- "You two look glum."
"It's the new diesel's fault, he's got toothache."
"Toothache. He's got teething troubles. That means he's new and is causing some problems. In his case, it's his cooling system." - ― Duck and Bill about the diesel
Double Teething Troubles is the twelfth episode of the fifth series. In the US, it aired with Bye George! during the second airing of Storytime with Thomas.
Bill and Ben have been working hard in the clay mines and quarries near Brendam Docks. Their jobs are important and can make them naughty, especially when it is very hot and dirty for the twins.
One day, Bill and Ben indeed become very naughty and argue over who has rights to some trucks in front of them. When BoCo shows up he tries to break up the twins and warn the two of getting in trouble with the Fat Controller, but the two ignore him and collide into each other and derail at the points when they both try to take the trucks. The Fat Controller eventually intervenes and warns Bill and Ben to behave better, threatening to send them to their sheds should they persist. He then decides to send a diesel to help them, hoping that he will make a good impression. BoCo also suggests that the twins just simply go back to work right away. Meanwhile, the Fat Controller has doubts about the idea; he is concerned that the new diesel may have teething troubles more than confusion.
The Fat Controller is right; the new diesel is having issues while going up Gordon's Hill. Halfway up, his engine coughs, overheats and breaks down causing black smoke to billow out of his exhaust. BoCo is then prompted to rescue him, who apologises for the breakdown and explains he has teething troubles. The news soon spreads, and Thomas tells Percy about it. Percy misunderstands Thomas, and thinks the diesel’s teething troubles means he has "toothache." Percy then tells Bill and Ben about the diesel and wishes them good luck, as they know they need another to help out. The manager then arrives and sends the twins to take their loads from the quarry to the docks, where they will be resting as there is hard work to be done the next morning.
That evening, Bill and Ben take their loads to sidings by the quay and head off to the sheds where Duck is resting. Duck notices the twins' worried looks and tells the twins that "teething troubles" means that the diesel is new, but he is having frequent breakdowns which, in his case, is his cooling system, making the twins even more nervous.
The next day, Bill and Ben prepare their load of trucks until the diesel arrives at the Clay Pits and offers to help the twins with a long train of China clay trucks by pushing from behind with Bill and Ben pulling at the front. However, during the journey, they come to a hill and another breakdown from the diesel occurs from overheating. Bill and Ben pull him and the trucks and it works.
That night, the Fat Controller arrives at the sheds and congratulates Bill and Ben for their hard work and explains that the diesel has been sent back to the works. The twins agree to manage their work alone and apologise to BoCo for being rude and explain that the diesel was very friendly. Then Duck explains that friends always say goodnight to each other, and so they do, but all four engines still talk about the diesel and his teething troubles all night long.
- Thomas
- Percy
- Duck
- Bill and Ben
- BoCo
- Sir Topham Hatt
- The Sodor China Clay Company Manager
- Derek (not named)
- Troublesome Trucks (do not speak)
- Mavis (deleted scene cameo)
- Cranky (deleted scene cameo)
- Lorry 1 (faceless and repainted; cameo)
- Sodor China Clay Company
- Gordon's Hill
- Brendam Docks
- The Works (mentioned)
- According to a film slate:
- The scene of Thomas and Percy at the docks was filmed on the 22nd of September 1997.
- The nighttime scenes at Brendam Docks were filmed on the 26th of September 1997, with the close-up shots of the Fat Controller being filmed on the 8th of October 1997.
- The scenes showing Derek and BoCo climbing Gordon's Hill from the front were filmed on the 8th of December 1997. The scenes showing them from behind were filmed on the 9th.
- The Clay Pits set was filmed on the 17th and 18th of December 1997.
- The close-up shots of the human figurines at the Clay Pits were filmed on the 15th of January 1998.
- This episode is based on the inept attempts of the Class 14 Paxman diesels to bank trains up to Ebbw Vale that occurred during David Maidment's time as Area Manager in South Wales; they would run hot halfway up the bank and cut out, leaving the Class 37 to pull the train and banker. Derek himself was originally intended to be a Class 14 before being changed to the even more problematic Class 17, which broke down as often as Derek himself.
- Teething troubles usually occur when machinery such as engines (steam or diesel) are operating for the first time after being constructed or restored to working order.
- One truck, in this episode, has S.C. Ruffey's face.
- This episode marks the last of two things:
- BoCo's last appearance, not counting the stock footage in the next episode.
- The last appearance of the China Clay Pits until Tale of the Brave, excluding a stock footage appearance in Stepney Gets Lost.
- This episode marks the only episode of a few things for Derek:
- His only speaking role.
- His only appearance in the fifth series, as well as his only appearance until Calling All Engines!, albeit in a music video. He was intended to be in the sixteenth series episode, Bust My Buffers!, however, his original name, "Paxman", was mistaken for Paxton in the script.
- His only appearance in the Classic Series.
- Derek is never mentioned by name in this episode. His name was only mentioned in merchandise.
- This episode marks Bill and Ben's only appearances in the fifth series.
- This episode marks BoCo's only full appearance and speaking role in the fifth series.
- Despite his appearance in the episode, Percy does not appear in the nameboard sequence at the end of the episode in the Japanese dub.
