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Every Day's a Special Day on Sodor is a song from the ninth series dedicated to seasons.


Every day's a special day on Sodor
Changing as the seasons come and go.
Gentle Spring gives way
To Summer sunshine.
Autumn winds give way
To Winter snow.
All the Engines work the same
Freezing snow or driving rain.
They just take it in their stride.
Boilers nearly burst with pride.
Every day's a special day on Sodor
Changing as the seasons come and go.
Gentle Spring gives way
To Summer sunshine.
Autumn winds give way
To Winter snow.
All the Engines work the same
Freezing snow or driving rain.
They just take it in their stride.
Boilers nearly burst with pride.
Every day's a Special Day on Sodor
Changing as the seasons come and go.
Gentle Spring gives way
To Summer sunshine.
Autumn winds give way
To Winter snow.
Every day's a Special Day on Sodor
Changing as the seasons come and go.
Gentle Spring gives way
To Summer sunshine.
Autumn winds give way
To Winter snow.



Footage Used

Learning Segments

Deleted, Extended and Edited Scenes

  • Don't Tell Thomas - An extended scene of Thomas crossing the bridge
  • Emily's New Route - A deleted scene of Emily passing Gordon and Percy watching the Hot Air Balloon as well as an edited scene with leaves falling.
  • Thomas and the Firework Display - An edited scene of Thomas with snow falling. (Short version)
  • Thomas Gets it Right:
    • An extended and edited scene of Gordon arriving at The Lumber Mill.
    • An edited scene of Thomas going fast.
    • An extended and edited scene of Thomas.
  • As Good as Gordon - An extended scene of Emily pulling into Kellsthorpe.
  • Emily's Adventure - An edited scene of Emily passing Harvey.
  • Calling All Engines! - An extended scene of Edward passing the Flowers and Signalbox.
  • Thomas and the Rainbow - A deleted scene of Percy passing the old castle smiling.
  • Thomas and the Birthday Picnic - A deleted scene of Thomas pulling out of Bluff's Cove in the rain.
  • Keeping Up with James - A deleted scene of Edward and James passing Thomas and Percy (Short version).
  • Unknown:
    • Emily passing a field of horses.
    • Toby passing Callan Castle.
    • Molly passing Callan Castle.
  • Learning Segments:
    • What Goes Where? - An edited scene of a rainbow in the sky when Thomas and Percy pass each other (Short version).
    • What Makes Percy Feel Better? - An extended and edited scene of Percy heading to the seaside with sunshine.


  • The short version of the song ends with the line “Every day’s a Special Day on Sodor”, sung as a solo part in a different tune.
  • Like The Snow Song, some of the footage from the episodes are edited with either leaves or rain effects.
  • There is an Instrumental of the extended version on the China DVD, Sing-a-Long 3.
  • An alternate cut of this song can be seen on the CD All Star Tracks.
  • This is the final ever original song from the original Thomas & Friends series to ever be released on VHS in the United States due to the discontinuation of VHS in the American home media market in 2006 of that year.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Todo Dia é Especial em Sodor
Japanese すばらしいソドーとう
Korean 소도어의 특별한 하루
Latin American Spanish Cada día es especial en Sodor

Home Media Releases


Music Videos
