Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

The Grand Canyon ​​​​is a steep sided canyon located in Arizona, of the United States.

In Thomas & Friends, Beau resides here.


Thomas & Friends[]

While travelling around the world, Thomaa, Nia and Ace went through the canyon on their way to San Francisco Docks. Halfway through, Ace decided the two tank engines should have a race to see who's the fastest but really it was to get him to the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Thomas and Ace encountered Beau here twice; By crashing into his stone train and after derailing near a mine shaft. In the end, Beau brought help to re-rail the friends and the trucks.


Thomas & Friends[]



  • In real-life, there is a railroad line that runs to the canyon's national park.
    • The railroad actually began in the 1800s and it served the mining industry, timber industry, and the cattle industry after the railroad serve those interests for a number of years the idea was generated to extend in the line all the way to the Grand Canyon to provide passenger transportation to the canyon. In 1901, the railroad was completed to the Grand Canyon, and on September 17, 1901 was the first day of passengers were transported to the canyon.
    • The railroad went back in operation in 1989 as a tourist operation to take passengers between Williams, Arizona, and the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
  • The Shining Time Station holiday special "'Tis a Gift", and episode "Oh, What a Tangled Web" were filmed at the Grand Canyon Railway in Williams, Arizona, and features their locomotive #18.



Thomas & Friends[]

CGI Series[]

Promotional Material[]