- S.S. Vienna, The LT building, the steel company and a large brown building from Tugs appear in the episode
- The wooden section of Trevor's shed from Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party can be seen behind Derek at the clay pits.
- Alec Baldwin uses a high-pitched voice for Bill and Ben in the US dub, similar to how George Carlin performed the characters. In all further appearances, he uses his normal speaking voice.
- Starting with this episode until the end of the classic era, Hiromi Nishida voices Ben in the Japanese dub following the departure of Miyuki Hara, although Tomoko Naka remained the voice of Bill until the end of said era.
- The Korean title of this episode shares the same name as the second series episode, Break Van.
- There are a few deleted scenes that were not featured in the final cut:
- An extended beginning of Bill and Ben working together at the quarry.
- An extended scene of Bill and Ben puffing crossly up the hill with their trucks.
- A deleted shot of Ben smiling.
- An alternate shot of BoCo telling the Twins to stop arguing.
- Two deleted shots of the Fat Controller telling Bill and Ben about Derek.
- A deleted scene of Bill and Ben looking surprised about Derek.
- A deleted scene of Bill and Ben knowing BoCo is right about getting back to work while their crews try to re-rail them.
- An extended scene of Derek crossing up Gordon's Hill.
- A deleted scene of BoCo coming up the Hill to rescue Derek.
- An extended scene of Derek looking sad as BoCo comes to his rescue.
- A deleted shot of Thomas and Percy talking about Derek.
- An extended scene of Thomas telling Percy about Derek's teething troubles before he leaves, with Mavis and Cranky making a cameo appearance.
- An extended scene of Derek's arrival at the Quarry.
- An extended scene of Bill and Ben looking cross as Derek arrives at the quarry.
- An extended scene of Bill, Ben and Derek leaving the Quarry with their trucks.
- An extended scene of Bill, Ben and Derek pulling the trucks up the Hill.
- A deleted scene of Bill cheering Derek on.
- A deleted scene of Derek smiling as he pushes the twins up the Hill.
- A POV reversed shot of Bill, Ben and Derek going up the hill with their trucks.
- Two extended scenes of Bill and Ben pulling Derek and the trucks up the hill.
- A deleted shot of the Fat Controller speaking to Duck.
- When Bill and Ben hear Derek's horn, the narrator says that they "heard an unfamiliar whistle," but Derek is a diesel and most diesel locomotives have horns, not whistles. Also when the narrator says that, there is a crew member's shadow on top of the coal chute in the top right corner.
- A grey cord can be seen in Bill's cab when he is in the shed at the end.
- BoCo's front wheels are derailed when he tells Bill and Ben to stop arguing.
- Bill's eyeballs are gone for a second since he and Ben were moved too high or low when they crash into each other.
- During the first night scene in the shed, a grey cord can be seen stretching along Bill's side.
- When Percy leaves Thomas, Thomas' eyes are misaligned.
- The train next to Thomas passes him twice.
- In the French dub, when the narrator introduces the twins, he pronounces Brendam as "Bredam".
- Bill: That's my line of trucks!
- Ben: S'not. S'mine! Yours is over there!
- Bill: S'mine!
- Ben: S'not!
- Bill: S'mine!
- Ben: S'not!
- (BoCo shows up)
- BoCo: Stop quarreling, you two, or the only thing you'll have left to share is... (Bill and Ben crash into each other) trouble.
- Bill: Silly!
- Ben: Silly yourself!
- The Fat Controller: Bill and Ben, behave yourselves or I shall send you to your sheds! It is also clear to me that we need another diesel to help out. There is only one available. He's new and keen to make an impression.
- BoCo: If I were you, I'd get back to work right away. (leaves)
- The Fat Controller: I hope the new diesel doesn't cause even more confusion. He's bound to have teething troubles.
- Narrator: And he was right.
- Percy: Hey you two! This new diesel's got toothache. Good luck!
- Bill: Why does Percy want to wish us good luck?
- Ben: Because he knows we'll need it! A diesel with toothache must be the worst diesel of all!
- Ben: Come on! Come on! Push harder, you silly diesel!
- (Derek tries as hard as he could, but it doesn't work.)
- Derek: I'm overheating again!
- (the train suddenly stops)
- Bill: Oh, pah!
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Home Video Releases
UKDVD Boxsets
DVD BoxsetsAUS
DVD Packs
#01 Cranky Bugs | #10 Toby and the Flood | #19 Happy Ever After |
#02 Horrid Lorry | #11 Haunted Henry | #20 Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday |
#03 A Better View for Gordon | #12 Double Teething Troubles | #21 A Surprise for Percy |
#04 Lady Hatt's Birthday Party | #13 Stepney Gets Lost | #22 Make Someone Happy |
#05 James and the Trouble with Trees | #14 Toby's Discovery | #23 Busy Going Backwards |
#06 Gordon and the Gremlin | #15 Something in the Air | #24 Duncan Gets Spooked |
#07 Bye George! | #16 Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach | #25 Rusty and the Boulder |
#08 Baa! | #17 Thomas and the Rumours | #26 Snow |
#09 Put Upon Percy | #18 Oliver's Find | |