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"Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with that tunnel. You stuck in it because you tried to do 'Rock 'n' Roll'. Tunnels are not dance floors and you are not a pop star! If it happens again, I shall find ways to cut you down to size. In other words, your career is, uh… 'on the line'. Need I say more?"
― The Fat Controller scolding Duncan about the tunnel

Home at Last is the ninth episode of the fourth series. It is based on the story of the same name from The Railway Series book The Little Old Engine.


Skarloey returns home after being repaired and meets Rusty, who has been helping to mend the line and do odd jobs. Skarloey takes a liking to Rusty, believing he is a kindly sort of engine.

Meanwhile, Peter Sam is depressed. He is still getting over his accident with the slate trucks and is eager to start working again. The Fat Controller tells him to take another day's rest and that he has a surprise for him, which turns out to be Skarloey. Peter Sam welcomes his friend back home and tells him of a rude, rough, rocking and rolling engine named Duncan who has arrived on the railway as a spare engine after Peter Sam's accident. Then, Skarloey’s driver arrives with news: Duncan is stuck in a tunnel and Skarloey must help free him and rescue the passengers.

Skarloey enjoys the journey, especially the smoothness of the rails now, praising Rusty for his work on the line. He arrives at the tunnel to find Duncan stuck on the other end. Duncan complains about the tunnel and the railway to his driver, who scolds him for doing "Rock 'n' Roll" in it. Skarloey leaves some workmen behind to repair the tunnel and clear the debris. Duncan is grateful that Skarloey has rescued him but still grumbles about the tunnel. Skarloey pays no attention and pushes Duncan's train to the last station and, then, back home.

That evening, the Fat Controller reprimands Duncan in the shed, stating that the there is nothing wrong with the tunnel and that Duncan only got stuck in it because he was trying to do "Rock 'n' Roll". Then, staring at Duncan's tall funnel, he further adds that, should it happen again, he will find ways to "cut him down to size" and that his career is "on the line". This threat is good enough to make Duncan behave better for at least the remainder of the evening.




  • Going by production order, this is the tenth episode of the fourth series.
  • Pre-filmed footage from the next episode is used.
  • In the original UK dub:
    • The exchanged lines between Skarloey and Peter Sam, "'Who is Duncan?' 'He came as a spare engine after my accident,' replied Peter Sam. 'Is he useful?'" are heard early.
    • The music is omitted.
  • This is one of the few episodes in the US dub that refers to a brake van as a caboose, its American term.
  • This episode is the only appearance of Skarloey's prototype happy face.
  • In a deleted scene, when the Fat Controller scolds Duncan, he wears a different surprised face mask, which would not be used on-screen until the fifth series episode Duncan Gets Spooked.
  • Not counting a deleted scene of Duncan Gets Spooked, this episode marks the only on-screen appearance of Duncan's horrified face.


  • The original UK dub of this episode was released before Four Little Engines, so the audience would not have known about Skarloey going away to be mended.
  • In the US dub, when Peter Sam tells Skarloey about Duncan, he mentions "his drivers" instead of "his driver", even though steam engines typically only need one driver.
  • Skarloey's face moves when he talks to Peter Sam.
  • When Skarloey leaves the sheds, he has a different whistle of a stock cartoon factory whistle but at 1 step higher pitch.
  • When Skarloey puffs out of Crovan's Gate:
    • His wheels are moving faster than he is.
    • He is also missing his eyebrows.
  • As Skarloey comes up behind Duncan's train, there is a spot of light above the brake van in the tunnel.
  • Duncan's eyes are misaligned when he is stuck in the tunnel.
  • Skarloey has Duke's original whistle sound when he pushes Duncan's train.
  • When Duncan and Skarloey cross the bridge, some studio equipment can be seen near the top right corner.
  • On PBS Kids Sprout airings of this episode, the closed captions incorrectly spell Skarloey as "Scarloee".

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Më në fund në shtëpi
Chinese Mandarin 终于到家了
Danish Endelig hjemme
Dutch Eindelijk thuis
Finnish Oma koti kullan kallis
German Endlich zu Hause
Greek Ο Ματθαίος επιστρέφει στο σταθμό
Hungarian Végre otthon
Italian Finalmente a casa
Japanese なつかしのわがや
Korean 다시 돌아온 스칼로이
Latin American Spanish Por fin en casa
Norwegian Endelig hjemme
Polish Nareszcie w domu
Romanian Acasă în sfârşit
Russian Наконец дома
Slovenian Spet doma
Swedish Äntligen hemma
Thai ดันแคนติดอุโมงค์
Ukrainian Нарештi вдома
Welsh Gartref a'r Diwedd

