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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the US DVD, the Malaysian VCD, the book, the 2003 magazine story or the De Agostini magazine story.
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"Harvey's different!"
"He doesn't even
look like an engine!"
"Surely the Fat Controller won't let him pull coaches!"
"He's just Cranky on wheels!"
"He's not taking
my mail!"
― Henry, Edward, Gordon, James and Percy doubting Harvey.

Harvey to the Rescue is the second episode of the sixth series.


One day, the Fat Controller has brought a new engine with a crane on his boiler named Harvey in to help with the loading and unloading of freight. He is being lowered to the rails by Cranky, who complains that Harvey is too heavy. Of course Harvey did not like dangling from Cranky's arm either. Before the Fat Controller keeps him, he wants to see Harvey demonstrate his worth to the Railway Board.

Unfortunately, the other engines initially do not like him due to his looks, and are very rude to him in the sheds. Harvey is upset by this, but Thomas feels sorry for Harvey and reassures him that the engines just need to take time to adjust to him. The next day, the Fat Controller sends his engines to work. Harvey still feels sad and tells the Fat Controller that he does not think he should have come to Sodor in the first place. The Fat Controller replies by saying that him being different that is what makes him special, which makes Harvey feel better.

Meanwhile, Percy has an accident with some trucks who get out of control and drag him. His driver applies the brakes, but it is too late as he and the trucks derail at Bulgy's Bridge, blocking the road. Bertie is taking the Railway Board to the demonstration, but cannot get past the derailed trucks, which angers him. The Fat Controller calls for Harvey, who soon arrives to help, coincidentally creating a demonstration for the Railway Board. Harvey sorts out the accident scene so well, that the Board allows him to stay. Harvey is delighted, and even more when that night at the sheds all the other engines agree he is Really Useful just like Thomas said, and soon he is friends with all of them.




  • This episode was filmed on 6th and 7th February 2002.
  • Going by production order, this is the third episode of the sixth series.
  • A reference to the first series episode, Thomas and Bertie is made.
  • A pre-filmed deleted scene from Gordon Takes a Tumble is used.
  • This is the first episode of a few things:
    • Harvey's first appearance.
    • The first episode to introduce a standard gauge steam engine not created by the Rev. W Awdry.
    • The first episode to use the phrase, "Luckily, no one was hurt."
    • The first appearance of Edward's sad face since the fourth series episode, Paint Pots and Queens.
    • The first time Cranky's angry/snarling face is shown on-screen.
    • The first episode to feature Thomas' concerned face with straight eyebrows (that were originally raised in the third series), after being shown in the movie Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
    • The first episode to feature Edward's cross face since the third series episode Escape, albeit in a deleted scene and promotional material, and would not be shown on screen again until a different episode in the following series. It is also his first appearance of his sad face since the fourth series episode Paint Pots and Queens.
  • An alternative version of Percy's accident is used in Troublesome Trucks. In that version, the first truck has a different face and the brake van rolls across the road towards the camera and hits it rather than stopping at the bottom of the hill while the trucks pile up on the hillside.
  • Originally, the engines make rude remarks about Harvey was going to happen at night, sharing the same camera angles as shots from the ending scene. They would later reshoot the scene to take place at sunset.
  • The sound effect of the turntable turning is quieter in the British version.
  • Different crash sound effects are heard in the UK and US when the last troublesome truck tumbles and crashes at Bulgy's Bridge.
  • About half of this episode was cropped into 4:3 fullscreen, and the other half in 16:9 widescreen.
  • The original Harvey to the Rescue book's front cover uses an image from Horrid Lorry.
  • This episode marks the last time the original Runaway Theme is heard until The Adventure Begins as well as the only time it is heard in the sixth series. The William Tell Overture remix from Busy Going Backwards however, would be heard again in Thomas the Jet Engine and Rheneas and the Roller Coaster.
  • In Japan this episode aired before Salty's Secret, meaning the Japanese audience may not know who Salty is.


