Flatbeds (also referred to as flat trucks or - in the US dub - flatcars ) are pieces of rolling stock with a flat surface. The North Western Railway owns several types of these wagons.
Notable Flatbeds
The following Flatbeds have their own separate pages:
SR CCT Flatbed
SR CCT Flatbed
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
The SR CCT Flatbed is a long flatbed with wooden sides.
Technical Details
This flatbed was made from a heavily modified Southern Railway Diagram 3101 Covered Carriage Truck (CCT).
An SR CCT utility van in real-life
This flatbed is painted black.
Series 1 - Thomas and Gordon , Thomas and the Trucks , James and the Coaches , Troublesome Trucks , James and the Express , Thomas, Terence and the Snow (deleted scene ) , Trouble in the Shed , Coal , The Flying Kipper , Dirty Objects , Off the Rails and Down the Mine
Series 2 - Saved from Scrap , Old Iron , Thomas and Trevor , Duck Takes Charge , Better Late than Never and Percy's Predicament
Series 3 - Buzz, Buzz , One Good Turn , Escape and Oliver Owns Up
Series 5 - Cranky Bugs , Horrid Lorry , Gordon and the Gremlin , Put Upon Percy , Double Teething Troubles (deleted scene ) , Oliver's Find , Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday and A Surprise for Percy (deleted scene )
Series 12 - Thomas and the Billboard , Steady Eddie and Tram Trouble
Magazine Stories
Annual Stories
In the middle of the second series ' production, the flatbed's original wheels were replaced by Tenmille AG115 bogies and the flatbed received fixed ends.
Sometime between the end of the fifth series and the beginning of the eighth series , the poles on either side of the flatbed were trimmed down significantly.
TVR Macaw G Flatbeds
TVR Macaw G Flatbeds
TVR Macaw G Flatbeds
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
Taff Vale Railway
Taff Vale Railway
Year built
Between 1913 and 1938
TVR Macaw G Flatbeds are long bogie flatbeds. They are often used for carrying long loads such as logs, rails or pipes and are the most common type of flatbed on the Island of Sodor .
Technical Details
These flatbeds are based on the Taff Vale Railway Macaw G.
Types of designs in the Model Series:
TVR Macaw (without poles )
Types of designs in the CGI Series:
TVR Macaw (timber decking; without poles )
These flatbeds are often painted grey, while others are painted black with rusty bogie frames. Since Hero of the Rails onwards, they have had light brown wooden decks.
A yellow and red
Circus flatbed
A dark grey flatbed with red bufferbeams
Series 2 - Thomas, Percy and the Coal , Cows , Saved from Scrap , Old Iron , Thomas and Trevor , Percy and the Signal , Duck Takes Charge , Percy and Harold , The Runaway , Percy Takes the Plunge , Pop Goes the Diesel , Dirty Work , A Close Shave , Better Late than Never , Break Van , The Deputation , Thomas Comes to Breakfast , Percy's Predicament , The Diseasel , Wrong Road , Ghost Train , Woolly Bear and Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree
Series 3 - Donald's Duck , Thomas Gets Bumped (deleted scene ) , Thomas, Percy and the Dragon , Henry's Forest , Buzz, Buzz and One Good Turn
Series 4 - Sleeping Beauty , Thomas and Stepney , Henry and the Elephant and Thomas and the Special Letter
Series 5 - Cranky Bugs , Horrid Lorry , James and the Trouble with Trees , Gordon and the Gremlin , Bye George! , Baa! , Put Upon Percy , Haunted Henry , Double Teething Troubles , Something in the Air , Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach , Oliver's Find , Happy Ever After , Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday (deleted scene ) , Make Someone Happy , Busy Going Backwards and Rusty and the Boulder
