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Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the German VHS, the Turkish VCD/DVD or the magazine story.
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“Oh, thank you, Sir! Being called heroes, well, it's… it's—"
"It's a really nice surprise!”
― Bill and Ben

Heroes is the twenty-fourth episode of the third series. It is based on the magazine stories In a Muddle and the story of the same name written by Andrew Brenner.


Bill and Ben are working at the quarry and are bored of doing the same thing. Ben asks Bill if he can hear something different, to which Bill replies that he cannot. Ben then states that it is because everything sounds and looks the same and that they need a surprise. Bill is puzzled but, before Ben can say more, the quarrymaster comes with a message from the Fat Controller that they are to go to the harbour.

Bill and Ben hurry to the harbour, worried that they did something wrong. When they arrive, the Fat Controller instructs them to shunt trucks at the station while Edward is taking the children on a trip. Next, Bill and Ben meet Gordon, who tells them to behave since they are on the main line. Ben jokingly says the sight of Gordon made them think that the harbour was the scrapyard. Gordon is furious and orders the twins to make sure that the Express is ready on time that night.

The twins start shunting, thinking they know all about trucks, when they really do not. The trucks claim that they want to help Bill and Ben in organising the yard; the twins accept the offer, unaware that the trucks are playing a trick on them. As a result, by nightfall, the yard has become a mess, causing the twins to be late in bringing Gordon's coaches to the station.

The next day, the twins are back in the quarry when they hear a rumble. Ben's driver realises that it is a rockslide. The alarm is raised and the quarrymaster alerts everyone to evacuate. Bill and Ben wait as the workmen board their trucks. As Bill leaves with his load, the quarrymaster shouts for help, having been left behind. Ben waits until he is safely aboard his train and then quickly evacuates the quarry yard before the rockslide fills the entire quarry. Seeing the wreckage shortly afterward, Bill and Ben hope that the Fat Controller will understand that it was not their fault. The next day, the Fat Controller arrives aboard Edward and leads the quarry workers in giving the twins three cheers as heroes for saving them. Bill and Ben think that being called "heroes" is quite a nice surprise.




  • This episode marks:
  • A reference to the second series episode Wrong Road is made.
  • In the original magazine story, In a Muddle, only the Fat Controller telling Bill and Ben what to do took place at Brendam. For unknown reasons, the episode adaptation has the rest of that portion of the story still take place at Brendam, despite Gordon saying that they are on the main line.
  • A fishing boat, the large brown building, a double berth garage, a scrap steam shovel, the three-berth garage, the steel rig, a small factory, some gears and the coal hopper from Tugs appear at both the harbour and the quarry.
  • The roof of one of the buildings is made of cardboard, as seen when it absorbs the water from the water tower.
  • In the UK dub, Michael Angelis' lines, "Gordon was cross. 'Just make sure that my coaches are ready for the evening train,' and he fumed away," are a different audio quality in comparison to the rest of the episode.
  • On CITV, a day before this episode aired, presenter Tommy Boyd mentioned that Thomas would be having trouble with the trucks, when the main characters were actually Bill and Ben.


  • The quarrymaster's coat changes colour between small scale and large scale models.
  • When Gordon tells the twins to get his express coaches ready for his evening train, his buffers are crooked.
  • Most of the trucks have crooked faces.
  • In the second shot of Bill and Ben shunting trucks at the harbour, a truck with half a load of coal is visible. When the twins shunt this truck the load shifts, revealing it to be a solid prop made to look like coal.
  • One of the trucks has its face fitted on its back end and its eyes are also scratched.
  • The narrator says Ben waited for the last workman, when it was actually Bill.
  • When one shed gets destroyed during the rock slide, the entire set bounces up, even the hillside behind it.
  • At the end of the episode, when everyone cheers for Bill and Ben, both the quarrymaster's right arm and the Fat Controller's left arm are weakly connected to their bodies.
  • The restored Japanese version from The Engine Twins DVD reveals Thomas in the English end credits before swiping into the character gallery.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Heronjtë
Brazilian Portuguese O herois
Chinese Mandarin 英雄
Czech Hrdinové
Danish Bill og Ben bliver helte
Dutch Helden
Finnish Me ollaan sankareita
German Helden
Greek Οι ήρωες
Hungarian Hősök
Italian Che sorpresa!
Japanese やったねビルとベン
Korean 영웅이 된 빌과 벤
Latin American Spanish Héroes
Norwegian Bill og Ben blir helter
Polish Bohaterowie
Romanian Eroii
Russian Герои
Serbian Heroji
Slovenian Junaki
Swedish Bill och Ben blir hjältar
Thai หัวรถจักรวีรบุรุษ
Turkish Kahramanlar
Ukrainian Герої
Welsh Arwyr


MyThomasStoryLibraryBillandBen Bill and Ben (2011 My Thomas Story Library book)

Home Video Releases

United Kingdom UK

EscapeVHS Escape and Other Stories
Thomas'Trainand17otherstories Thomas' Train and 17 Other Stories
TruckloadsofFunSingleVHScover Truck Loads of Fun
TheCompleteThirdSeriesVHS The Complete Third Series

United Kingdom UK VHS Pack/DVD Boxsets

TruckloadsofFun Truck Loads of Fun: Includes Free Sooty Video
ClassicCollectionSeasons1-5boxset Classic Collection
BumperPartyCollection&TruckLoadsOfFunDoublePack Bumper Party Collection! and Truck Loads of Fun Double Pack

