de koffiejuffrouw (Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady)
- Goederenwagons (Trucks)
- Eindelijk thuis (Home at Last)
- Rock 'n Roll
- Speciale schoorsteen (Special Funnel)
- Stoomwals (Steam Roller)
- Passagiers en poetsen (Passengers and Polish)
- Een keurige locomotief (Gallant Old Engine)
- Rusty de redder (Rusty to the Rescue)
- Thomas en Stepney (Thomas and Stepney)
- The cover features the picture of the cover from the Trust Thomas DVD instead of the picture from the Merry Christmas! DVD.
- Later releases of this DVD have a cover with a different OTC logo and different drop shadows.
- The cover and episode selection menu misspell Stepney's name as Stepny.