- "Help!"
- ― Duke
Dusty Duke is a rebus magazine story.
One sunny day, Duke has been washed and polished. Later on, the Fat Controller pays a visit to the Top Station and is not impressed. He can see the station needs a good clean so that it is spotless, like Duke. So, the stationmaster sweeps the platform which causes dust to blow all over Duke. Then, a cleaner uses another brush to sweep up the coal spilt by the chute. This time, Duke is covered in coal dust. Next, a rubbish bin is emptied and a newspaper blows right into Duke's face.
As Duke rolls blindly across the yard, he bumps straight through some buffers and into a pile of sand which gets into his valves and axles. Soon, the Fat Controller takes another walk around the station and, this time, he is very impressed. The station is spotless, but Duke is going to have to be cleaned all over again.