Wales WAL

Helpand15otherstoriescover Help and 15 Other Stories

Australia AUS

EscapeandotherstoriesAustraliancover Escape and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)
TruckloadsofFunAustallia Truckloads of Fun!
TheCompleteSeriesThreeAustralianDVD Series Three
MyFirstThomaswithTheTwinEngines My First Thomas with The Twin Engines

Australia AUS DVD Packs

60thAnniversaryLimitedEditionBoxsetcover Limited Edition Box Set
AustralianS1-5Collection Classic Collection: Series 1 - 5
EssentialCollectionFiveDiscCollection Essential Collection
TrainloadsofThomasFun Trainloads of Thomas Fun
CallingAllEngines!&TruckloadsofFun!AUS2DiscSet Calling All Engines! and Truckloads of Fun! 2 Disc Set
SeriesThreeandFourAustralianDoublePack Series Three and Series Four 2-Disc Collection
CompleteSeries1-10 The Complete Series 1-10

New Zealand NZ

EscapeandOtherStoriesNewZealandVHScover Escape and Other Stories


Mr.Conductor'sEvilTwinVHScover Shining Time Station Volume 7: Mr. Conductor's Evil Twin
JamesGoesBuzzBuzzandOtherThomasStories1994VHScover James Goes Buzz Buzz and Other Thomas Stories
ThomasandFriendsClassicVolume3 Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 3

Canada CAN

JamesGoesBuzzBuzzandOtherThomasStories1994VHScover James Goes Buzz Buzz and Other Thomas Stories

USA Canada US/CAN DVD Packs

JamesGoesBuzzBuzzandThomasandtheSpecialLetterDoubleFeature2 James Goes Buzz Buzz/Thomas and the Special Letter Double Feature
TotallyThomasVolume7 Totally Thomas Volume 7
UltimateThomasCollection Ultimate Thomas Collection

South Africa ZA

India IND

OliverOwnsUpandOtherStories Oliver Owns Up and Other Stories

Malaysia MYS

Percy,JamesandtheFruitfulDayandotherThomasAdventures Percy, James and the Fruitful Day and Other Thomas Adventures (Volume 13) (VCD)
OneGoodTurnandotherAdventures One Good Turn and Other Adventures (DVD)

Italy ITA

LocomotiveinTrouble Engines in Messes

Netherlands NL

MerryChristmas!frontcover Merry Christmas!
Dubbeldik4frontcover Double Feature 4
TheGreatestStoriesTheAdventuresOfEdwardAndTobyFrontCover The Greatest Stories: The Adventures of Edward and Toby

Germany GER

Heroesand4OtherAdventures Heroes and 4 Other Adventures (direct-to-VHS)
ShowWhatYouCanDo!VHScover Show What You Can Do!

Germany GER DVD Boxset

ThomasandhisFriendsGermanDVDBoxSet2 Thomas & Friends Boxset 2

Norway NOR

Edward,TrevorandtheUsefulPartyNorwegianVHS Edward, Trevor and the Useful Party
FavouritesfromThomas&FriendsNorwegianVHScover Favourites from Thomas & Friends

Denmark DK

TheGreatEscapeandOtherStoriesDanishVHScover The Great Escape and Other Stories

Sweden SWE

Edward,TrevorandtheUsefulPartySwedishVHS Edward, Trevor and the Garden Party (VHS)
ThomasandtheGuardandEdwardTrevorandtheUsefulParty2002SwedishDVDcover Thomas and the Guard and Edward, Trevor and the Garden Party (DVD)

Finland FIN

Edward,TrevorandtheUsefulPartyFinnishVHScover Edward, Trevor and a Truly Incomparable Party

Slovenia SVN

PercyJamesandtheSuccessfulDayDVDCover Percy, James and the Fruitful Day

Serbia SRP

ThomastheTankEngine7SerbianDVD Thomas & Friends 7

Greece GRC

MischiefwithThomasGreekVHScover Mischief with Thomas (VHS)
TheTwinEnginesWereConfused!GreekDVDcover The Twin Engines Were Confused! (DVD)

Greece GRC DVD Boxset

3DVDBoxset2 3 DVD Boxset 2

Turkey TUR

ThomasandtheHeroesTurkishVCDcover Thomas and the Heroes

Thailand THA

ThomasandFriendsVolume11ThaiDVDCover Thomas & Friends Volume 11

Japan JPN

ThomastheTankEnginevol17(JapaneseVHS)originalcover Thomas the Tank Engine Volume 17 (direct-to-VHS)
TheCompleteWorksofThomastheTankEngine1Vol5cover The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1 Volume 5
TheEngineTwinsDVDcover The Engine Twins

Japan JPN DVD Boxset

ThomastheTankEngine(8DVDBoxSet)cover The Complete DVD Box 1

South Korea KOR

Thomas&FriendsVolume2(Korean) Thomas & Friends Volume 2
Thomas,PercyandtheDragonandOtherStoriesKoreanVHScover Thomas, Percy and the Dragon and Other Stories (English)
FortheStoryofDeterminationVHSCover Stories that Inspire Courage

China CHN

ThomasSeason1-4DVD Thomas & Friends Season 1-4

Hong Kong HK

ThomasandFriendsVolume8HongKongVCDcover Thomas & Friends Volume 8 (VCD)
ThomasandFriendsVolume12HongKongDVDFrontCover Thomas & Friends Volume 12 (DVD)



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