Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
The Railway Series

For other uses, see Harold.

"I think railways are slow! They're not much use and quite out-of-date."
― Harold to Percy[src]

Harold is a white and red helicopter belonging to the Coastguard Service who patrols the skies of Sodor, searching for emergencies.


When Harold first met Percy, he stated that railways were "slow and out-of-date", but was proven wrong when Percy beat him in a race.[2] Harold also dropped hot drinks for Percy's crew when they were stranded in a flood.[3]

When Thomas' brakes failed while boarding at a station, Harold chased him down the line with an inspector.[4] For Christmas that year Harold brought Father Christmas to the party at Tidmouth Station.[5]


When Harold was first introduced, he was shown to be very proud of being able to fly and the speed and versatility this gives him. He somewhat tended to be cocky, as he believed that "railways are slow and quite out of date". This caused a bit of rivalry between him and the engines, particularly Percy and he is usually nicknamed "whirlybird" for that, but he usually got his comeuppance in the end. Sometimes, he finds himself in need of Percy's help after he teases him for being slow. Despite this, he still works hard and deep down, he knows that the engines on the Fat Controller's railway, including Percy, are just as useful as he is. He is always helpful and highly alert whenever there is an emergency, especially on patrol. Because of this, he remains a friend to the railway.

Harold also speaks in a manner reminiscent of an RAF pilot, using terms such as "wizard" and "old chap" in conversation.

Technical Details[]


Harold is based on the Westland Whirlwind helicopter with added pontoons. These helicopters were built by Westland Aircraft in the United Kingdom as license-built versions of the Sikorsky S-55 helicopter (also known as Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw), which originated in the United States. The Whirlwinds were primarily used by the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm in anti-submarine and search and rescue roles, the latter of which was the inspiration for Harold. Around 70 of these helicopters still survive in some form.


Harold is painted white with red lining. His name is painted on his sides, near his tail, in red. In the later Railway Series books illustrated by Clive Spong, the area below Harold's red stripe is light grey.


Official Description[]

From Official Media:[6]

Harold: Harold, though never intended to be a major character, has nevertheless turned into one to the extent that I was asked to specifically include him in two of the stories I wrote in the 1980s for the TV Series. One of these became Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree and the other appears in Thomas Comes Home.


The Railway Series[]

Main Series[]

Companion Volumes[]