Series 6 - Salty's Secret , Harvey to the Rescue , No Sleep for Cranky , A Bad Day for Harold the Helicopter , Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry , It's Only Snow , Twin Trouble , The World's Strongest Engine , Scaredy Engines , Percy and the Haunted Mine , Middle Engine , James and the Red Balloon , Jack Frost , Gordon Takes a Tumble , Percy's Chocolate Crunch , Toby Had a Little Lamb , Thomas, Percy and the Squeak , Thomas the Jet Engine and Edward the Very Useful Engine
Series 7 - Emily's New Coaches , Percy Gets it Right , Bill, Ben and Fergus , Edward's Brass Band , What's the Matter with Henry? , James and the Queen of Sodor , The Spotless Record , Toby's Windmill , Bad Day at Castle Loch , Salty's Stormy Tale , Snow Engine , Something Fishy , Peace and Quiet , Fergus Breaks the Rules (deleted scene ) , Bulgy Rides Again , Harold and the Flying Horse and Best Dressed Engine
Jack and the Sodor Construction Company - Mud Glorious Mud , Percy Helps Out , A Happy Day for Percy and A Tale for Thomas
Series 8 - Thomas to the Rescue , Henry and the Wishing Tree , James Gets a New Coat , Thomas Saves the Day , Percy's Big Mistake , Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough , Don't Tell Thomas , Emily's New Route , Edward the Great , Squeak, Rattle and Roll , Thomas and the Circus , Thomas Gets It Right , As Good as Gordon , Fish , Emily's Adventure , Halloween , James Goes Too Far , Chickens to School and Percy and the Magic Carpet
Series 9 - Thomas and the Rainbow , Molly's Special Special , Respect for Gordon , Thomas and the Toy Shop , Thomas and the New Engine , Thomas Tries His Best , Thomas and the Statue , Henry and the Flagpole , Emily Knows Best , Thomas' Day Off , Thomas' New Trucks , Bold and Brave (deleted scene ) , Saving Edward and Flour Power
Series 10 - Follow that Flour (deleted scene ) , Thomas and the Jet Plane , Percy and the Funfair , The Green Controller , Thomas' Tricky Tree , Toby's Afternoon Off , It's Good to be Gordon , Seeing the Sights , Fearless Freddie , Toby's New Shed , Edward Strikes Out , Topped Off Thomas , Which Way Now? , Thomas and the Shooting Star , Big Strong Henry , Wharf and Peace , Thomas' Frosty Friend , Emily and the Special Coaches , Thomas and the Colours , Thomas and the Birthday Mail , Missing Trucks , Thomas and the Treasure , James the Second Best and Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out
Series 11 - Dream On , Gordon and the Engineer , Henry's Lucky Day , Thomas and the Lighthouse , Thomas and the Big Bang , Don't be Silly, Billy , Edward and the Mail , Hide and Peep , Thomas and the Runaway Car , Thomas in Trouble , Thomas and the Stinky Cheese , Percy and the Left Luggage , Sir Handel in Charge and Ding-a-Ling
Series 12 - Thomas and the Billboard , Steady Eddie , Rosie's Funfair Special , Henry Gets it Wrong , Heave Ho Thomas! , Toby's Special Surprise , Excellent Emily , The Party Surprise , Saved You! , James Works it Out , Tram Trouble , Gordon Takes a Shortcut , The Man in the Hills , Thomas Puts the Brakes On and Push Me, Pull You
Series 13 - Creaky Cranky , The Lion of Sodor , Tickled Pink , Double Trouble , Slippy Sodor , The Early Bird , Play Time , Thomas and the Pigs , Time for a Story , Percy's Parcel , Toby's New Whistle , A Blooming Mess , Thomas and the Runaway Kite , Steamy Sodor , The Biggest Present of All , Henry's Good Deeds , Buzzy Bees and Hiro Helps Out
Series 14 - Thomas' Tall Friend , James in the Dark , Pingy Pongy Pick Up , Charlie and Eddie , Toby and the Whistling Woods , Henry's Health and Safety , Victor Says Yes , Thomas in Charge , Being Percy , Thomas' Crazy Day and Henry's Magic Box
Series 15 - Percy's New Friends , Edward the Hero , James to the Rescue , Happy Hiro , Henry's Happy Coal , Let it Snow , Surprise, Surprise , Stop that Bus! , Kevin the Steamie , Wonky Whistle and Tree Trouble