  • The Finnish title has Thomas' name in it, despite the fact that Harvey is the main character in this episode.
  • There are several times in the episode where a character's eyes may appear to be misaligned. These apply to the following:
    • Thomas' when he tells Harvey not to worry after the other engines criticising him unreasonably.
    • Gordon's when the narrator said "Harvey could hear the other engines talking about him."
    • Harvey's when he explains to the Fat Controller that the engines do not like him and in the close-up of him when the Fat Controller tells Harvey that he can stay on the island.
  • At the start one the truck in front of Salty slightly moves up, and then jolts down about two seconds later.
  • Harvey is lowered down onto track in front of Percy, but in the shot of the former and Thomas looking at Harvey, Percy looks toward the outer track.
  • When James says, "He's just Cranky on wheels!", his face is crooked.
  • When Thomas puffs into Tidmouth Sheds after reassuring Harvey, his siderods change position, his steam platform is visible and the smoke maker can be seen on the tracks.
  • In the scene where Harvey explains to the Fat Controller that the engines do not like him, the latter's head is facing the camera rather than the former.
  • When Percy and the trucks derail on the hill:
    • They hover above the hill slightly. This is because the crash is achieved using a set of points hidden by the camera angle, and the points go slightly past the edge of the bridge.
    • One loses its face.
    • The set constantly bounces.
  • Bulgy is not in the field next to his bridge, in spite of the events of the third series episode about him.
  • When the narrator says that no-one was hurt, Bertie is smiling instead being cross.
  • Some of the Bertie's passengers have black adhesive on their shoes.
  • When Harvey chuffs out of Tidmouth Sheds to rescue Percy, a crew member's shoeprint is seen on the set.
  • Harvey's crane changes positions when he goes to rescue Percy.
  • On his way to rescue Percy, Harvey goes over Bulgy's Bridge, even though that is where the crash happened.
  • When Harvey lifts Percy back onto the rails, a red wire is visible underneath Percy and the latter's piston is broken. In the next scene, it is not.
  • In the close-up of Gordon at the end of the episode, his right lamp iron (viewers' left) is very crooked.


Cranky: This makes my chain ache!
The Fat Controller: This is Harvey the Crane Engine. These gentlemen are the Railway Board. Tomorrow, Harvey will give them a demonstration. If it goes well, he will join the railway.
Percy: What's a dimmer-station?
Thomas: Demonstration, it's when you show off what you can do.
Bertie: Like when Thomas and I have a race. Vroom, vroom!

Henry: Harvey's different!
Edward: He doesn't even look like an engine!
Gordon: Surely the Fat Controller won't let him pull coaches!
James: He's just Cranky on wheels!
Percy: He's not taking my mail!

Thomas: Don't worry. Sometimes it takes time to make new friends.

Harvey: Maybe my coming here wasn't such a good idea, sir.
The Fat Controller: Nonsense!
Harvey: But the engines don't like me. I'm too different.
The Fat Controller: Different is what makes you special.

Troublesome Trucks: Faster we go, faster we go! Pull him along, don't let him slow!
Percy: HELP!
[both he and the trucks derail]

Gordon: Well done, Harvey!
James: Very useful!
Percy: You can take my mail.
Thomas: You see, different can be good.
Narrator: All the engines agreed.
All engines: Welcome to the Sodor Railway!


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Harvei ne Mision Shpetimi
Chinese Mandarin 哈维的救援
Czech Harvey zachranuje
Danish Harvey kommer til undsætning
Dutch Harvey komt redden
Finnish Harri pelastaa
Hungarian Harvey, a megmentő
Italian Harvey Corre in Soccorso
Japanese ハーヴィーのはつしごと
Korean 새로운 친구, 하비
Norwegian Harvey kommer til unnsetning
Polish Hubcio na Ratunek
Romanian Harvey Sare în Ajutor
Russian Спасатель Харви
Serbian Spasilac Harvi
Slovenian Zdene prihiti na pomoč
Swedish Harvey till undsättning
Welsh Achub y Dydd

Home Video Releases


DVD Packs



  • Salty's Secret and Other Thomas Adventures (Direct-to-Home Video)

DVD Boxsets


DVD Boxsets











