Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the Danish VHS/DVD. You may be looking for the Railway Series book, the episode, the Malaysian VCD, the Philippine DVD, the Buzz Book or the My First Thomas book.

Four Small Locomotives and Other Stories (Danish: Fire små lokomotiver og andre historier) is a Danish VHS/DVD release featuring thirteen fourth series episodes narrated by Povl Dissing. It was released on DVD in Italy in 2012 under the title Sleeping Beauty (Italian: La bella addormentata) with episodes narrated by Angelo Maggi.



Filmen om "Toget Thomas" er baseret på en bestseller indenfor engelsk børnelitteratur. Filmen er blevet en kæmpe succes, ikke mindst i Danmark. Nu har børnene igen mulighed for at se Toget Thomas og alle hans venner på nye eventyr.

English Translation

The films about "Thomas the Train" is based on a bestseller within English children's literature. The films have become a giant success, not least in Denmark. Now, children have the chance to watch Thomas the Train and all his friends on new adventures.


Ai tempi in cui lavorava alla miniera, la vecchia locomotiva Duke era soprannominata "vecchio sbuffo" per via del suo caratteraccio. Poi la miniera chiuse e Duke, rimasto tutto solo nella rimessa, si addormentò. Anni dopo, Pallone Gonfiato va a cercare Duke per rimetterlo in sesto, ma non ne trova traccia. Che fine avrà fatto?

English Translation

When he worked at the mine, Duke, the old engine, was nicknamed "Granpuff" because of his bad temper. Then the mine closed and Duke, left all alone in the shed, fell asleep. Years later, The Fat Controller goes looking for Duke to put him back on the tracks, but finds no trace of him. What happened to him?


  1. Granpuff
  2. Sleeping Beauty
  3. Bulldog
  4. You Can't Win
  5. Four Small Locomotives (Four Little Engines)
  6. A Bad Day for Sir Handel
  7. Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady
  8. Trucks
  9. Home at Last
  10. Rock 'n' Roll
  11. Special Funnel
  12. Steam Roller
  13. Passengers and Polish


  • Tommy Kenter is incorrectly credited as narrator on the Danish DVD.


Danish VHS/DVD

Italian DVD

DVD Menus

Danish DVD Menu

Italian DVD Menu

Title Cards


