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"You might be the fastest, shiniest, and strongest engine, but you're the slowest to get fired up."
― Thomas teasing Spencer

Dream On is the third episode of the eleventh series.


To the dismay of the local engines, Spencer is visiting the Island of Sodor. While Thomas is shunting trucks, the Fat Controller tells him to help Spencer as he will be tired after his journey to Sodor. Upon steaming brashly into the yard, Thomas is still shunting, but Spencer insults Thomas that he is better than him and that Thomas is just a little tank engine, which infuriates Thomas, but he still helps Spencer by shunting his coaches into place. Thomas is tired when he gets back to the shed and Spencer continues boasting about himself, making Thomas cross and determined to show that he can be much faster, shinier and stronger than Spencer.

The next day, after picking up some trucks from the Smelter's yard, Thomas tries to go as fast as Spencer, but is warned by Emily as he approaches a bend in the track. Thomas stops just in time, knowing he cannot be faster than Spencer. Later, Thomas is at the washdown, where he is being given a shiny polish. Toby arrives to give a message to Thomas that he has to work at the quarry and Thomas puffs away. When Thomas arrives, Mavis is impressed that Thomas is the shiniest engine she has ever seen, which makes him pleased. But after working at the quarry, Thomas is dirty and his shine has disappeared.

As he makes it to Gordon's Hill, he tries to pull his load up the hill, but his train pulls him back down and the stones even fall off the trucks. Thomas realises that he is not better than Spencer after all. The next day, Thomas decides that he is more happy to shunt trucks. The Fat Controller arrives to tell Thomas that the Duke of Boxford needs to return to the mainland urgently for an important business.

Thomas delivers Spencer's coaches to Spencer, but his fire is slow to start and Thomas teases Spencer that he is the slowest to get fired up, making Spencer feel silly. Thomas, now wearing the coats of arms, takes the Duke to the Airport where Jeremy is waiting, and the Duke thanks Thomas for saving the day. Even if Thomas is not better than Spencer, he is happier to be a reliable engine.




  • Going by production order, this is the fifth episode of the eleventh series.
  • This episode is named after the song by American rock band, Aerosmith.
  • The scene of Thomas trying to go as fast as Spencer is sped up.
  • Thomas' original resin model was used when he slows down and puffs around the bend.
  • This is the first episode of two things:
    • The Duke of Boxford's first speaking role, as well his his only speaking role in the model series.
    • The first appearance of Bill's new cheeky face.
  • This is the last episode of three things:


  • When Thomas races past Emily, Emily is not coupled to her coaches. In addition, the tracks end in front of her.
  • The Duke says "I will miss my airplane" in the British narration, but "airplane" is the American term and he should have said "aeroplane."
  • In one shot of Thomas puffing round a bend pulling the empty trucks, his whistle is misaligned.
  • When the Fat Controller arrives at the shunting yard, Thomas' coupling hook is askew.

In Other Languages

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Language Title
Arabic الحلم
Brazilian Portuguese Continue sonhando
Chinese Mandarin 持续的梦
Czech Sni dál
Danish Drøm Videre
Dutch Spencer Supertrein
German Spencer, der Angeber
Greek Κάνε Όνειρα
Hungarian Thomas álmodozik
Japanese トーマスのあこがれ
Korean 훌륭한 기관차
Norwegian Thomas står på
Polish Marzenia
Portuguese Sonha
Romanian Visează în Continuare
Russian Мечты
Spanish Sigue Soñando
Swedish Drömma går ju

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