Series 16 - Ol' Wheezy Wobbles , Express Coming Through , Percy and the Monster of Brendam , Thomas and the Rubbish Train , Thomas Toots the Crows , Bust My Buffers! , Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor , Salty's Surprise , Sodor Surprise Day , Emily's Winter Party Special , Muddy Matters , Whiff's Wish , Welcome Stafford! , Happy Birthday Sir! and The Christmas Tree Express
Series 17 - Wayward Winston , Henry's Hero , The Thomas Way , Away From the Sea and Gone Fishing
Series 18 - Flatbeds of Fear , Toad's Adventure , Thomas the Quarry Engine , Thomas and the Emergency Cable , Missing Gator , Spencer's VIP , Toad's Bright Idea , Emily Saves the World , Marion and the Dinosaurs , Samson at Your Service and Millie and the Volcano
Series 19 - The Truth About Toby , Toad and the Whale , Very Important Sheep , Den and Dart , Helping Hiro , The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead , Philip to the Rescue , Diesel's Ghostly Christmas , The Other Side of the Mountain , No Help at All and Goodbye Fat Controller
Series 20 - Diesel and the Ducklings , Pouty James , Letters to Santa , Love Me Tender , Cautious Connor , All in Vain , Tit for Tat , Henry in the Dark and Hugo and the Airship
Series 21 - Springtime for Diesel , A Most Singular Engine , Dowager Hatt's Busy Day , Stuck in Gear , Hasty Hannah , Cranky at the End of the Line , New Crane on the Dock , Philip's Number , Emily in the Middle and Terence Breaks the Ice
Series 22 - Forever and Ever (fantasy ) , Confusion Without Delay , Thomas Goes to Bollywood , Outback Thomas , Tiger Trouble , Seeing is Believing , The Water Wheel , Samson and the Fireworks , Thomas' Animal Ark , Counting on Nia and Hunt the Truck
Series 23 - Crowning Around , Chucklesome Trucks , The Other Big Engine , Heart of Gold , Batucada , Gordon Gets the Giggles (fantasy ) , Thomas Makes a Mistake , Diesel Do Right , Grudge Match , Steam Team to the Rescue , Panicky Percy , All Tracks Lead to Rome , Rangers of the Rails (fantasy ) , Wish You Were Here , Too Loud, Thomas! and Diesel Glows Away
Series 24 - Thomas and the Royal Engine , Emily's Best Friend , Thomas and the Forest Engines , James the Super Engine , A New Arrival , World of Tomorrow , Nia's Bright Idea , The Inventor's Spectacular Bridge , Yong Bao and the Tiger and Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through!
Official Description
From Official Media: [1]
Henry's Log Car : Henry is a long, fast engine with a thoroughbred look, whoose Log Car came to the rescue during a flood to remove the trees which had fallen and were causing an obstruction.
Historical Note : Henry's Log Car is typical of many bogie wagons built by the mainline construction companies from c. 1910-1950s to carry logs and even lengths of sawn timber.
In the eighth series episode, Thomas Saves the Day , these flatbeds are referred to as "Troublesome Trucks " despite being faceless.
In the CGI Series, they had a planked deck and were predominately seen without poles.
In the merchandise ranges, these flatbeds are commonly depicted with 4 wheels.
GWR Ventilated Van Flatbeds
GWR Ventilated Van Flatbeds
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
GWR Ventilated Van Flatbeds are a small four-wheeled flatbeds made from the chassis of the GWR Ventilated Vans . They are used for carrying light loads such as crates and small vehicles, and are also the most common 4-wheel flatbeds used on the North Western Railway .
Technical Details
The GWR flatbeds are modified from the chassis of a GWR Diagram V24 ventilated van.
A GWR ventilated van in real-life
Types of designs in the Model Series:
GWR Ventilated Van Flatbed
GWR Ventilated Van Flatbed (timber decking; thicker flatbed )
Types of designs in the CGI Series:
GWR Ventilated Van Flatbed (timber decking )
GWR Ventilated Van Flatbed (with folding ramp )
These flatbeds have been seen in black, grey and brown. Since Big World! Big Adventures! , the decks of the grey flatbeds have been consistently painted magenta.
