Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

This is a list of the first and last Thomas & Friends Betamax, VHS, DVD, VCD and Blu-ray releases and Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go DVD releases by country.

Betamax Releases

Flag Country First Betamax Release Last Betamax Release
United Kingdom Ireland The UK and Ireland ThomastheTankEngine&Friends(Betamax) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (Cassette 1) (Released: 1 April 1985) FurtherAdventuresofThomastheTankEngine&Friends(Betamax) Further Adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (Cassette 2) (Released: 7 October 1985)
Australia Australia ThomastheTankEngineandFriends1987Australiancover Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends
(Volume 1)
(Released: 19 October 1987)
TheDeputationandOtherStories1988australiancover The Deputation and Other Stories
(Released: 27 June 1988)

VHS Releases

Flag Country First VHS Release Last VHS Release
United Kingdom Ireland The UK and Ireland ThomastheTankEngine&Friends(VHS) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends
(Cassette 1)
(Released: 1 April 1985)
CallingAllEngines Calling All Engines! (Released: 3 October 2005)
Australia Australia ThomastheTankEngineandFriends1987Australiancover Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends
(Volume 1)
(Released: 19 October 1987)
Peep!Peep!Hurray!ThreeCheersforThomasAustralianVHScover Peep! Peep! Hurray! Three Cheers for Thomas
(Released: 7 July 2005)
Wales Wales ThomasandGordonandOtherStoriesWelshVHS Thomas and Gordon and Other Stories
(Released: 1988)
TheBigChristmasVideo2 The Big Christmas Video 2 (Released: 2001)
New Zealand New Zealand ThomasandGordonandOtherStories1989NewZealandVHScover Thomas and Gordon and Other Stories
(Released: March 1989)
ThomasTrainSetCompilationVolume6FrontCover Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 6
(Released: 2003)
USA Canada The US and Canada ThomasGetsTrickedandOtherStories1990VHScover Thomas Gets Tricked and Other Stories
(Released: 7 June 1990)
TalesfromtheTracksVHScover Tales from the Tracks (Released: 22 May 2006)
Japan Japan ThomastheTankEnginevol1(JapaneseVHS)originalcover Thomas the Tank Engine Volume 1:
Come Out, Henry!
(Released: 21 March 1991)
ThomastheTankEngineSeries7Vol6VHScover Thomas the Tank Engine Series 7 Volume 6
(Released: 20 July 2005)
Norway Norway ThomastheTankEngine1NorwegianVHScover Thomas the Tank Engine 1 (Released: 1994) FavouritesfromThomas&FriendsNorwegianVHScover Favourites from Thomas & Friends
(Released: 26 March 2002)
Germany Germany ThomasandGordonand4OtherAdventures Thomas and Gordon and 4 Other Adventures
(Released: 7 October 1996)
TheBestEnginesofSodorVHScover The Best Engines of Sodor
(Released: 13 January 2006)
Slovenia Slovenia Thomas'TrainSlovenianDVDcover Thomas' Train (Released: 1998) WinterMorningDVDCover Winter Morning (Released: 1998)
Denmark Denmark ThomasandtheTrucksDanishVHScover Thomas and the Trucks (Released: 1998) BetterLatethanNeverandOtherStoriesDanishDVDcover Better Late than Never and Other Stories
(Released: 27 October 2004)
Sweden Sweden Thomas and the Guard ( 1st Swedish VHS cover) Thomas and the Guard (Released: 1999) RockNRollSwedishVHSCover+BackCover Rock 'n' Roll (Released: 2001)
South Africa South Africa ThomasandGordonSouthAfricanVHScover Thomas and Gordon (Volume One)
(Released: 2000)
WhistleStopSouthAfricanVHScover Whistle Stop (Released: August 2005)
Greece Greece ANaughtyTrainVHS A Naughty Train! (Released: 2001) IncredibleTravelsGreekVHScover Incredible Travels (Released: 2003)
Israel Israel HebrewThomasandtheMagicRailroadDVD Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Released: 2001)
South Korea South Korea BestOfThomasKoreanVHSCover Best of Thomas
(Released: 27 December 2002)
TheStoriesThatFosterResponsibilityVHSCover Stories that Teach Responsibility
(Released: 14 November 2008)
France France TheAdventuresofThomasFrenchVHScover The Adventures of Thomas (Released: 2003) AScarfforPercyFrenchVHScover A Scarf for Percy (Released: 2003)
Finland Finland Edward,TrevorandtheUsefulPartyFinnishVHScover Edward, Trevor and a Truly Incomparable
(Released: 2003)
Thomas,PercyandtheDragonFinnishDVD Thomas, Percy and the Dragon
(Released: 2003)
Netherlands The Netherlands ...GetsTricked!VHSfrontcover …Gets Tricked! (Released: 9 March 2004) PercyAndHaroldVHSfrontcover Percy and Harold (Released: 2 November 2004)
Iceland Iceland TommiTogvagnandhisfriends 1 Thomas the Tank Engine 1
(Unknown release date)
IcelandicThomas03VHS Thomas the Tank Engine 3
(Unknown release date)

