Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Fun Time Favourites is a UK VHS featuring three first series episodes, four second series episodes narrated by Ringo Starr and three third series episodes, one fourth series episode, and one fifth series episode narrated by Michael Angelis.


This special edition collectors box has been compiled for Thomas enthusiasts everywhere. Voted for by Thomas fans, it includes episodes featuring everyone's favourite friends, in one fun filled video.

From Percy, the junior member of the team, to Harold the Helicopter, Bertie the Bus and Gordon, the senior member of the team, this video signals fun time for everyone!


  1. Thomas Gets Bumped
  2. Percy Runs Away
  3. Edward and Gordon
  4. Toby's Discovery
  5. James and the Express
  6. Edward's Exploit
  7. All at Sea
  8. Henry and the Elephant
  9. Bertie's Chase
  10. Thomas and Trevor
  11. The Runaway
  12. Henry's Forest


  • The episodes on this video were chosen by Thomas fans, and most episodes were focused on a certain character.
  • This VHS is seen at the Car Boot Sale in the Tweenies episode, Car Boot Sale.


  • Edward's Exploit is mistakenly called "Edward's Exploits."
  • Mavis appears on the back cover, despite her not appearing in any of the episodes.