Series 2 - Saved from Scrap , Old Iron , Thomas and Trevor , Percy and the Signal , Duck Takes Charge , The Runaway , Percy Takes the Plunge , Pop Goes the Diesel , Dirty Work , Better Late than Never , The Missing Coach (episode cancelled ) , Break Van , Percy's Predicament , Wrong Road , Woolly Bear and Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree
Series 3 - Donald's Duck , Thomas Gets Bumped , Diesel Does It Again (deleted scene ) , Henry's Forest , The Trouble with Mud , No Joke for James , Thomas, Percy and the Post Train , Trust Thomas (deleted scene ) , Toby's Tightrope , All at Sea , One Good Turn , Escape , Oliver Owns Up and Percy, James and the Fruitful Day
Series 4 - Four Little Engines , Train Stops Play and Bowled Out
Series 5 - Cranky Bugs , Horrid Lorry , James and the Trouble with Trees , Gordon and the Gremlin , Bye George! , Put Upon Percy , Thomas and the Rumours and Happy Ever After
Series 6 - Salty's Secret
Series 7 - Best Dressed Engine
Series 8 - Spic and Span
Series 10 - Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out
Series 13 - Creaky Cranky , The Lion of Sodor , Play Time , Thomas and the Pigs , Time for a Story , Percy's Parcel , Toby's New Whistle , A Blooming Mess , Thomas and the Runaway Kite , Steamy Sodor , Henry's Good Deeds and Buzzy Bees
Series 14 - Thomas' Tall Friend , Pingy Pongy Pick Up , Charlie and Eddie , Toby and the Whistling Woods , Henry's Health and Safety , Diesel's Special Delivery , Victor Says Yes , Thomas in Charge , Merry Winter Wish , Thomas' Crazy Day , Jumping Jobi Wood! and Merry Misty Island
Series 15 - Gordon and Ferdinand , Toby and Bash , Emily and Dash , Percy's New Friends , James to the Rescue , Up, Up and Away! , Henry's Happy Coal , Let It Snow , Surprise, Surprise , Stop that Bus! , Stuck on You , Kevin the Steamie , Percy the Snowman , Tree Trouble and Fiery Flynn
Series 16 - Ol' Wheezy Wobbles , Express Coming Through , Percy and the Monster of Brendam , Flash Bang Wallop! , Bust My Buffers! , Percy and the Calliope , Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor , Sodor Surprise Day , Emily's Winter Party Special , Whiff's Wish , Happy Birthday Sir! and The Christmas Tree Express
Series 17 - Kevin's Cranky Friend , Scruff's Makeover , Wayward Winston , Gordon Runs Dry , Steamie Stafford , Henry's Hero , Not Now, Charlie! , Percy's Lucky Day , Bill or Ben? , No Snow for Thomas , Santa's Little Engine , The Missing Christmas Decorations , Away From the Sea , Gone Fishing , The Afternoon Tea Express and Thomas' Shortcut
Series 18 - Old Reliable Edward , Flatbeds of Fear , Signals Crossed , Toad's Adventure , Thomas the Quarry Engine , Missing Gator , No Steam Without Coal , Spencer's VIP , Toad's Bright Idea , The Perfect Gift , Timothy and the Rainbow Truck and Millie and the Volcano
Series 19 - Who's Geoffrey? , Henry Spots Trouble , A Cranky Christmas , Den and Dart , Best Engine Ever , The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead , Philip to the Rescue , No Help at All and Goodbye Fat Controller
Series 20 - Toby's New Friend , Pouty James , Henry in the Dark , Three Steam Engines Gruff , Engine of the Future , The Missing Breakdown Train and Skiff and the Mermaid
Series 21 - Cranky at the End of the Line , New Crane on the Dock , Philip's Number , Emily in the Middle , Terence Breaks the Ice and Confused Coaches
Series 22 - Thomas Goes to Bollywood , Outback Thomas , Tiger Trouble , Apology Impossible , Rosie is Red , The Case of the Puzzling Parts and Counting on Nia
Series 23 - The Other Big Engine , Heart of Gold , Batucada , Gordon Gets the Giggles , Diesel Do Right , Grudge Match (fantasy ) , Steam Team to the Rescue , Mines of Mystery and Diesel Glows Away
Series 24 - Thomas and the Royal Engine , Emily's Best Friend , Emily to the Rescue , A New Arrival , Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through! and Thomas' Animal Friends
RCH 7-Plank Flatbeds
RCH 7-Plank Flatbeds
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
The RCH 7-Plank Flatbeds are a small four-wheeled flatbeds made from the chassis of the 7-Plank Trucks .
Technical Details
These flatbeds are modified from the chassis of an RCH 7-plank open wagon.
A 7-plank open wagon in real-life
Types of designs in the Model Series:
RCH 7-Plank Flatbed (2-plank )
RCH 7-Plank Flatbed (1-plank; timber decking; thicker flatbed )
RCH 7-Plank Flatbed (no planks; timber decking )
Types of designs in Other Media:
RCH 7-Plank Flatbed (alternate bracing )
These flatbeds are painted black. The Series 2 flatbed had a grey flatbed top, whereas the Series 10 flatbeds had timber decking.
In the Golden Books , these flatbeds are painted grey with red bufferbeams. Alternate liveries include green and brown with red buffer housings.