DVD Releases

Thomas & Friends

Flag Country First DVD Release Last DVD Release
Japan Japan The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1 Vol.1 2000 DVD The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1
Volume 1: Friendship Edition
(Released: 1 August 2000)
ThomasTheTankEngineMovieAllStarParadeDVDCover Thomas the Tank Engine Movie - All Star Parade (Released: 16 November 2022)
United Kingdom Ireland The UK and Ireland ThomasandtheMagicRailroadUKDVDcover(2000) Thomas and the Magic Railroad
(Released: 19 October 2000)
AnimalAdventuresDVDCover Animal Adventures (Released: 31 May 2021)
USA Canada The US and Canada ThomasandtheMagicRailroadUSDVD ThomasandtheMagicRailroadCanadianDVD FrenchThomasandtheMagicRailroadDVD Thomas and the Magic Railroad
(Released: 31 October 2000 (
US)/2001 (Canada))
ThomasandtheMagicRailroad20thAnniversaryEditionBluRay Thomas and the Magic Railroad: 20th Anniversary Edition (Released: 29 September 2020)
Norway Norway Anniversary(NorwegianDVD) Anniversary (Released: 2000) HereComesTheSteamTeamNordicDVD Here Comes the Steam Team!
(Released: 7 October 2019)
Germany Germany GermanThomasandtheMagicRailroadcover Thomas and the Magic Railroad
(Released: 10 October 2001)
AdventuresInSodorDVDCover Big World! Big Adventures! - Adventures on Sodor (Released: 14 May 2021)
Israel Israel HebrewThomasandtheMagicRailroadDVD Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Released: 2001) TheClassicCollectionTheBestAdventuresofThomastheTankEngineHebrewDVDset The Classic Collection: The Best Adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine (Released: 2010)
Sweden Sweden ThomasandtheGuardandEdwardTrevorandtheUsefulParty2002SwedishDVDcover Thomas and the Guard and Edward, Trevor and the Garden Party (Released: 8 May 2002) HereComesTheSteamTeamNordicDVD Here Comes the Steam Team!
(Released: 7 October 2019[1])
Portugal Portugal ThomasAndTheMagicRailroadPortugueseDVD Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Released: 2002) TheGreatRacePortugueseDVD The Great Race (Released: 2016)
South Korea South Korea BestofThomasKoreanDVDCover Best of Thomas (Released: 27 December 2002) Thomas & Friends Series 13 Volume 5
(Released: 9 December 2019)
Australia New Zealand Australia and
New Zealand
Thomas&theJetEngineDVDcover Thomas and the Jet Engine
(Released: 7 April 2003)
MarvellousMachinery(AUSDVD) Marvellous Machinery (Released: 1 June 2022)
Greece Greece AppointmentatheStationDVD Appointment at the Station! (Released: 2003) JourneyBeyondSodorGreekDVD Journey Beyond Sodor (Released: 2017)
Denmark Denmark ForwardandBackwardandOtherStories Forward and Backward and Other Stories
(Released: 12 August 2003)
HereComesTheSteamTeamNordicDVD Here Comes the Steam Team!
(Released: 7 October 2019)
Finland Finland Edward,TrevorandUnmatchedPowerandCelebrationsFinnishDVD Edward, Trevor and a Truly Incomparable Party
(Released: 2003)
HereComesTheSteamTeamNordicDVD Here Comes the Steam Team!
(Released: 7 October 2019)
Turkey Turkey ThomasandtheMagicRailroadTurkishDVD Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Released: 2003) JourneyBeyondSodorTurkishDVD Journey Beyond Sodor (Released: 2017)
Netherlands The Netherlands ...GetsTricked!DVDfrontcover …Gets Tricked! (Released: 9 March 2004) Digs&DiscoveriesTheComplete23rdSeasonDutchDVDcover Digs & Discoveries: The Complete 23rd Season (Released: 20 October 2020)
France France TheAdventuresofThomasFrenchDVDcover The Adventures of Thomas
(Released: 24 June 2004[2])
JourneyBeyondSodorFrenchDVD Journey Beyond Sodor
(Released: 7 November 2017[3])
Slovenia Slovenia Thomas'TrainSlovenianDVDcover Thomas' Train (Released: 2004) JamesintheDarkSlovenianDVD James in the Dark (Released: 2014)
