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“Edward can do it."
"Yes. Edward knows how to do everything.”
― Emily and Henry nominating Edward to take the mail

Edward and the Mail is the fourteenth episode of the eleventh series.


Percy is in need of repairs and the other engines nominate Edward to do the mail run, thinking that he knows what to do, but Edward does not. Nonetheless, he decides to collect the mail anyway so as not to look silly. Along the way, Edward decides that he will have to work out how to do it by himself.

As Edward picks up the mail trucks, the stationmaster tells him to drop off mail at Farmer McColl's, some at Maithwaite for the children's party, and then some for the school. Along the way, he meets Thomas at a junction. Thomas gives him confidence that he will do great, but Edward is not sure and he didn't know that Percy delivers mail in a special order. However, he mixes up all the deliveries, dropping Farmer McColl's parcels off at Maithwaite, giving party supplies to Abbey School, and unloading everything needed for the school at Farmer McColl's. Edward feels proud of himself and relieved.

Sir Topham Hatt receives a lot of phone calls complaining about the mix-up. When Edward finds out what he has done, he collects the parcels again and tries to get them to the right places. But on his way back to McColl Farm, he is in such a hurry that he does not stop to ask a signalman which is the fastest route. Instead, he ends up taking a wrong turn, running into a barrier on a closed branch line and causing parcels to cascade out of the trucks. Edward realises that he needs Percy's help and goes to the works, where Percy explains he delivers the parcels in a certain order, and he always starts at the furthest away location and then works his way back to Tidmouth. Edward finally does everything right and feels wiser for taking advice.




  • Going by production order, this is the eighteenth episode of the eleventh series.
  • Just like throughout the rest of the eleventh series of the US dub, Henry speaks with a southern accent, as does the Wellsworth stationmaster. As this is his last speaking role of the eleventh series, this is the last time he speaks with a southern accent.
  • In the UK dub, Edward and Percy speak with a Scouse accent.
  • Two shots were edited for the following series episode Steady Eddie with CGI cows added to the field on the right for one of them and CGI birds at the windmill on the top.


  • James' eyes are misaligned when he and Edward go up Gordon's Hill.
  • When Edward crashes in the barrier, he seems to derail to the left, but later, he is straight.


In Other Languages

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Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Edward e o correio
Chinese Mandarin 艾德华和邮件
Czech Edward a pošta
Danish Edward deler post ud
Finnish Edvard Kuljettaa Postin
German Fragen kostet nichts
Hungarian Edward, a postás
Japanese エドワードのゆうびんはいたつ
Korean 에드워드의 우편 배달
Latin American Spanish Edward y el Correo
Norwegian Edward og posten
Polish Edek i Pociąg Pocztowy
Romanian Edward și Poșta
Russian Эдвард и почта
Swedish Edvard och posten

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