This page is for the farmers who have appeared in Thomas & Friends.
Notable Farmers[]
The following farmers have their own separate pages:
This article is about 'the farmer'. You may be looking for 'the engine or the porter'. |
Sam is a farmer who works near the Ffarquhar Branch Line.
When a cart of lime had broken down on the level crossing, Sam had just gone for help. Percy, who was travelling down the same line, could not stop in time and crashed into the cart, breaking it into smithereens and sending lime everywhere.
Thomas & Friends[]
- Series 2 - Ghost Train (mentioned; appears in a deleted scene)
- Mr. Perkins Storytime - Ghost Train (does not speak)
- While Sam did not make an appearance and was only mentioned in Ghost Train, a deleted scene revealed that Sam was going to make an appearance and would be using Terence to move the cart, before the cart broke down.
- The small scale figure that would be used for Sam was also used for various signalmen and the the firelighter.
The Angry Farmer[]
The Angry Farmer is a farmer who works near the Ffarquhar Branch Line.
When Mavis was stuck on the level crossing at the Quarry Tramroad, this farmer, who had to wait at the level crossing, decided to scold Mavis.
The Hill Farm Farmers[]
The Hill Farm Farmers are a group of farmers who work at Hill Farm.
During the rain, one of the farmers told Skarloey that a big storm was coming and that he needed the engines' help to bring the sheep down from the hills to the farm. The farmers later cheered for Skarloey after he brought the last of the sheep to the farm.
Thomas & Friends[]
- Series 7 - The Runaway Elephant (cameo)
- Series 10 - A Smooth Ride, Which Way Now? and Wharf and Peace (cameo)
- Series 11 - Skarloey Storms Through and Duncan Does It All
Voice Actors[]
- Nobuaki Kanemitsu (Japan)
The Sheep Farm Shepherd[]
The Sheep Farm Shepherd works at a farm.
When Thomas was travelling down his branch line, he noticed a sheep on the line and stopped. The shepherd soon arrived to collect the sheep. The guard went to the shepherd with a shepherd's crook that he had found on the train. The shepherd told the guard that he lad lost the crook a while ago and he soon removed the sheep from the line.
The Potato Farmer[]
The Potato Farmer is a farmer who works at a potato farm.
Thomas once arrived to the potato farm to deliver sacks of potatoes to a market. Thomas' driver helped the farmer load the sacks into the trucks. After the work was done, the farmer gave Thomas' driver his own sack of potatoes as a thank you.
For other uses, see Bill and Ben. |
Ben is an elderly shepherd who works at a farm. He owns a dog named Jess.
While trying to rescue a lamb from a ditch, Ben ended up falling in the ditch and getting trapped himself. Jess alerted Thomas and his crew by barking at them. They soon came to the rescue and helped Ben and the lamb out of the ditch.
The Barleycorn Farm Shepherd[]
- "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight!"
- ― The Barleycorn Farm Shepherd
The Barleycorn Farm Shepherd works at the Barleycorn Farm. He owns a sheepdog.
The shepherd once told Thomas the rhyme: "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight" and how it used to predict the following day's weather. Thomas was very impressed by this little rhyme and repeated it all day. The following evening, Percy told Thomas that the red sky tonight was due to a barn fire at the farm. Thomas rushed to help, but was too late. The shepherd was not worried, however, as he had been planning on replacing the barn anyway so the fire has saved him a lot of hard work. He then reminded Thomas of the old rhyme and it has once again come true.
Farmer Brown[]
Farmer Brown is a farmer who owns a horse and cart.
When Sir Topham Hatt had to give a speech about railways at Wellsworth Town Hall, Farmer Brown gave him a ride on his horse and cart after Bertie's wheels get bogged down in the mud. However, the horse and cart was too slow, so he had to hitch a ride with the Ice-Cream Van.
Sam (Shepherd)[]
- "Those sheep will feel cooler and more comfortable in this warm weather once they're clipped."
- ― Sam the Shepherd
Sam is a shepherd who works on a farm located in some hills on Thomas' Branch Line. He owns a collie dog named Beth.
One day, Thomas took some sheep shearers to the farm along with Sir Topham Hatt and his grandson, Stephen Hatt. One sheep broke loose, but was soon quickly rounded up again by Beth.
Farmer Banks[]
Farmer Banks is a farmer who owns a farm.
Henry once delivered a new combine harvester to Farmer Banks' farm. But when Farmer Banks had trouble stopping the machine, it crashed onto the line and knocked over a signal. Luckily, Harvey came to the rescue and saved the harvest.
Jed Stone[]
Jed Stone is a farmer who works at an orchard.
When Jed Stone found out that the apples from his orchard were eaten off the trees, Sir Topham Hatt promised an investigation. Later on, when Gordon blew his new horn, which was given in place of a new whistle, he ended up stopping Jed Stone's horses, which turned out to be the culprits, from eating the apples off the trees.
Farmer Mills[]
Farmer Mills is a bee keeper, a person who keeps honey bees. Once, Thomas and Henry had to help Farmer Mills calm down his bees.
Farmer Joe[]
Farmer Joe is a farmer who owns the award-winning prize pig, Dora.
Farmer Joe only appeared in the book Thomas and the Prize Pig by Christopher Awdry.
Other Farmers[]
Many other farmers have been seen around the Island of Sodor.
After Toby blew steam at Champion, he retreated back to his farmer who was waiting down the line.
One rainy day, Thomas collected the prize bull from a farmer on Toby's Branch Line to take to the market.
When Bulgy was brought back in service, Emily told him that he should be helping the new farmer sell his vegetables around Sodor, however, Bulgy scoffed at this and insisted on taking passengers instead. After an incident with the hens who were asleep on his luggage racks while taking passengers, Bulgy was sent to be cleaned and Emily told him that the farmer still required help with his vegetables, and Bulgy decided to become a mobile vegetable stand.
When Peter Sam discovered Proteus' Statue in an abandoned siding while delivering cream churns, two farmers arrived after hearing him bump the the statue's well wagon and he asked them to cover the statue with a tarpaulin as a surprise for the other engines.
Voice Actors[]
Apple Orchard Farmers:
- Christopher Ragland (UK/US; Journey Beyond Sodor)
- Tomohiro Tsuboi (Japan; Journey Beyond Sodor)