Taiwan Taiwan Thomas&FriendsVolume1TaiwaneseDVD Thomas & Friends Volume 1 (Released: 2004) BigWorld!BigAdventures!TaiwaneseDVD Big World! Big Adventures!
(Released: 4 January 2019)
South Africa South Africa 52C023F1-BC44-4157-A6E7-0947BACB4965 Truck-loads of Fun (Released: 2005) Here Comes the Steam Team!
(Released: 22 March 2019)
Wales Wales TheFogmanandotherstoriesWelshDVD The Fogman and Other Stories (Released: 2005) MachinesCo-Extract Pulling Together! (Released: 2008)
Chile Argentina Chile and Argentina MakeSomeoneHappyLatinAmericanDVD Make Someone Happy (Released: 2006) Splish,Splash,Splosh!AlternateLatinAmericanDVD Splish, Splash, Splosh! (Released: 2011)
Indonesia Indonesia Thomas and the Firework Display and Other Stories (Released: 2006) UsefulRailwayDVD Useful Railway (Released: 2017)
Philippines The Philippines Thomas Gets Tricked (Released: 2006) Keeping Up with James (Released: 2011)
Mexico Mexico ThomasGetsTrickedLatinAmericanSpanishDVD A Lesson for Thomas (Released: 2007) TalesontheRailsLatinAmericanDVD Tales on the Rails (Released: 2017)
Spain Spain ThomasandFriendsVolume1(SpanishDVD) Thomas & Friends Volume 1 (Released: 2007) JourneyBeyondSodorSpanishDVD Journey Beyond Sodor
(Released: 10 November 2017)
Brazil Brazil TheEarliestAdventuresofThomas The Earliest Adventures of Thomas
(Released: 2007)
ExtraordinaryEnginesBrazilianDVD Extraordinary Engines (Released: 10 May 2017)
Hungary Hungary ThomasSavestheDayHungarianDVDcarrycase Thomas Saves the Day (Released: 24 June 2007[4]) MistyIslandRescueHungarianDVD Misty Island Rescue (Released: 2012)
Romania Romania ThomasandFriendsVolume1RomanianDVD Thomas & Friends 1: Fireworks (Released: 2007) StoriesbytheRailRomanianDVD Tales from the Tracks (Released: 2012)
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates All Aboard with the Steam Team (Released: 2007) TheLionofSodor(ArabicDVD) The Lion of Sodor (Released: 2012)
Serbia Serbia Thomas&Friends1SerbianDVDcover Thomas & Friends 1 (Released: 2007) TheLionofSodorSerbianDVD The Lion of Sodor (Released: 2014)
Italy Italy AViciousTrain A Vicious Train (Released: 19 September 2007) JourneyBeyondSodorItalianDVD Journey Beyond Sodor
(Released: 15 November 2017)
Poland Poland ThomasandFireworksDVD Thomas and the Firework Display
(Released: 5 November 2007)
JourneyBeyondSodorPolishDVDCover Journey Beyond Sodor
(Released: 9 October 2017)
Croatia Croatia ThomasandGordonCroatianDVD2008 Thomas and Gordon (Released: 2008) ToadandtheWhaleCroatianDVD Toad and the Whale (Released: 2017)
India India ThomasandGordonandOtherStoriesDVD Thomas and Gordon and Other Stories
(Released: 2008)
ThomasandtheGoldenEagleIndianDVDcover Thomas and the Golden Eagle
(Released: 2013)
Malaysia Singapore Malaysia and Singapore Emily'sNewCoachesandOtherAdventures Emily's New Coaches and Other Adventures
(Released: 2008)
AwayFromtheSea(MalaysianDVD) Away from the Sea (Released: 2014)
Hong Kong Hong Kong ThomasandFriendsVolume1ThaiDVD Thomas & Friends Volume 1 (Released: 2008) MarvellousMachineryHongKongDVD Marvellous Machinery
(Released: 26 November 2020)
Czech Republic Czech Republic AriseandShineCzechDVDCover Rise and Shine (Released: 2009) JourneyBeyondSodorCzechDVD Journey Beyond Sodor
(Released: 25 October 2017)
China China Thomas & Friends Disc 1 (Released: 2009) Thomas & Friends Series 12-15 DVD Set
(Released: 2011)
Thailand Thailand 65thAnniversary(TaiwaneseDVD) Thomas & Friends - 65 Years - Making Tracks to Great Destinations (Released: 2010) Spencer'sVIP(DVD) Spencer's VIP (Released: 18 December 2014)
Belgium Belgium Railway Stories (Take-n-Play DVD) (Released: 2015)
Iceland Iceland TommiTogvagnandhisfriends 1 Thomas the Tank Engine 1 (Unknown release date) IcelandicThomas03 Thomas the Tank Engine 3
(Unknown release date)


