Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the vinyl record, the Croatian DVD, the Ladybird book, the Buzz Book or the magazine story.
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"Quaa-aa-aak! Quaa-aa-aak! WHEESH!!"
― Henry and Gordon mocking Duck

Duck Takes Charge is the eighth episode of the second series. It is based on the story of the same name from The Railway Series book Percy the Small Engine.


One day in the sheds, Percy is eager to tell Gordon and James, who look rather disinterested, some news. He tells them that because the work in the yard is getting too hard for him, the Fat Controller is planning to bring a new bigger engine in to help. James scoffs and tells Percy that if he spent more time working and less time talking, the yard would be a happier place. Percy, unfazed, leaves to do his work.

As he works, Percy is grumbling to himself about how the larger engines see him as a silly little one ever since he reversed at a signal and often order him about. Percy wants to teach them a lesson, but does not know how to do it. He works very hard all day and by the end of the afternoon, he is worn out. After bringing some express coaches to the station, he sees the Fat Controller on the platform, who notes that Percy looks very tired, which Percy confirms. The Fat Controller consoles Percy by telling him the new engine is bigger than him and can probably manage the work alone. He then asks Percy if he would like to help Thomas and Toby build his new harbour, to which Percy happily agrees.

The next morning, the new engine arrives. The Fat Controller asks the engine his name and the engine introduces himself as Montague, but tells the Fat Controller he is often called "Duck" due to his supposed "waddle". Although he does not believe that he does waddle, he admits to liking "Duck" better than Montague. With that, the Fat Controller agrees that the new engine will be known as Duck. Percy arrives and the Fat Controller asks him to show Duck around, which he does.


"We'll have some fun and order him about!"

Duck does his work quietly as he brings some coaches to the station, leading Gordon, James and Henry to decide to order him about like they do to Percy. Gordon and Henry then start to leave the station on either side of Duck, quacking and blowing steam at him. As Percy sees everything and is cross, Duck takes no notice and just wants to wait until the larger engines get tired of it. Duck then asks Percy if the larger engines boss him about and Percy confirms they do. Duck decides to take charge and put a stop to it, and tells Percy what they will do.

That afternoon, the Fat Controller is sitting at his desk looking forward to having toast for tea when he suddenly hears a horrible commotion coming from the yard. Looking out his window, he sees Duck and Percy blocking the turntable, barring an enraged Gordon, James and Henry from entering the sheds. The Fat Controller grabs his hat and rushes to the yard.

At the sheds, Gordon, James and Henry are furiously wheeshing and whistling loudly when the Fat Controller arrives and orders them to stop the noise before demanding Duck to explain his and Percy's behaviour. Duck politely explains to the Fat Controller that as a Great Western engine, he prefers to do his work without any fuss, but wants the other engines to know that he and Percy will only take orders from the Fat Controller himself. As the larger engines start whistling angrily again, the Fat Controller orders them to be quiet again. He tells Duck and Percy that he is pleased with their work that day, but not with their behaviour that night, as they have caused a disturbance. Gordon, Henry and James snicker at Percy and Duck's dilemma, but the Fat Controller turns back to face them and reprimands them too, declaring that their actions have been much worse because they made the disturbance by ordering the two tank engines around. He says that Duck is right; this is his railway and he is the one to give the orders, not them. With that, the three engines quickly fall back into line.

When Percy is sent to work at the new harbour, Duck is left to do the work by himself, which he manages to do with ease.




  • This marks the first episode of a few things:
    • The first appearance of Duck.
    • The first episode where a character reads the first line instead of the narrator.
    • The first time Thomas, Percy, James and Duck pull the red coaches.
  • A Ladybird book featuring images from this episode was released in June 1986, over four months before its television premiere.
  • A Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus poster is seen at Knapford.
  • Inside the Fat Controller's office, there is a picture of an LMS Jubilee locomotive.
  • A first series-style truck can be seen when Duck leaves the yard with Percy. It is also the final time in which these trucks are seen like this.
  • This marks the only time with a few things:
    • The only time that Duck is referred to as Montague until the seventeenth series episode The Thomas Way.
    • The only episode of the second series to feature Duck's sad face as well as his shocked face (without eyebrows) and his surprised face. His sad face would be used in the third series, while his shocked face would only be used next in the fifth series.
    • The only time Duck is called “Ankkanen” in the Finnish dub in the second series.
    • The only episode where Percy wears two cross faces each with different eyebrows. The alternate face might have been made for his debut in the first series but never might have been used due to no scene of him requiring an angry look needed.
  • A reference to this episode would later be made by Gordon, Henry, and James in Dirty Work.
  • In a promotional picture, Henry is not pulling any coaches while Gordon is also uncoupled from his train as they leave the station to taunt and blow steam at Duck.
  • Thomas' special coach is seen as Percy leaves the yard.
  • When this episode aired on Cartoon Network, the music and sound effects overlapped the original audio.
  • The close-up of the Fat Controller folding his hands at Knapford was used for the "Next Story Coming Up Soon!" card in between episodes during the original broadcasts of Series 2 as well as many US/Canadian VHS/DVD releases.
  • The final frame of this episode was used as the credits backdrop on all the odd-numbered episodes in the second series and Cows.
  • In the US and Canada, this episode aired before Percy and the Signal, meaning that US and Canadian viewers would not understand Percy's mention of the signal.
  • When George Carlin's dub aired on the Shining Time Station episode, Stacy Says No, a small portion of the opening was cut.
  • When George Carlin's dub aired on Fox Family in 1998, it featured a different title card from the UK dub despite not having a different title.
  • This episode was never released on home video in South Korea.


