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"Well that might work for you, Gordon, but I have my own way of doing things."

Gordon and Rebecca, Coming Through! is the seventeenth episode of the twenty-fourth series.


Gordon pulls the express along the line, and avoids other engines ahead of him by passing them on the neighbouring lines. He nearly collides with Emily while doing so, which leads to her nearly colliding with Diesel. He is not the only engine who pulls the express, the other being Rebecca, but she doesn't have as much experience as he does. She also takes goods trains and is nice to the other engines.

One morning while they wait for their trains, Gordon tells her how to make the shunters hurry with the trains, by whistling loudly at them and shouting their names, like Thomas and Percy, who then just arrive. Rebecca keeps his advice in mind as she departs.

The two later travel together up Gordon's Hill, and Gordon reminds her to go fast over the hill, or risk getting stuck and waiting for another engine to give a push. Gordon then thunders up the hill and down the other side, with Rebecca following closely behind.

Nia arrives with a goods train at Maron, where Rebecca is waiting for James to depart, who sings for himself. Just then, Gordon passes by with the express. James expresses his annoyance over how Gordon always has to announce his arrival with the express.

At Knapford, Gordon allows Rebecca to take the express for a change, and asks her again about what to do if a shunter is late with the train. Rebecca suggests asking nicely, but Gordon corrects her in whistling loudly, which he does in order for Thomas to hurry with the coaches. Thomas shunts them behind Gordon, but he remarks that he has allowed Rebecca to take them instead. Rebecca assures Gordon that she has her ways of doing things and departs after the coaches have been shunted and the passengers boarded.

Rebecca decides to instead slow down and wait behind other engines. When stuck behind Toby and Henrietta, the latter encourages her to go past since they are slower then her. Rebecca accepts this and goes past them. She is later stuck behind Diesel pulling a goods train, with the Troublesome Trucks encouraging her to go past, but she doesn't relent. Gordon whistles in the distance, and Diesel changes tracks as Gordon comes his way. Thinking quickly, Rebecca alerts the signalman to change the points, allowing her to proceed on the main line while Gordon is diverted onto a siding. His high speed prevents him from stopping in time, crashing through the buffers. Rebecca rushes back to check on him, and he assures that he is fine. He also admits that he shouldn't have taught her how to do her job, since she has her own ways to do it. He then reminds her that the express shouldn't be late, which Rebecca agrees with, and departs, saying "express coming through."






  • Joseph May as Thomas
  • Kerry Shale as Gordon, Diesel and a Troublesome Van
  • Rob Rackstraw as James and a Troublesome Truck
  • Jules de Jongh as Emily
  • Yvonne Grundy as Nia
  • Rachael Miller as Rebecca
  • Maggie Ollerenshaw as Henrietta


  • Going by production order, this is the fifteenth episode of the twenty-fourth series.
  • This is the only episode in which Henrietta speaks but Toby does not.
  • This is the final episode of many things:
    • The final appearances of Ryan, Philip, Henrietta and the Troublesome Vans.
    • The final appearances of Toby, Emily, Nia, and the Troublesome Trucks in the original series.
    • The final episode to have Gordon (in the original series) and Rebecca in lead roles.
    • The final episode in where Percy appears, but does not speak until the All Engines Go! episode, Travels with Terence.
    • The final episode where Emily has silver buffers. From Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go onwards, she has black buffers.
    • The final episode to feature Teresa Gallagher, Jules de Jongh, Maggie Ollerenshaw, and Yvonne Grundy as part of the voice cast.
    • The final episode to have Erina Yamazaki, Keiko Nemoto and Yoshino Aoyama as part of the Japanese voice cast.
    • The final episode to have Diana Pérez as part of a voice cast, five months before her death in May 2021.
    • The final episode to feature The Steam Team song at the end.
  • The title uses Gordon's catchphrase "Express Coming Through". The sixteenth series episode, Express Coming Through. used this too.
  • Gordon saying "I heard that!" is a reference to the 2015 special, Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure.
  • Gordon's crash at the end is similar to his crash in the fourteenth series episode, Being Percy.


  • Emily is missing her number.


Home Media Releases[]


In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Arabic قطار الركاب السريع
Baltic Russian Гордон и Ребекка в пути
Brazilian Portuguese Gordon e Rebecca Passando
Czech Gordon a Rebecca projíždějí!
Dutch Hier Komen Gordon en Rebecca!
Estonian Gordoni ja Rebecca Läbisõit
Greek Στην άκρη, περνάνε ο Γκόρντον και η Ρεβέκκα!
Hebrew גורדון ורבקה... עוברים
Hungarian Utat Gordonnak és Rebeccának!
Italian Stanno Pasando Gordon e Rebecca
Japanese ゴードンとレベッカのおとおりだ
Latvian Dodiet Ceļu Gordonam un Rebekai!
Lithuanian Užleiskite Vietą Gordonui ir Rebekai!
Polish Gabryś i Rebeka, ekspres jedzie tu
Russian Не стой на пути!
Spanish ¡Van a pasar Gordon y Rebecca!

External Links[]
