Green Hills Junction is the junction on the Skarloey Railway where the legendary figure, the Man in the Hills, is located. The North Western Railway meets up with the Skarloey Railway here via Stepney's Branch Line.
- Mr. Percival once celebrated his birthday here.
- One of the sheds at the nearby yards is reused from the Depot.
Thomas & Friends
Model Series
Promotional Material
Behind the Scenes
Locomotives | Stepney | Flora |
Former | Sodor Tramway Engines |
Rolling Stock | Branch Line Coaches | Flora's Tram Coach |
People | Stepney's Controller |
Locations | Skarloey Railway Depot | Bluebell Valley (Engine Sheds) | Rolling River Bridge (Junction) | Green Hills Junction (The Man in the Hills) | Great Waterton (Engine Sheds) | Morgan's Mine |