  • 2007 was the year in which the most new countries begin releasing Thomas & Friends DVDs, 9 countries in that year alone.
  • Journey Beyond Sodor was the final Thomas & Friends DVD release for the most countries, 7 total.

Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go

Flag Country First DVD Release Last DVD Release
USA Canada The US and Canada TimeForTeamwork! Time for Teamwork!
(Released: 7 December 2021)
TheChristmasLetterExpressDVDfrontcover The Christmas Letter Express
(Released: 19 November 2024)
United Kingdom Ireland The UK and Ireland RacefortheSodorCupUKDVD Race for the Sodor Cup (Released: 14 February 2022)
Australia Australia RaceForTheSodorCup(AUSDVD) Race for the Sodor Cup (Released: 6 April 2022)
Turkey Turkey Race for the Sodor Cup (Released: 23 April 2022)
Hong Kong Hong Kong RacefortheSodorCupHongKongDVD Race for the Sodor Cup (Released: 9 June 2022)
Japan Japan ThomastheTankEngineSpecialDVD2022 Thomas the Tank Engine Special DVD 2022
(Released: November 2022)
TheMysteryofLookoutMountainJapaneseDVDcover The Mystery of Lookout Mountain
(Released : 11 December 2024)

VCD Releases

Flag Country First VCD Release Last VCD Release
Turkey Turkey ThomasandtheMagicRailroadTurkishVCD Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Released: 2003) ThomasandtheHeroesTurkishVCDcover Thomas and the Heroes (Released: August 2010)
Hong Kong Hong Kong Thomas&FriendsVolume1HongKongVCDcover Thomas & Friends Volume 1
(Released: 6 May 2004)
Sodor'sLegendoftheLostTreasureChineseVCD Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure
(Released: 17 December 2015[5])
Malaysia Singapore Malaysia and Singapore ThomasandGordonandotherThomasAdventures Thomas and Gordon and Other Thomas Adventures (Volume 1) (Released: 2004) ThomasPutstheBrakesonandotherThomasAdventures Thomas Puts the Brakes On and Other Adventures (Volume 60) (Released: 2010)
Philippines The Philippines Thomas Gets Tricked (Released: November 2005) Emily's Adventure (Released: 2010)
Thailand Thailand Thomas & Friends Volume 1 (Released: 2006) Spencer'sVIP(ThaiVCD) Spencer's VIP (Released: 18 December 2014)
Indonesia Indonesia ThomasandtheFireworkDisplayandotherstories Thomas and the Firework Display
and Other Stories (Volume 1)
(Released: 2006)
Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure (Released: 2015)
India India Thomas and Gordon and Other Stories (Released: 2008) Trucks and Other Stories (Released: 25 July 2008)
China China Thomas & Friends Series 8 Disc 1 (Released: 2009) Thomas & Friends Disc 10 (Released: 2010)
Poland Poland ThomasandtheCircusPolishVCDcover Thomas and the Circus (Released: 2011) ClubColorsDVD Club Colours (Released: 2013)
Mexico Mexico Discover Thomas (Unknown release date)

Blu-ray Releases

Flag Country First Blu-ray Release Last Blu-ray Release
USA Canada The US and Canada MistyIslandRescueUSBlu-Ray Misty Island Rescue
(Released: 7 September 2010)
ThomasandtheMagicRailroad20thAnniversaryEditionBluRay Thomas and the Magic Railroad: 20th Anniversary Edition
(Released: 29 September 2020)
Australia Australia MistyIslandRescueAustralianBlu-Ray Misty Island Rescue
(Released: 7 October 2010)
DayoftheDieselsAustralianBlu-Ray Day of the Diesels (Released: 1 September 2011)
United Kingdom Ireland The UK and Ireland DayoftheDieselsUKBlu-ray Day of the Diesels (Released: 26 September 2011)
Mexico Mexico TaleoftheBraveLatinAmericanBlu-Raycover Tale of the Brave (Released: 15 November 2014)
Germany Germany BigWorld!BigAdventures!(GermanBluRay) Big World! Big Adventures! (Released: 4 September 2020)