  • In the English narrations, when Duck appears for the first time, the narrator says "The new engine arrived," instead of "The new engine arrived next morning," making it seem like the rest of the episode took place on the same day.
  • Gordon's eyes are misaligned in several scenes.
  • In the panning shot of Percy, Gordon and James, the Breakdown Train on the far left is derailed.
  • In the first close-up of Gordon, he has red paint on his brake pipe and coupling.
  • In the original version, when Percy puffs away to get the coaches, studio equipment is slightly visible at the top of the screen. The same thing happened before the Fat Controller calls out, "SILENCE!!" ("Quiet!" in the US narrations).
  • In the Norwegian dub, the narrator says Percy was getting some trucks, when he was in fact getting some coaches into Knapford station.
  • When Duck backs up to introduce himself to the Fat Controller, the latter is standing on the ground. But when Percy arrives after the introduction, he's suddenly standing on top of a barrel.
  • When Percy and Duck first puff away, a crew member's shadow briefly passes in front of them.
  • When Duck brings the coaches into Knapford, James' eyes are misaligned.
  • Henry's front right break pipe is tilted before he and Gordon leave Knapford.
  • When the engines "wheesh" him:
    • Duck's eyebrows are missing.
    • Henry also has a different whistle sound, which is Duck's five steps higher in pitch. In the George Carlin dub, Henry's whistle can be faintly heard.
  • When Duck says to Percy "We'll do it later," Percy's roof is lifted up.
  • In the shot of the Fat Controller sitting in his office hearing the engines outside, his legs are missing.
  • When the Fat Controller leaves his office, a brick wall can be seen behind the door frame.
  • During the Tidmouth Sheds scene, Duck's handrails are gold instead of silver.
  • Due to portions of the script being taken verbatim from the original book, the narrator says that Duck and Percy sat on the points outside the shed, despite the fact that Percy is standing on the turntable and Duck is on a line outside a berth.
  • When the narrator says "Gordon, James and Henry were furious":
    • The three engines are facing away from the sheds.
    • Gordon is also missing his tender. This also happens when he hisses "They won't let us in!"
    • In the close-up of Henry looking angry at Tidmouth Sheds, James disappears, and his eyes also slightly jitter.
  • When the Fat Controller yells "Stop that noise!", the two men standing in front of Percy are out of scale, as they are half his height.
  • In the close-up shots of the Fat Controller at Tidmouth Sheds, his left eyebrow appears to be loose.


Percy: Do you know what?
Gordon: What?
Percy: Do you know what?
Gordon: Silly. Of course I don't know what, if you don't tell what "what" is.
Percy: The Fat Controller says that the work in the yard is too heavy for me. He's getting a bigger engine to help me.
James: Rubbish! Any engine could do it! If you worked more and chattered less, this yard would be a sweeter, a better and a happier place.

The Fat Controller: Hello, Percy. You look tired.
Percy: Yes, sir. I am, sir. I don't know if I'm standing on my dome or on my wheels.
The Fat Controller: You look the right way up to me. Cheer up. The new engine is bigger than you and can probably do the work alone. Would you like to help build my new harbour? Thomas and Toby will help.
Percy: Oh, yes, sir! Thank you, sir!

The Fat Controller: (to the bigger engines, who are whistling impatiently) STOP THAT NOISE!
Gordon: They won't let us in!
The Fat Controller: Duck, explain this behaviour.
Duck: Beg pardon, sir, but I'm a Great Western Engine. We do our work without fuss. But, begging your pardon, sir, Percy and I would be glad if you would inform these, um, engines that we only take orders from you.
(the big engines furiously blow their whistles again)
The Fat Controller: SILENCE!!! (to Percy and Duck) Percy and Duck, I'm pleased with your work today, but not with your behaviour tonight. You have caused a disturbance. (turns his attention to the big engines) As for you, you've been worse! You made the disturbance! Duck is quite right. This is my railway and I give the orders!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Duck assume o comando
Chinese Mandarin 负起责任的达克
Croatian Darko preuzima dužnost
Czech Kačer přebírá velení
Danish Duck fører an
Dutch Duck valt aan
Finnish Ankkanen ottaa ohjat
French Duck prend les choses en main
German Duck übernimmt
Greek Η Τζακι παίρνει ευθύνη
Hungarian Kacsa igazságot szolgáltat
Italian La nuova arrivata
Japanese ダックしごとをもらう
Korean 새로 온 기관차, 덕
Latin American Spanish La llegada de Duck
Norwegian Duck klarer brasene
Polish Pojawia się Duck (Original)
Jak Kaczor sobie poradził (Alternate)
Romanian Rața preia conducerea
Romansh Duck surpiglia il cumond
Russian Новичок
Serbian Patak preuzima stvar
Slovenian Cene postane glavni
Swedish Duck klarer brasende
Ukrainian Качур стає головним
Welsh Ffrind Newydd Prysi


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxset




  • ThomasBreakstheRulesVHS Thomas Breaks the Rules and Other Stories (Ringo Starr's US dub)
  • ThomasandHisFriendsGetAlong1998VHScover Thomas and His Friends Get Along



  • Thomas, Percy and the Coal
  • Series Two


















  • Thomas the Tank Engine 4





GRC DVD Boxset


  • It's Good to Be a Train (VCD)
  • It's Good to Be a Train and Full Speed Ahead (DVD)



JPN DVD Boxset




