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Fall is So Much Fun is the third song from the twenty-fourth series.


A cool breeze is in the air
New colours everywhere
Leaves blowing up and down
Red, yellow, orange and brown
We'll bake some pumpkin pies, pick apples for the ride
Build scarecrows by the tracks
Visit a pumpkin patch
Come along with Thomas, there so much we can do
Start your engines, let's begin
Leaves are piled, jump right in (Yeah!)
Carving pumpkins all day long
Thomas will show you, come on!
Blow your whistle, feel the breeze
Ride right through those falling leaves (Come on!)
Smiling pumpkins one by one
Thomas will show you fall is so much fun
Halloween will soon be here
Costumes and spooky cheer
Jack-o-lanterns glowing bright
Trick-or-treating until night
You'll hear our whistle blow
On hay rides we will go
We'll bob for apples too.
Have fun the whole day through
Ride along with Thomas, there so much left to do (Let's go!)
Start your engines, let's begin
Leaves are piled, jump right in (Yeah!)
Carving pumpkins all day long
Thomas will show you, come on
Blow your whistle, feel the breeze
Ride right through those falling leaves (Yeah!)
Smiling pumpkins one by one
Thomas will show you fall is so much fun
(That's right! Let's go!)
Thomas will show you fall has just begun



Footage Used[]


  • The music video features pumpkin and ghost animations not sourced from the stock footage.
  • This song is the first to use the font, "Flange (R)". However, the original font would see a return in the Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go music videos.


  • The lyrics "Trick-or-treating until night" are all yellow, instead of being white and yellow.
  • The Korean subtitles translated "호루라기" (holulagi) for the word "whistle". With 기적 (gijeog) being the correct word for "whistle".

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Korean 신나고 재미있는 가을!