Grey flatbeds with red bufferbeams
Green flatbeds with red buffer housings
Brown flatbeds with red housings
Series 2 - Saved from Scrap , Old Iron , Thomas and Trevor , Percy and the Signal , Duck Takes Charge , The Runaway , Percy Takes the Plunge , Pop Goes the Diesel , Dirty Work , Better Late than Never , The Missing Coach (episode cancelled ) , Break Van , Percy's Predicament , Wrong Road , Woolly Bear and Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree
Series 10 - Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out
SR Brake Van Flatbed
SR Brake Van Flatbed
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
The SR Brake Van Flatbed is a four-wheeled flatbed made from the chassis of an SR 25 Ton Brake Van .
Technical Details
This flatbed was made from the chassis of a Southern Railway (SR) Diagram 1579 25 Ton brake van.
An SR 25 Ton Brake Van in real-life
This flatbed is painted black.
Series 3 - Thomas, Percy and the Dragon , Diesel Does it Again , No Joke for James , One Good Turn , Tender Engines , Escape and Oliver Owns Up
Series 4 - Train Stops Play , Bowled Out and Toad Stands By
Series 5 - Cranky Bugs , Horrid Lorry , Bye George! , Put Upon Percy , Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday and A Surprise for Percy
Series 6 - Salty's Secret and Percy's Chocolate Crunch
Series 7 - Best Dressed Engine
Series 9 - Emily Knows Best
Series 10 - Toby's Afternoon Off and Toby's New Shed
Series 11 - Smoke and Mirrors
Series 12 - Henry Gets it Wrong
The flatbed was originally created for TUGS , before later being reused in Thomas & Friends .
The flatbed originally had four stakes to keep the pipe loads in place, however these were removed in the fourth series to allow it to carry Caroline .
The Magic Carpet Flatbed
The Magic Carpet Flatbed
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
The Magic Carpet Flatbed is a unique four-wheeled flatbed once used by Percy to transport a red carpet to Maithwaite . It was later used to transport new bricks to the Sodor River Bridge .
Technical Details
This flatbed is a freelance design. It appears to resemble a shortened non-bogie Taff Vale Railway Macaw G flatbed.
Types of designs in the Model Series:
TVR Macaw (timber decking )
This flatbed is painted grey with a black chassis and bracing.
The Barge Flatbed
The Barge Flatbed
Last appearance
James and the Queen of Sodor (2003 )
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
The Barge Flatbed is a long bogie steel flatbed with stands used to carry barges across the railways. James once used this flatbed to transport The Queen of Sodor to the Sodor Ironworks .
Technical Details
This flatbed is painted maroon and heavily weathered black.
Long Macaw Flatbeds
Long Macaw Flatbeds
TVR Macaw G Flatbeds (lengthened )
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
Long Macaw Flatbeds are the largest flatbeds. They are used for carrying loads which would not otherwise fit onto regular flatbeds.
Technical Details
These flatbeds are based on the Taff Vale Railway Macaw G, albeit heavily extended and slightly widened.
These flatbeds are painted light grey with a black chassis and bracing. They have light wooden brown decks.
Short Macaw Flatbeds
Short Macaw Flatbeds
TVR Macaw G Flatbeds (shortened )
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
Short Macaw Flatbeds are short bogie flatbeds.
Technical Details
These flatbeds are based on the Taff Vale Railway Macaw G, albeit shortened.
These flatbeds are commonly painted grey with red bufferbeams.
A grey flatbed with red bufferbeams and timber decking
A dark grey flatbed with red bufferbeams and a flat surface
A black flatbed with a flat surface
Steel Coil Flatbeds
Steel Coil Flatbeds
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
Steel Coil Flatbeds are used for transporting steel coils across the railways. They have occasionally been used for carrying scrap, wooden crates and a sleigh .
Technical Details
These flatbeds are a freelance design created by illustrator, Tommy Stubbs .
These flatbeds are painted red and brown with red bufferbeams.
Dakar Railway Flatbeds
Dakar Railway Flatbeds
4'8½" (1,435 mm; standard gauge )
These flatbeds are used on the Dakar Railway . They were once part of Thomas 's goods train during his visit to Africa .
Technical Details
These flatbeds appear to be a freelance design created by illustrator, Tommy Stubbs . They have notably dipped ends.
These flatbeds are painted red with timber decking.
Other Flatbeds
Several freelance designed flatbeds have appeared throughout various Thomas & Friends books, magazines , annuals, video games and merchandise ranges.
--- Dropped | * 1991-1994 maps only | ** 2014 map only