Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
For other uses, see Ghost Train (disambiguation).
For other uses, see Henry and the Elephant (disambiguation).
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Ghost Train (Norwegian: Spøkelsestoget) is a Norwegian VHS featuring eight second series episodes and three third series episodes narrated by Trine Lossius Borg. It was released on VHS in Sweden (Swedish: Spöktåget) with episodes narrated by Håkan Mohede. It was later released on DVD in Sweden under the title Ghost Train and Henry and the Elephant (Swedish: Spöktåget och Henry och elefanten) featuring an additional eleven fourth series episodes narrated by Håkan Mohede.



Filmene om "Lokomotivet Thomas og vennene hans" bygger på en bestselger innen britisk barnelitteratur. Serien er mottatt med storm i hele verden, ikke minst i Norge hvor Thomas har hatt kjempesuksess på Barne-TV! Her møter du igjen Lokomotivet Thomas og alle hans venner i nye episoder:

English Translation

The films about "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" are based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world, not least in Norway, where Thomas has been a huge success on children's TV! Here you meet Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends again in new episodes:


Thomas Tåget och hans vänner bygger på en storsäljare inom brittisk barnlitteratur. Serien har mottagits med storm över hela världen. Nu kan du se Thomas Tåget och hans vänner på film gång på gång!

English Translation

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends is based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world. Now you can watch Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends on film again and again!



  1. Daisy
  2. Percy i knipe (Percy's Predicament)
  3. Tvillinglokomotivene (The Diseasel)
  4. På ville veier (Wrong Road)
  5. Edwards store dåd (Edward's Exploit)
  6. Spøkelsestoget (Ghost Train)
  7. Ulne Bjørn (Woolly Bear)
  8. Thomas og det bortkomne juletreet (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
  9. Et skjerf til Percy (A Scarf for Percy)
  10. Percys lofte (Percy's Promise)
  11. Nå blir det trøbbel (Time for Trouble)

Sweden (VHS)

  1. Daisy
  2. Percy i knipa (Percy's Predicament)
  3. Disielen (The Diseasel)
  4. På villovägar (Wrong Road)
  5. Edwards stordåd (Edward's Exploit)
  6. Spöktåget (Ghost Train)
  7. Fågelskrämman (Woolly Bear)
  8. Den försvunna julgranen (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
  9. En halsduk till Percy (A Scarf for Percy)
  10. Percys löfte (Percy's Promise)
  11. Nu blir det bråk (Time for Trouble)

Sweden (DVD)

  1. Daisy
  2. Percy i knipa (Percy's Predicament)
  3. Disielen (The Diseasel)
  4. På villovägar (Wrong Road)
  5. Edwards stordåd (Edward's Exploit)
  6. Spöktåget (Ghost Train)
  7. Fågelskrämman (Woolly Bear)
  8. Den försvunna julgranen (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
  9. En halsduk till Percy (A Scarf for Percy)
  10. Percys löfte (Percy's Promise)
  11. Nu blir det bråk (Time for Trouble)
  12. En speciell skorsten (Special Funnel)
  13. Ångvälten (Steam Roller)
  14. Passagerare och polityr (Passengers and Polish)
  15. Det tappra lokomotivet (Gallant Old Engine)
  16. Räddaren Rusty (Rusty to the Rescue)
  17. Thomas och Stepney (Thomas and Stepney)
  18. Plommonstopet (Bowled Out)
  19. Stepney stoppar spelet (Train Stops Play)
  20. Henry och elefanten (Henry and the Elephant)
  21. Målare och drottningar (Paint Pots and Queens)
  22. Thomas och brevet (Thomas and the Special Letter)


  • Some special editions of the Norwegian VHS include double running time.
  • The Swedish DVD is the only Swedish home video release of the eleven fourth series episodes included on the release.
  • This DVD was scheduled for release in Finland in 2007 but it was cancelled for unknown reasons.


  • The Norwegian VHS back cover lists the episodes out of order.

