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"Thomas, you left a trail of flour all over the wharf!"
― James

Follow that Flour is the first episode of the tenth series.


One day, Thomas is in a grumpy mood as he has been shunting trucks and using all his puff to keep them in order. James arrives and tells Thomas that the Fat Controller has given him the job to collect the flour to make the cakes and bread for the children's harvest festival and asks Thomas to shunt the truck of flour for him. Thomas is very jealous that he did not get the job and mumbles that James is a bossy boiler.

Thomas wants to finish the job quickly, but without taking any care, he hits the truck so hard that the door on the right side opens and leaks flour, but Thomas does not know. Thomas has an idea to hide James' truck so James will have to find him and the truck himself. After Thomas leaves, James who has came back from taking on water notices the flour falling out of his truck that Thomas has and tries to tell Thomas, but he is too far to hear him, so James goes after him. Every time Thomas finds a hiding place, he is surprised that James knows where he is and continues trying to hide the truck. James finally catches up to Thomas and is very cross when he tells Thomas that he left a trail of flour all over the wharf. Thomas is upset after realising his actions and goes to the flour mill to get a new truck of flour.

But when Thomas arrives at the flour mill, it is closed. Dusty Dave who is leaving tells Thomas there is one truck filled with flour. Thomas knows he cannot move all the empty trucks by himself and goes back to the wharf. Thomas tells James he is sorry for not listening and the two friends make up as they arrive at the flour mill shunting all the empty trucks out of the way for James to collect the flour truck. That evening, the flour is made into delicious cakes and bread for the festival and Thomas cheers for James as he heads home to the sheds.




  • Going by production order, this is the third episode of the tenth series.
  • This episode marks the first of a few things:
  • This is the only episode with two things:
    • The only episode that Thomas' suspicious face was seen on his Gauge 3 Model.
    • Trevor, Bulgy and "Dusty" Dave's only appearances in the tenth series (not counting Bulgy's poster cameo in Topped Off Thomas).
  • The large scale open wagons have the faces of regular scale vans.
  • A rare photo shows a deleted scene of Thomas pushing the flour truck instead of pulling it, implying that Thomas was originally going to push the flour truck.
  • One of the Troublesome Trucks in the episode is currently owned by ThomasTankMerch.
  • Going by broadcast order, this is the second episode in a row where flour plays an important part in the story. The first was in the ninth series episode, Flour Power.


  • There are several points in the episode when an engine's steam platform is visible:
    • Thomas' when he leaves the intersection.
    • James' when he pulls up next to Thomas at the start of the episode.
    • Thomas' when he finds the first flour truck.


James: I am to take a truck of flour to make cakes and bread for the children's harvest festival supper.
Thomas: I wish the Fat Controller had given me that job. It would be much more fun than shunting trucks.
James: First, I have to take on water. Please shunt the flour truck for me, Thomas. [leaves]
Thomas: Bossy boiler!

[while noticing Thomas leaving with a truck full of flour with the door wide open]
James: Stop, Thomas! Flour is falling out of your truck!

James: Thomas, the flour!

[after Thomas has spilled flour throughout the wharf]
Thomas: James, I know you tried to tell me about the flour and I know I was silly, but now I need your help.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Siga Aquela Farinha
Chinese Mandarin 跟着面粉
Croatian Slijedi da je Brašno
Czech Jeď Za Tou Moukou
Danish Følg Melet
Dutch Meel op het Spoor
Finnish Seuraa Että Jauhot
French Suivre la Farine
German Immer der Mehlspur nach
Greek ακολουθήσουν το αλεύρι
Hungarian A Liszt Nyomában
Italian Segui Quella Farina
Japanese あのこむぎこをおいかけろ!
Korean 숨바꼭질
Latin American Spanish Sigue esa Harina
Norwegian Melet som forsvant
Polish Śladem Mąki
Portuguese Sigam aquela farinha
Romanian Late După de la de Făină
Russian Следуй за Мукой
Spanish El Rastro de Harina
Swedish Mjöispåret
Turkish Unu takip edince

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  • The Complete Series 10

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