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Extraordinary Engines is a US, Canadian, UK, Polish, Dutch, Brazilian, Italian, Spanish, South African, French, Australian, Czech, Greek and Turkish DVD featuring six episodes from the twentieth series.



Excitement spreads across Sodor with the arrival of a new and unusual engine. Worrying they’ll be replaced by the fast and modern Hugo; the engines fail to be good friends by not making him feel welcome. When they stop to listen, they realize that Hugo is a very special engine who truly belongs on the rails. Elsewhere things get spooky when the engines see a ghost train and Percy goes on a troll hunt. Skiff takes Sir Topham Hatt on a wild ride in search of a mermaid, Hugo dreams of taking to the skies, and Judy and Jerome learn what it takes to feel really useful again. Discover the wonders of dreaming big and join Thomas & Friends™ in 6 unique adventures!


Excitement spreads across Sodor with the arrival of a new and unusual engine. Worrying they'll be replaced by the fast and modern Hugo; the engines fail to be good friends by not making him feel welcome. When they stop to listen, they realise that Hugo is a very special engine who truly belongs on the rails. Elsewhere things get spooky when the engines see a ghost train and Percy goes on a troll hunt. Skiff takes the Fat Controller on a wild ride in search of a mermaid, Hugo dreams of taking to the skies and Judy and Jerome learn what it takes to feel really useful again. Discover the wonders of dreaming big and join Thomas & Friends™ in 6 unique adventures!


Excitement spreads across Sodor with the arrival of a new and unusual engine. Worrying they’ll be replaced by the fast and modern Hugo; the engines fail to be good friends by not making him feel welcome. When they stop to listen, they realise that Hugo is a very special engine who truly belongs on the rails. Discover the wonders of dreaming big and join Thomas & Friends™ in 6 unique adventures!


  1. Engine of the Future
  2. Henry in the Dark
  3. The Missing Breakdown Train
  4. Hugo and the Airship
  5. Three Steam Engines Gruff
  6. Skiff and the Mermaid

Bonus Features




  • The filedates of the US DVD show that it was finished on December 9, 2016.
  • In the trailer of the UK DVD, the spine of the DVD had the HiT Entertainment logo instead of the Mattel Creations logo meaning that HiT Entertainment was originally going to distribute the DVD.
  • This is the first DVD for a few things:
    • The first US/CAN DVD to use the Series 19-Series 21 Engine Roll Call and credits, though the Series 13-18 opening titles are still used and this is also the only US/CAN DVD to feature the Series 19-21 Engine Roll Call.
    • The first UK/AUS DVD to feature a Learn with Thomas and Mr. Perkins' Railway segments.
    • The first UK DVD to be distributed by Mattel Creations.
  • This is the last DVD for a few things:
    • The last US DVD to have the "Island of Sodor" opening sequence and the Series 13-18 intro.
    • The last AUS DVD to be released in a Carry-Case cover as Carry Me cases were losing popularity, thus future DVDs get released in normal standard covers starting from Team Up with Thomas.
    • The last US DVD to have HiT Entertainment logo on the spine.
    • The last US DVD to have the disc use artwork from the front cover until Thomas and the Magic Railroad 20th Anniversary Edition.
  • The digital release is slowed down to 24 frames-per-second.
  • This DVD is used as Disc 2 of The Complete Series 20 as a bonus disc distributed by Mattel Creations.
  • On the UK DVD Episode Selection menu, each screenshot frame is in the shape of The Great Race logo.


  • On the US DVD, the episode selection used a picture from The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead for The Missing Breakdown Train and Three Steam Engines Gruff used a picture from Reds vs Blues, but these two episodes are not on this release.
  • On the US DVD, there are several things wrong in the credits:
  • On the back cover and bonus features menu of the UK DVD, the Mr. Perkins' Railway segment is incorrectly listed as a Down at the Station segment.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Locomotivas extraordinárias
Czech Úžasné lokomotivy
Dutch Bijzomdere locomotieven
French Des locomotives extraordinaires
Greek Τα απίστευτα τρενάκια
Italian Locomotive straordinarie
Polish Nadzwyczajne lokomotiywki
Spanish Locomotoras extraordinarias
Turkish Acayip Trenler


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Wooden Railway

  • Hugo (discontinued)
  • On the Glow Cargo (discontinued)
  • Sodor Airship Hangar (discontinued)


  • Hugo (fully painted; planned)


  • Hugo (discontinued)[3]


  • Winged Thomas (discontinued)
  • Hugo and Skiff (discontinued)
  • Ryan and Jerome (discontinued)

Capsule Plarail

  • Hugo
  • Judy
  • Jerome

DVD Packs





