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This article is about the Scandinavian VHS/DVD. You may be looking for the episode, the book or the Buzz Book.
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Edward, Trevor and the Useful Party (Norwegian: Edward, Trevor og den nyttige festen) is a 1997 Norwegian VHS featuring eleven third series episodes narrated by Trine Lossius Borg. It was released on VHS in Sweden in 2001 under the title Edward, Trevor and the Garden Party (Swedish: Edward, Trevor och trädgårdsfesten) with episodes narrated by Håkan Mohede. It was later released on VHS and DVD in Finland in 2003 under the title Edward, Trevor and a Truly Incomparable Party (Finnish: Edward, Teppo ja vallan verrattomat juhlat).



Filmene om "Lokomotivet Thomas og vennene hans" bygger på en bestselger innen britisk barnelitteratur. Serien er mottatt med storm i hele verden, ikke minst i Norge hvor Thomas har hatt kjempesuksess på Barne-TV! Her møter du igjen Lokomotivet Thomas og alle hans venner i nye episoder:

English Translation

The films about "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" are based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world, not least in Norway, where Thomas has been a huge success on children's TV! Here you meet Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends again in new episodes:


Thomas Tåget och hans vänner bygger på en storsäljare inom brittisk barnlitteratur. Serien har mottagits med storm över hela världen. Nu kan du se Thomas Tåget och hans vänner på film gång på gång!

English Translation

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends is based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world. Now you can watch Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends on film again and again!



  1. Toby havner i vanskeligheter (Toby's Tightrope)
  2. Edward, Trevor og den nyttige festen (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
  3. James og biene (Buzz, Buzz)
  4. Dra til sjøs (All at Sea)
  5. Bill og Ben på dreieskiva (One Good Turn)
  6. Kullvogner (Tender Engines)
  7. Den store flukten (Escape)
  8. Oliver blir klokere (Oliver Owns Up)
  9. Bussen Bulgy (Bulgy)
  10. Bill og Ben blir helter (Heroes)
  11. Percy, James og den fruktbare dagen (Percy, James and the Fruitful Day)


  1. Toby i trubbel (Toby's Tightrope) - Mavis' inexperience puts Toby in extreme danger. She bitterly regrets what she has done and decides to always ask the older locomotives for advice from now on.
  2. Edward, Trevor och trädgårdsfesten (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party) - Edward and Trevor may be old but they're still very useful. So their contribution to the garden party will undoubtedly be a success.
  3. James och bina (Buzz, Buzz) - James brags about how brave he is, but when a swarm of bees starts buzzing around him, he quickly retracts his claim.
  4. Till havs (All at Sea) - When the annual regatta is held on the Island, it's with pomp and circumstance. Duck wishes he could join the boats on the water and sail away from it all.
  5. Bill och ben på vändskivan (One Good Turn) - Bill and Ben run into trouble on the turntable and the whole thing is about to turn into a pancake.
  6. Kolvagnar (Tender Engines) - Gordon is jealous of a modern two-tender locomotive. It is up to him to prove that he is just as useful, if not more so.
  7. Den stora flykten (Escape) - Douglas is pulling the big Midnight Express train when he meets Oliver the locomotive and his brake van Toad.
  8. Oliver blir klokare (Oliver Owns Up) - Oliver learns that goods wagons can be quite volatile, so he decides to seek advice from the wise and more experienced Duck.
  9. Bussen Butter (Bulgy) - It's tourist season on the Island of Sodor. Bertie and the other locomotives are very busy. But things go wrong when a double decker bus shows up.
  10. Bill och Ben blir hjältar (Heroes) - Bill and Ben take advice from the goods wagons, which is about to end in horror.
  11. Percy, James och den fruktbara dagen (Percy, James and the Fruitful Day) - James and Percy fight all the time. Until one day when Percy finds himself in a real pickle. Then they realise that it's better to work together than against each other.


  1. Topi nuorallatanssijana (Toby's Tightrope)
  2. Edward, Teppo ja vallan verrattomat juhlat (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
  3. Pörinää (Buzz, Buzz)
  4. Kauas merten taa (All at Sea)
  5. Napit vastakkain (One Good Turn)
  6. Hiiltynyt veturi (Tender Engines)
  7. Pako (Escape)
  8. Oliverin opetus (Oliver Owns Up)
  9. Jurottaja (Bulgy)
  10. Me ollaan sankareita (Heroes)
  11. Hedelmällistä yhteistyötä (Percy, James and the Fruitful Day)


  • This is the first Thomas & Friends VHS and DVD released in Finland.
  • The episodes from this release were released on DVD in Sweden in 2002 with the episodes from the Thomas and the Guard Swedish VHS.
  • An image from Sleeping Beauty is used on the Finnish DVD menu.
  • The Finnish DVD features both Finnish and Swedish as language options. The Finnish language option plays the 1998 remastered episodes, while the Swedish language option plays the 1992 masters. Each episode includes the end credits at the end of each episode.


  • The episodes are listed in the wrong order on the Norwegian VHS back cover.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Finnish Edward, Teppo ja vallan verrattomat juhlat
Norwegian Edward, Trevor og den nyttige festen
Swedish Edward, Trevor och trädgårdsfesten (2001 VHS)
Thomas och konduktören och Edward, Trevor och trädgårdsfesten (2002 DVD)