Home Video Releases

United Kingdom UK

Rock'n'Rollandotherstories Rock 'n' Roll and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS, original dub)
Thomas'Trainand17otherstories Thomas' Train and 17 Other Stories (direct-to-VHS, re-dub)
TheCompleteFourthSeriesVHS The Complete Fourth Series

United Kingdom UK DVD Boxset

ClassicCollectionSeasons1-5boxset Classic Collection

Wales WAL

ThomastheTankEngineBumperSpecial2cover Thomas the Tank Engine: Bumper Special 2

Australia AUS

RocknRollandotherStoriesAUS Rock 'n' Roll and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)
RescuesOntheRailwayAustraliancover Rescues on the Railway
TheCompleteFourthSeriesAustralianDVD Series Four

Australia AUS DVD Packs

AustralianS1-5Collection Classic Collection: Series 1 - 5
SeriesThreeandFourAustralianDoublePack Series Three and Series Four 2-Disc Collection
CompleteSeries1-10 The Complete Series 1-10

New Zealand NZ

RockNRollNZCover Rock 'n' Roll and Other Stories


ThomasandtheSpecialLetterandOtherStories1995VHScover Thomas and the Special Letter and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)
ThomasandFriendsClassicVolume4 Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 4

Canada CAN

ThomasandtheSpecialLetterandOtherStories1995VHScover Thomas and the Special Letter and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)

USA Canada US/CAN DVD Packs

JamesGoesBuzzBuzzandThomasandtheSpecialLetterDoubleFeature2 James Goes Buzz Buzz/Thomas and the Special Letter Double Feature
TotallyThomasVolume6DVD Totally Thomas Volume 6

South Africa ZA

BulldogSouthAfricanVHScover Bulldog (Volume Seven)

India IND

TrucksandOtherStories Trucks and Other Stories

Malaysia MYS

PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLadyandOtherThomasAdventures Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady and Other Thomas Adventures (Volume 15) (VCD)
PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLadyandotherAdventures Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady and Other Adventures (DVD)

Philippines PHL

Rock'n'RollPhilippineDVDcover Rock n' Roll

Italy ITA

TheSleepingBeauty Sleeping Beauty

Netherlands NL

Rock'nRoll2006frontcover Rock 'n Roll
Dubbeldik4frontcover Double Feature 4
TheGreatestStoriesTheAdventuresofThomascover The Greatest Stories: The Adventures of Thomas

Germany GER

NotintheMoodforWorkand4OtherAdventures Not in the Mood for Work and 4 Other Adventures
ThomasandHisFriendsVol.7VHSCover Thomas & Friends Volume 7

Norway NOR

OnNewAdventuresNorwegianVHS On New Adventures
FavouritesfromThomas&FriendsNorwegianVHScover Favourites from Thomas & Friends

Denmark DK

FourSmallLocomotivesandOtherStoriesDanishVHScover Four Small Locomotives and Other Stories

Sweden SWE

RockNRollSwedishVHSCover+BackCover Rock 'n' Roll (VHS)
Thomas,PercyandtheDragonSwedishDVD Thomas, Percy and the Dragon and Rock 'n' Roll (DVD)

Finland FIN

Rock'n'RollLocomotiveFinnishVHS Rock 'n' Roll Locomotive

Slovenia SVN

GranpuffSlovenianDVDcover Granpuff

Greece GRC

ReadyforDepartureGreekVHScover Ready for Departure (VHS)
AdventuresattheRailwayStation2005GreekDVDcover Adventures at the Railway Station (DVD)

Greece GRC DVD Boxset

3DVDBoxset2 3 DVD Boxset 2

Thailand THA

Japan JPN

NewThomasTheTankEngineVol5VHSFrontCover New Thomas the Tank Engine Volume 5: Thomas and Stepney (direct-to-VHS)
TheCompleteWorksofThomastheTankEngine2Vol2cover The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 2 Volume 2: Ah! Danger Edition
ALotofEngines!Cover Thomas and a Lot of Engines!

South Korea KOR

Thomas&FriendsVolume4(Korean) Thomas & Friends Volume 4

China CHN

ThomasSeason1-4DVD Thomas & Friends Season 1-4

Hong Kong HK

NoImagePlaceholder Thomas & Friends Volume 9 (VCD)
ThomasandFriendsVolume6ThaiDVD Thomas & Friends Volume 6 (DVD)

Taiwan TWN

Thomas&FriendsVolume1TaiwaneseDVD Thomas & Friends Volume 1
LongLiveThomasDVD Long Live Thomas


