Engines Working Together is a video game for Vtech's V.Smile and Motion. It was released in 2005 to coincide with the 60th Anniversary of the Railway Series.
The narration was provided by Michael Angelis in the UK version, Michael Brandon in the 2005 US version and a female announcer in the 2009 V.Motion release.
Learning Adventure
Calling All Engines!
Thomas wants to gather the engines to discuss how to build an airport on the Island of Sodor. Find the engines by moving the joystick to collect the missing letters to complete their names. Watch out for the obstacles that might roll into your path. In the difficult level, you must press ENTER to stop at a signal. When the signal turns green, then the letters will appear at the junctions. At the junctions, select the track section with the correct letter at the traffic branch, then press ENTER to confirm.
For the 2005 version, you must hold your controller in the direction that you want to go in before Thomas reaches the junction or you will go in the wrong direction.
Curriculum: Letters
After the second stage, Thomas puffs into a dark cave. Find the exit and collect as many bonuses as you can. The exits will open in the last 20 seconds of the game. Two exits will open in easy, while only one opens in difficult.
Flying to the Rescue
Harold is a good-hearted helicopter, Complete the missions assigned by Sir Topham Hatt by flying to the objects shown in the left corner. Press ENTER to carry out the rescue. When Harold flies over the airfield. press ENTER to fill up his energy. Watch out for the dark clouds!
Curriculum: Directions and Picture Matching
Cargo Catch-up
Thomas forgot to collect the cargo. Help Harold catch-up to Thomas and load the color coordinated cargo that he left behind. Press ENTER to load the cargo. Move Harold up to avoid the buildings. Load the cargo before Thomas arrives at each station and you will get a higher score. Watch out for the flying objects! In difficult, you also have to watch out for other engines like Henry, Duncan, and Skarloey that are blowing black smoke out of their funnels or they will make your health drop as well.
Curriculum: Colors
Bertie Beats the Clock
Thomas' boiler is grumbling. Bertie must help to transport the school children to three stations on time. Avoid puddles, oil spills, dirt and other vehicles along the way to keep the children safe. Drop off the correct amount of school children at each station by following the number at the top of screen and press ENTER to stop. Keep an eye on the time, otherwise the children will miss the train. While Bertie is waiting, Trevor and Terence will ask him some questions. Help Bertie to answer the questions by using the colored buttons. A shortcut to the station will be rewarded to you if you answer correctly. If you choose the wrong answer, you have an extra long route to deal with, and you have to watch out for objects all over that road.
Curriculum: Colors
Learning Zone
Recycle Challenge
Fill up the Troublesome Trucks by selecting the correct type of recyclable items from the conveyor belts. You can use the joystick to select the object and press ENTER to place the item into the trucks. The Troublesome Trucks will react if you fill them with the right or wrong item.
Curriculum: Sorting
Size Sorting
Keep an eye on the time and sort different sizes of objects to the correct trucks. You can use the joystick to move Percy.
Curriculum: Size Sorting
Count the Engines
You are responsible for helping Sir Topham Hatt count how many engines pass through the station. You can press ENTER to add an engine to the counter. Watch the replay to see how you did!
Curriculum: Counting
Fix the Tracks
Thomas is on his way! Fix the track pieces before he arrives! You can move the joystick to choose the track.
Curriculum: Puzzle
Sing Along
The Sing Along mode contains two songs with different volume and voice settings. Use the joystick to select your favorite song, characters and settings and press ENTER on the ENTER icon to start the song.
This mode, as it is with most V.Smile games, is only accessible to later releases.
Engine Depot
The Engine Depot mode contains ten different characters profiles. Use the joystick to select the characters you wish to visit and press ENTER to read their profile.
Other Characters
- Henry
- Donald and Douglas
- Fergus
- Arthur
- Murdoch
- Spencer
- Mavis
- Skarloey
- Terence
- Trevor
- Sir Topham Hatt
- Duck (does not speak)
- Bill and Ben (do not speak)
- Duncan (does not speak)
- Duke (does not speak)
- Oliver (mentioned in Emily's bio)
- Henrietta (mentioned in Toby's bio)
- Toad (mentioned in Emily's bio)
- Instrumental tracks of Surprises, Emily and A World Around You are used, as well as some exclusive music associated with VTech's other Thomas merchandise.
- Most of the VTech-exclusive music from this game would later be reused in the Hero of the Rails video game.
- In some releases of this game, it is bundled with a blue V.Smile.
- After the game was re-released in 2008 with the V-Motion features, for the US version, Michael Brandon's narration was replaced with an unknown female one and the music sounds slightly different. The UK version has David Holt take over Angelis for some parts of the game, like the game instructions in the Learning Adventure and Learning Zone activity menus.
- On the V.Motion re-release, The "Size Sorting" game is removed for unknown reasons with the Thomas & Friends logo taking its place and the Sing-Along activity is added.
- Thomas says to Bertie, "Thank you for looking after my passengers." in the end cutscene for "Bertie Beats the Clock," which is a reference to the third series episode, Thomas Gets Bumped.
- On the title screen, Percy's face is edited from the second series episode, Percy and Harold.
- "Size Sorting" is the only game where Percy is a playable character.
- Diesel 10 replaces Henry's spot in the main cast of the game for the Calling All Engines movie.
- "Calling All Engines" is a complete reference to the movie but only includes three engines instead of one.
- In the 2009 version, Michael Brandon still voices the engines, Harold, Bertie and Sir Topham Hatt.
- Thomas' whistle is slower in the 2009 version.
- Skarloey, Duncan, and Duke run on the same gauge as the standard gauge engines.
- Arthur's wheels are black instead of red.
- James' handrails and side rods are gold instead of silver.
- Toby and Mavis are oversized.
- Trevor's icon sprite is actually Fergus repainted green.
- When Arthur and Mavis are facing left, their sprites are mirrored, meaning their "LMS" and "THE FFARQUHAR QUARRY CO. LTD." lettering are mirrored as well.
- In "Recycle Challenge", the Troublesome Trucks actually move by themselves with no steam engines pulling them, even though chuffing sounds are heard.
- Also on the 2007 and 2009 V.Motion re-releases, the trucks have no wheels. And on the US 2007 re-release, glass is actually pronounced by Michael Angelis, instead of Michael Brandon.
- Mavis and Diesel 10 make puffing sounds and are shown to emit steam, even though they are diesel engines. Diesel 10 however, makes the correct diesel engine sounds and is shown to emit grey smoke in the Engine Depot.
- Several engines use the wrong whistle or horn sound, or don't make any sound at all. These include the following:
- Emily shares the same whistle sound as Henry.
- Donald and Douglas both have Duck's whistle sound.
- Fergus shares the same whistle sound as Spencer.
- Mavis has Diesel's horn sound.
- Diesel 10 has a low pitched version of Derek's horn sound.
- Bertie's horn is low pitched.
- Murdoch has Arthur's whistle sound.
- Duck, Bill, Ben, Arthur, Duncan, and Duke have no whistle sounds.
- In the Sing Along mode when pressing ENTER to start, all of the engines have Thomas' whistle sound, despite Toby having a bell, and Mavis and Diesel 10 both having horns.
- Donald and Douglas have no coal in their tenders.
- Emily's running boards are red and her buffers are black.
- Gordon's bio describes him as the senior member of the engine family, when Edward is really the oldest.