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"You tricked us, and now Rheneas is lost and in trouble!"
― Skarloey

Fearless Freddie is the eleventh episode of the tenth series.


Thomas brings an old friend to the Skarloey Railway; a grey tank engine called Freddie, though everyone knows him better as "Fearless Freddie." At the Transfer Yards, Sir Handel is delighted to see Freddie and Freddie is pleased to be home. Thomas is quite surprised as he never knew that Freddie and Sir Handel were friends. Sir Handel tells Thomas that Freddie was "the fastest engine in the hills." Then Rheneas and Skarloey rush in, each claiming to have won the race. Freddie had not met Skarloey or Rheneas before, so he challenges them to a race.

On his way to the starting line at the summit of the mountain, Freddie is concerned. Due to his age, he cannot rush up the hill like he used to. Soon, they start the race and Freddie takes the lead going down the mountain. However, Freddie realises that he is running out of puff quite quickly. Luckily, he remembers the old rocky way which is a short-cut down the mountain. Rheneas and Skarloey do not see Freddie change tracks and carry on down the usual route. Once off his short-cut, Freddie reaches the bottom of the hill. When Rheneas and Skarloey arrive, they challenge Freddie to another race.

However, their second race is down the other side of the mountain which is much steeper and Freddie is secretly a little scared. Despite this, they set off. Once again, Freddie races ahead, only to start running out of puff. Then Freddie remembers another alternative route, which is much safer than the usual route. So Freddie reaches the bottom safe and sound. Rheneas, on the other hand, goes too fast and races off the tracks and down the mountain side.

Skarloey arrives at the bottom of the hill and tells Freddie about Rheneas' derailment. Soon, Sir Handel arrives with the Thin Controller who has heard the news. Freddie owns up that he cheated by using the old tracks as short-cuts, but as he knows all the old tracks, they can find Rheneas. So, Freddie leads Skarloey and Sir Handel along another old track to find Rheneas. Freddie pulls Rheneas back to the rails and then leads his friends back home.

That evening, Freddie apologises to Skarloey and Rheneas for cheating, but Rheneas wants to know more about the old tracks. Freddie tells Skarloey, Rheneas, and Sir Handel all about the old tracks in the hills.





  • At one point during the first race, Skarloey and Rheneas are on Freddie's track.
  • When Skarloey is yelling "Faster!", he is wearing Rheneas' laughing face.
  • When Rheneas derails, his eyes are slightly misaligned.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Arabic فريدي الشجاع
Brazilian Portuguese Destemido Freddie
Chinese Mandarin 大胆的佛莱迪
Czech Nebojácný Freddie
Danish Frygtløse Freddie
Dutch Freddie Zonder Vrees
Finnish Reiska Rohkea
French Peur Sans Freddie
Freddie n'a peur de rien
German Der furchtlose Freddy
Hungarian Féktelen Freddie
Italian Freddie Senza Paura
Japanese こわいものなしのフレディー
Korean 경주
Latin American Spanish Freddie el Audaz
Norwegian Fryktløse Freddie
Polish Nieustraszony Frycek
Portuguese Freddie Sem Medo
Romanian Freddie Neînfracatul
Russian Бесстрашный Фредди
Spanish Freddie sin Miedo
Swedish Frejdige Freddy
Turkish Korkusuz Freddie

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