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Favourites from Thomas & Friends (Norwegian: Favoritter fra Thomas og vennene hans) is a 2002 Norwegian VHS/DVD release featuring six first series episodes, five second series episodes, three third series episodes and three fourth series episodes narrated by Trine Lossius Borg.



Filmene om "LOKOMOTIVET THOMAS OG VENNENE HANS" bygger på en bestselger innen britisk barnelitteratur. Serien er mottatt med storm i hele verden, og ikke minst i Norge hvor Thomas har hatt kjempesuksess på Barne-TV! Her får du et gledelig gjensyn med Thomas og alle vennene hans.

Alle episoder er tidligere utgitt

English Translation

The films about "THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE & FRIENDS" are based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world, not least in Norway, where Thomas has been a huge success on children's TV! Here you get a joyful reunion with Thomas and all his friends.

All episodes have been previously released


  1. Thomas og hjelpetoget (Thomas and the Breakdown Train)
  2. Vanskelige vogner (Troublesome Trucks)
  3. Thomas, Terence og snøen (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
  4. Trøbbel i lokomotivstallen (Trouble in the Shed)
  5. Fløyter og nys (Whistles and Sneezes)
  6. Ut av sporet (Off the Rails)
  7. En ven i nøden (Bertie's Chase)
  8. Ufrivillig utflukt (The Runaway)
  9. Nære på (A Close Shave)
  10. Bedre sent enn aldri (Better Late than Never)
  11. På ville veier (Wrong Road)
  12. Percys løfte (Percy's Promise)
  13. Dra til sjøs (All at Sea)
  14. Bill og Ben blir helter (Heroes)
  15. Dampveivalsen (Steam Roller)
  16. Thomas og Stepney (Thomas and Stepney)
  17. Endelig hjemme (Home at Last)


  • This is the final Thomas & Friends VHS released in Norway. It is also the only VHS released in Norway with the updated Norwegian Thomas & Friends logo.